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Due Jan '07 part 8: Even the Royal Mail would have delivered by now!

259 replies

2Happy · 15/01/2007 10:30

Guess all of us who are left are feeling a bit like this now!

OP posts:
itsazoohere · 19/01/2007 14:59

Jess-SCARY! Was just about to post identical message, but with the addition that I'd had a show. And my name is SOOO similar to yours! Weird. So lets hope we're in labour and will have little ones to report back on soon!

wilkie50 · 19/01/2007 15:04

Good luck to Jess & Itsazoo - I didn't have a sweep but what you are describing sounds just like how I started in early labour. Fingers crossed.

Hoping Lizz is getting on OK. Sending her good luck vibes xxxxxx

looshkin · 19/01/2007 17:59

jessdibs and itsazoo I had my sweep on the friday morning, had some slight brown discharge that evening then period pains and more discharge all sat morning, in labour by sat pm and baby born early sub morning so all sounds normal and that things are moving so good luck +++

annieapple7 · 19/01/2007 19:42

I am going to be the last one on this thread I know it!! I should get on the due in feb one quick...

I was counting on amyclaire for company but you have gone 8 days early!!
lucky you! well done and well done too to lulu....

fingers crossed for all you ladies showing labour signs too.. I have ordered a hot curry for dinner and may even resort to having sex!

What exactly does castor oil do? I know it isn't recommended, but a friend of mine said she took some when 2 wks overdue; her labour started at 7pm and baby arrived at 9pm! (well it was her 3rd).

I think I would rather castor oil than a sweep though, sounds horrid (yuk emoticon)

freedomfighter · 19/01/2007 21:36

no i'll still be here annie apple ... now 5 days overdue and it wasnt bothering me till today when utterly fed up with it! looking at others posts i wish i'd had the sweep yesterday now! (its on monday now instead).. i just dont understand why baby's moving so much more and more painfully than its done in entire pregnancy...

ZoeNbump · 19/01/2007 21:44

dont worry im 5 days overdue aswel now n it sucks! went midwife 2day n cervix is starting 2 soften but not much! my bub seems to be moving alot more now then usual lol! plus babies head isnt far enough into my pelvis when will it all be over lol

amyclaire85 · 19/01/2007 22:06

Thanks everyone!
Good luck for everyone who's still expecting and congratulations to the new mums. I was very very surprised to deliver early!
Max is such a sleepy baby at the moment. Good as gold- let's hope it lasts!!

I do kind of miss my pregnancy bump- especially as it's been replaced by a flab apron!!

laughalot · 20/01/2007 10:49

Hi all hope everyone is ok, sorry to all those overdue mummies I know how much of a pain it is but it will all be over soon and then you will be fed up with the lack of sleep. Lauren is doing ok a bit of a pain with wind so some nights im up alot with her as she has belly ache, the hardest thing I find is spliting my time between a baby and a toddler and housework my ds is 2.5 and up untill today I would have said he has been ok however every word out of his mouth this morning has been NO !!!!!!! He is a little heavy handed with baby dont think he realises she is fragile but otherwise he gives her a few kisses and asks me if shes pooed and then leaves her alone. Hope to catch up with personals very soon xxx

freedomfighter · 20/01/2007 11:04

Was convinced last night was The Night cos of backache and pains but this morning am still here and so is baby! and no backache or anything. Cant believe im now 6 days overdue . I've been busily recalculating over and over conception dates and gestational periods!!! WHERE ARE ALL THE OVERDUE MUMMIES???? IT can't be just ZoeNBump and me!!!

ZoeNBump - when i went to midwife on thursday they said there was no point doing sweep as I wasn't "favourable" - i just hope and hope it all happens before friday (my induction date) cos i really really don't want to be induced. heads engaged now but it has been (they think!!!) for last two weeks so that means nothing really! and my mum was saying that she didn't have head engaged or a show or waters break before she any of her births.

laughalot · 20/01/2007 11:09

Freedom I was induced last sunday my pessery was put in at 8am they came round at 3pm to see if it had done anything which it had so they broke my waters and 2 and half hours later she was here, good luck hope it happens soon

TrinityRhino · 20/01/2007 11:24

I still have 2 weeks to go

I'm so uncomforatble, have a strinking headache, I;m sure the baby has dropped down, I can breathe now but need the loo every 20 mins grrrr
can't find a comfy spot AT ALL, even lying in bed isn't comfy at all no matter waht I do and how many frigging pillows i have


and I just want to hold my baby

sorry whinge over

gr8mama · 20/01/2007 11:38

3 days overdue, my birthday! fed up now0000000000000000, come on baby!!

