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It is a fact universally acknowledged that a woman in her thirties in possession of a ticking biological clock MUST be in want of a baybee.

999 replies

ArielThePiraticalMermaid · 04/03/2013 19:52

The former thread proved full of sadness and most vexatious disappointments, wherefore we know not :(. Therefore the BESH will be donning their empire dresses and enlisting the assistance of Captain Wentworth and his admirable breeches and Mr Darcy smouldering damply in his transparent white shirt both of whom with their pleasing countenances and sound judgements and enormous fortunes, in short both of whom are everything a young man ought to be in the expectation that happier times may be ahead for the BESH.

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ArielThePiraticalMermaid · 04/03/2013 20:46

I didn't forget HOW! I just forgot to remove it. They used to put in greaseproof paper, the wankers. You used to cook it with the paper on the baking sheet.

Most vexing.

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HavingALittleFaithBaby · 04/03/2013 21:52

One marks one's spot with earnest at the commencement of a thread.

NorthangerAbbey, commiserations on the droidal invasion and discomfort. Have some , ...Er, and a

I had forgot myself about the wonderful quote What care I for colds when there is such a man? til the previous fredus. Willoughby! :)

FriendofDorothy · 04/03/2013 21:58

I went to a Jane Austen house in Bath. It was truly shit.

maamalady · 04/03/2013 22:09

Oh gracious, I appear to be late. Sincerest of apologies, dear BESH, I was unavoidably delayed by the most diverting exploits of Mr Clarkson &c, engaging in travels upon the African continent.

I confess myself quite startled at the mishap with pastry - perhaps it would be worth looking in to engaging a cook? My own husband chef is prone to an excess of profanity if accompanied while working Below Stairs - he prefers solitude whilst cooking and so I am blessedly infrequently called upon to test my own skills.

ArielThePiraticalMermaid · 04/03/2013 22:44

What care I for puff pastry when there is such a man?

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ArielThePiraticalMermaid · 04/03/2013 22:46

I went to the same museum, Dor. We roared with laughter at the Colin Firth Mr Darcy portraits. The old ladies looked terribly affronted.

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CaptainMollingtonCholmondeley · 04/03/2013 23:32

Why, good e'en, ladies. How very pleasant to discover you all together with your delicate embroideries and most fetching millinery work. The evening air is somewhat chilled, else I would ask you to take a turn about the garden with me.
I have of late been somewhat absent, on account of some pressing engagements in town, but now I am returned to the bosom of BESHington Manor, a place I love so very dearly.
My news, alas, is not of great note. I have partaken of rather too much spirituous liquors in previous days, and may need to purge myself vigorously on the morrow. Frivolity and much merriment ensued, but I am now somewhat wearied. Oh, and my dearest Mr B.E. has gone away on business for several days, leaving me quite bereft and entirely without cock.

ArielThePiraticalMermaid · 04/03/2013 23:35

I was smiling throughout your witty and well crafted post, Moll, until I got to the last two words whereupon I roared in a most unladylike fashion.

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CaptainMollingtonCholmondeley · 04/03/2013 23:48

Tush, miss Rie, I mean of course his most excellent cassoulet de coque. Whatever could be so amusing about chicken stew?

JustplainoldBuggerlugs · 05/03/2013 03:08

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Northey · 05/03/2013 04:38

I think it's par for the course in job interviews, bugs, but donkey not to worry. For a start, there is no verbatim record of the interview stage, so they can't prove you ever exaggerated to the extent that you did. Did you also put the same exaggeration in your form?

I also can't sleep for worrying about a job application of my own, which is due in on Fri and which I can't see I am ever going to get finished.

I also spoke to the clinic yesterday, and am worrying about that too. I have got a cycle review appointment this week (on a day I now realise I will have to change...) but over the phone they said things about having to wait three cycles, which is such a long time, and is already making me stressed in anticipation. The enforced 3 month ttc abstinence after methotrexate really upset me and left me feeling very hopeless and aimless and low. I want to avoid that happening again. Stress stress stress. Why can't I sleeeeeep?

