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It is a fact universally acknowledged that a woman in her thirties in possession of a ticking biological clock MUST be in want of a baybee.

999 replies

ArielThePiraticalMermaid · 04/03/2013 19:52

The former thread proved full of sadness and most vexatious disappointments, wherefore we know not :(. Therefore the BESH will be donning their empire dresses and enlisting the assistance of Captain Wentworth and his admirable breeches and Mr Darcy smouldering damply in his transparent white shirt both of whom with their pleasing countenances and sound judgements and enormous fortunes, in short both of whom are everything a young man ought to be in the expectation that happier times may be ahead for the BESH.

OP posts:
RaspberrySnowCone · 29/03/2013 21:28


RaspberrySnowCone · 29/03/2013 21:28

Bye Fred!

RaspberrySnowCone · 29/03/2013 21:27

Twink it's a stupid programme for the exact reasons you just said and from the bits I saw, inbetween snoozes, even the 'healthy' advice they have out was bollox too. I didn't see the end though cuz I was snoozing whilst waiting for my ice cream to warm up a bit so I could get the spoon in! :/ and that presenter has a slappable face she really does.

HavingALittleFaithBaby · 29/03/2013 21:26
FrankellyMyDearIDontGiveADamn · 29/03/2013 21:22


New fred here

FrankellyMyDearIDontGiveADamn · 29/03/2013 21:21

Right, I got twitchy so the [[ new fred is up and running]

Farewell old fred, you served us well

TWinklyLittleStar · 29/03/2013 21:19

I hate Tom Cruise. He ruined Jack Reacher.

I watched Secret Eaters last night but it annoys me. The tone is preachy and patronising, and the hotdogs made me feel ill.

RaspberrySnowCone · 29/03/2013 21:13

I'm watching LOTR. Love it. Just watched secret eaters and fell asleep and am now about to tuck into the ice cream. Tom cruise is an annoying tit.

EuroShaggleton · 29/03/2013 21:07

That would explain it, moll.

We're watching WoW too. It's a bit of a grim film. Although of course, Tom Cruise got to run really, really fast early on.... They had to fit that in somewhere.

FrankellyMyDearIDontGiveADamn · 29/03/2013 21:06

I've stuck my Casino Royale DVD on and the cat is snoring on my lap.

HesterShaw · 29/03/2013 20:59

Fuck, but War of the Worlds is SO SCARY!!

FrankellyMyDearIDontGiveADamn · 29/03/2013 20:14

Yup definitely a "Barrens Only" sign over the door for the next fred.

RaspberrySnowCone · 29/03/2013 20:00

Mmmmmmm pizza was good. We got free Ben n jerry cookie dough ice cream! Piggy piggy piggy.

Are we still sticking with a clear 'fuck off unless you is a barren and you love gin' for the next Fred? I always get a bit nervous towards the end of a thread, in case noone starts one and it reaches 1000 posts then I can't post [buhmm]

CaptainMollingtonCholmondeley · 29/03/2013 19:39

Euro - for the money..
Rasper - I have serious food envy now.

TWinklyLittleStar · 29/03/2013 19:30

I am home with HWCA but might as well be alone, I have been rejected in favour of the Apple tv I bought him today (for his Christmas present. Christmas 2012. Oops.) I have had a lovely day on Lakeside with a good friend, though failed miserably in my one task, to buy new, much needed, shoes for work.

We need the new fred soon, I am looking forward to loosening my corset.

FrankellyMyDearIDontGiveADamn · 29/03/2013 19:26

I'm home alone tonight as HWHNN has gone to the cinema with a friend. I am cooking a healthy dinner of jacket potato and beans [bugrin]

EuroShaggleton · 29/03/2013 19:26

Why would you do that moll?

That all sounds lovely, rasp. I have a bit of a dodgy stomach, so dont really feel like food. Or dtd, which was on the menu for tonight (first time since mc). Meh.

RaspberrySnowCone · 29/03/2013 19:14

We are having pizza and wine and dark chocolate. Not very paleo but it was our 13 year anniversary yesterday and we both forgot! And we fell out earlier, and we had to cancel our weekend away because the camper is snowed in.....

CaptainMollingtonCholmondeley · 29/03/2013 18:33

I have spent all day standing in the freezing cold.
I demand crumpets and wine.

RaspberrySnowCone · 29/03/2013 17:31

Still a teeny bit early for me.....I'm just have one of those air head days :)

EuroShaggleton · 29/03/2013 15:42

Rasp have you been drinking? If so, good effort. Have one for me please!

RaspberrySnowCone · 29/03/2013 13:42

I love that if you read out the 'sceptical' bunny emoticon it's sounds like 'bum'. [buhmm] hahaha ...easily amused me.


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EuroShaggleton · 29/03/2013 13:38

I must be tired. It's unlike me to miss an obvious innuendo like that. [bugrin]

RaspberrySnowCone · 29/03/2013 13:11

'great meat' I'll grow up one day [bugrin] [bublush]

loving the bunny emoticons

EuroShaggleton · 29/03/2013 11:06

V noisy too if you are in the restaurant area, as the bar is in the same room. You have to shout at your dinner companions! I much prefer the Jamie Oliver place over there - great meat. :)

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