Podmog · 20/01/2007 11:42

Message withdrawn

gr8mama · 20/01/2007 11:55

I can't believe how overdue you got with your other 3 Podmog! I was 3 weeks early with dd so I've never been overdue before....hope the sweep works for you.

poppynic · 20/01/2007 15:29

Hi everyone, haven't posted for ages coz feeling miserable and nothing to say. However, dp has been home since Christmas and doing all the work so am feeling a bit better . Also been to the kinesiologist and am on fish oil tablets (supposed to help avoid post natal depression) and acidophil.... pills for the thrush - which has improved.

Re the pessary for thrush, I was prescribed one capsule by hosp. reg and another later by midwife asking doc to prescribe. Both improved but I really think I should have had two the first time. Third time, I sent dp into pharmacy to buy it (since they wouldn't give it to me without a prescription). In fact that pharmacy wouldn't even give me the cream without the prescription. The hospital pharmacy made sure they removed the inserter thing since I was pregnant although neither of the other pharmacies have thought about that. I have carefully avoided it, following the hospital advice, and subsequently don't think got the thing high enough.

Laughalot - did they not check you between 8.00 and 3.00? Last time I was induced at 8.00, they checked and broke waters at 12.30 and all over by 2.20.

Congratulations to everyone who has escaped out the other side and have their little bundles already. Am a bit and surprised to see how many of us are still ladies in waiting.

Am having 41 week check tomorrow but nobody has mentioned a sweep before induction - booked for next Friday. Does that vary between hopsitals? Am wondering if I should be requesting one.

2Happy · 20/01/2007 15:57

Glad there's still a few of us going! Had a fecking awful consultant appt yesterday, don't really want to talk about it, but two good things came out of it. The first was I managed to negotiate an induction date of 1st feb (term+10) - he was going to give me term+15 , and he scanned me again and said the baby is now measuring equal to dates - last scan he said it was measuring 3 weeks too big, shows how accurate the scan measurements are! Don't feel a lot different in size to ds, he was 8lb5oz, so I'm thinking it'll be similar. Just feeling really low - and hating myself for it! So many people on the trying to conceive threads/miscarriage threads would give the world to be where we are now, my dsis has a scan on weds which might give her more of an idea whether her baby will live/be seriously ill...and I can't stop feeling miserable because I'm pg! What a fucking idiot. Sorry.
I am making a batch of millionaire's shortbread - at least calories can still cheer me up!

OP posts:
LadyTophamHatt · 20/01/2007 16:45

God, ladies....I really don't envy you at all.

I hope you all go into labour really soon and have really easy births because not being PG is great.
Being heavily PG and fed up sucks BIG time!

honeybean · 20/01/2007 19:48

Hello Ladies,
It is a while since i posted and now that i am hideously overdue i thought i should join in and keep whos left company!
Booked for induction on tues (will be 42+1 by then)but i refused a sweep earlier in the week. Just wondering now if i have done the right thing though as there has been no 'spontaneous' action! Can anyone who has been here before tell me is it best to have the sweep before going for the induction/does it make a difference?
This is my first and am feeling pretty disappointed things haven't just 'happened' on their own. Oh well there is always tomorrow and monday....

freedomfighter · 20/01/2007 21:33

Poppynic - hospitals should offer a sweep before induction if they follow NICE guidelines. if they don't offer, I'd ask. my inductions booked for friday too!

freedomfighter · 20/01/2007 21:41

anyway ladies, in approximately 2 hours time, any baby will be an aquarius and there i was foolishly thinking mine would be born early january and would be a capricorn. am 7 days overdue tomorrow [not quite sure what kind of smiley]

Galmum · 21/01/2007 09:41

Been looking at the list - Congrats to everyone who's had their babies!

Hang on in their ladies who are still waiting - not long to go now! It must be tough to be at the end of list.

Even with being fairly knackered, I'm amazed at how different it feels to have my body back (well sort of back!). It's made me realise how hard I was finding doing anything in those final few weeks. Not surprising with such a big bubba inside me. Don't mean to rub it in - trying to give you hope!

Jemima Rose is being a little star - we're smitten. Will try to post on birth annoucements soon.

annieapple7 · 21/01/2007 09:42

Just thought i would add to the mood....although I am not due officially for 7 days, I was 8 days early last time so I thought yesterday was the day! I even had some period pains coming every 12 minutes or so...and started cleaning in preparation for a home birth...but nothing since. Drat.

If I go over my date I will be climbing the walls (well if my arms were strong enough to hoist my huge weight).

Sending labour vibes to all of you overdue...the only thing I can suggest is consoling yourself with the thought that the baby is easier to look after on the inside....


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Galmum · 21/01/2007 09:43

PS Aquarius is the best star sign - it's not all bad!

trixymalixy · 21/01/2007 12:34

Well, due today and no signs of anything happening at all.

Although my DH says it doesn't fit in with his project plan for me to have the baby on time, so better keep my legs crossed for another week till it suits him better, LOL!!!!!

poppynic · 21/01/2007 22:05

Galmum - tell me more - I've been worried about how a little aquarius will cope with 3 fire signs!

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