JustplainoldBuggerlugs · 05/03/2013 09:24

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JustplainoldBuggerlugs · 05/03/2013 09:26

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JethroTull · 05/03/2013 09:30

Simply marvellous Fred Rie

FrankellyMyDearIDontGiveADamn · 05/03/2013 09:30

Agree with Donkey Bugs, wait till you've spoken to the ackshuall Dr Norf.

I'm currently sat at the clinic waiting for my scan, they called late yesterday to move my appt from 8am to 9.45, so that's messed around with my course a bit! Ho hum!

Northey · 05/03/2013 09:31

It was a sleepy typo. But it can be your new nickname if you like :)

I honesty don't think you need to worry. If I were you, I would work out short statement which moves what you said a bit closer to the truth, so if ever challenged, you won't flap and blush, you will just say calmly "actually, what I said in the interview was x, and what i intended that to cover was y". If you are confident abou it, they won't remember for certain what you did say, and you will be fine.

Northey · 05/03/2013 09:43
EuroShaggleton · 05/03/2013 10:12

I'm laughing out loud at the cock comment and bugs' new nickname. You ladies are brilliant.

Donkey bugs it wlill eb fine. As norf suggests, think up a way to explain it if ever asked so you don't stammer and flounder and then you are covered.

Actually, what would display my figure to best advantage at the moment is a burqua.

ArielThePiraticalMermaid · 05/03/2013 11:06

So refreshing!
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MavisCruet176 · 05/03/2013 12:05

I shall be going for a drunken delightful turn about the bar room this evening. One is currently deciding which bonnet to wear.

MavisCruet176 · 05/03/2013 12:06

Moll - your post made me giggle in the most ladylike manner

ArielThePiraticalMermaid · 05/03/2013 12:45

Gah. I knew there was a reason I disliked the pill. Poor MrRie - his dearly beloved is a spotty, moody harridan with rock hard, tender appendages for boobs. Permanent PMT.

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CatsCantFlyFast · 05/03/2013 13:20

My dearest BESH'es. My sincerest apologies for dawdling on the way, and for the misfortunes that you have suffered of late. I hope you gain comfort from from knowing you have my greatest sympathies. I write with good news from Merkin Abbey; whilst alighting my mounting block, a rather dashing esteemed gentleman was passing and doffed his hat in the most agreeable manner. I am ashamed to say, against my better judgement, we laid together in the stables and copulated quite wantonly. Afterwards I was rendered most speechless with hope that this would result in me being with child, I am vexed that my efforts thus far have not made it so, but shall remain positive that i shall shortly begin to feel faint and so the arrival of a child is imminent.
In the meantime I am concentrating on my latest needlework. I do hope you shall make it to the annual Merkin Ball on the morrow, for dancing and the ardent attentions of handsome gentlemen are sure to raise the spirits. Yours, Lady Merkin-Cummings

JustplainoldBuggerlugs · 05/03/2013 17:42

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FrankellyMyDearIDontGiveADamn · 05/03/2013 17:45

Hullo (isn't that what they used to say?!) my dearest BESH. My sincerest apologies for not informing you of the results of my visit to the good doctor this morning.

Follies have gone into overdrive again! I have 2 of 12mm and 1 of 11mm, plus 3 of 10mm on my right. Lefty is not quite so active, I have 1 of 11mm and 2 just under 10mm. Apparently my endometrium is "beautiful" and "women would pay good money" for similar according to the nurse Grin

So the upshot is that I've had to cut my dosage and am going back on Thursday morning to be checked again. They will keep me going with 3 over 13mm but anymore than that and they will stop the cycle. My right ovary is definitely dominant, both of my previous OI cycles resulted in right side ovulation.

In other news, the nurse said I can decide if I want to continue with another 3 OI cycles. I was under the impression that I had to go straight to IVF, but she said they are not in any hurry for that due to my age and the fact that we don't have any serious underlying issues. There is a 3-month waiting list for IVF at the moment anyway, so I figure we may as well carry on. She also said that if we did go down the IVF route I should produce plenty of eggs due to my response to the lower dose drugs in the OI treatment.

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