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Due Jan '07 part 8: Even the Royal Mail would have delivered by now!

259 replies

2Happy · 15/01/2007 10:30

Guess all of us who are left are feeling a bit like this now!

OP posts:
poppynic · 21/01/2007 22:09

Asked for a sweep at my check today - painful but not too bad. Nice to be told that 2 cm dilated, cervix soft and she could feel the sac? so won't need prostaglandins if induced on Friday. I asked for the sweep and the midwife said yes and so I said, if you think that's the right thing to do, and she said, "well it's worth a try". I wondered why she didn't offer it then, if it's worth a try. Never mind, thanks to all the Mumsnet chat I was aware of it and feeling a little closer to labour, which is nice.

What hospital are you in freedomfighter? I'm at Hampstead Royal Free.

poppynic · 21/01/2007 22:13

Honeybean, try not to feel too disappointed, I wanted a natural first birth too but actually the induction was great, short and sweet and everything felt very in control. No drugs, no ventouse or anything, and just 2 stitches, and no panic or confusion about going to the hospital.

annieapple7 · 21/01/2007 22:57

Is anyone else's baby still moving loads? I thought the movements were supposed to slow down at this stage..this one feels like it is trying to get out! And I think i can feel arms or legs through my skin - ew - does it mean its back to back and I am in for a painful back labour?
(Panic emoticon)

becks5109 · 22/01/2007 08:24

well i'm still here too - am now 40 + 5 and have hospital app tomorrow so will hopefully have a sweep as desperate to meet my little one! Also slipped in the street yesterday and have pulled all my fanjo muscles which is very painful. Poppynic you must be fairly close to me in London as I'm at the Homerton - nearly chose Royal Free for my first child but wouldn't have had home visits from the midwives as slightly out of their area so ended up plumping for Homerton who were excellent. Annieapple my baby is still moving LOADS too - quite painful now as not much room left in there and can definitely feel hands and feet all over the place - dont' think it means its back to back though - at least i hope not! Have jessdibs and lizzz had their babies now - i can't keep up!

Galmum · 22/01/2007 08:26

Can't help you there annieapple - hope things are happening.

Poppynic - Aquarians can handle anything! I'm slightly bias being an aquarian myself, but we're a pretty self reliant bunch.

So pleased to have had my little girl before my 35th birthday on 26th Jan - I wanted to get in there before the older mother thing. Saying that the consultant circled my age and BMI on my notes so he was n't impressed by me being 34. BMI 27 by the way - oh dear!

poppynic · 22/01/2007 09:37

Hi Becks, I'm in South Hampstead. Have you seen the new "Mums in Camden" meet-up thread? They are looking to meet up at Swiss Cottage on Monday - maybe a tad early for us! but I thought I would go to the next one.

sleepycat · 22/01/2007 09:39

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Message withdrawn at poster's request.

annieapple7 · 22/01/2007 10:09

Thanks everyone - good to know I am not unique. The baby doesn't feel like it is pressing down so low anymore which is more comfortable and I don't look so quite so ridiculous when I walk but I suppose it means it has changed its mind about coming out any time soon!

Is anyone considering any tricks to get this childbirth show on the road??

muppet3 · 22/01/2007 13:14

I just wanted to wish you ladies lots of luck - especially those of you who are overdue and booking inductions. It wasn't the most fun process, but boy was it worth it Right now you may be feeling awful, but in just a week or two from now you too will be lying in bed at 3am trying to figure out why your precious bundle is screaming at the top of their voice when you've cycled through the change nappy, change temperature, feed, cuddle options ... again ...

And you won't want to change a thing either. (Well, maybe wish you'd bought earplugs to come home with - shush - don't tell the midwife I said that.)

muppet3 · 22/01/2007 13:19

p.s. in terms of helping labour along, I tried the raspberry leaf tea, pineapple, curries, acupuncture, acupressure, clary sage oil baths, walking lots, bouncing on gym ball, homeopathy ideas ... and nothing. Sorry. Maybe my body was just very unresponsive. But the one thing that did help the induction along (according to the midwives and my doula) was the vast quantity of evening primrose oil which I'd swallowed in capsules and used internally (2 pricked capsules as high as you can push them in before bed) for a week beforehand. They think it helped my cervix to be much softer than normal and to move and efface quicker once they started the induction. Hope that helps someone.

Hattie2 · 22/01/2007 13:55

Hi - just popping in to see if there are any more announcements?

Thinking of all of you who are overdue, hope you pop soon!

2happy - we need you to write the thread titles for Jan Post Natal, don't move over to Feb please

freedomfighter · 22/01/2007 15:53

annie apple - dont worry my baby's moved around more in this last week than its done throughout pregnancy and boy does it hurt!! I told midwife today about it and she said its much better than its moving around as it shows it's happy.

As for sweep that I've had today, that doesn't hurt at all - I've just come back from hospital and didn't even think it was uncomfortable and lasted 3 or so minutes. So please if anyone has to have one please don't worry - i think the anxiety and apprehension creates the pain perhaps IYKWIM! My cervix apparently is tightly closed (STILL even though I'm now 8 days overdue can you believe it!!!??) and posterior though theres a tiny tiny tiny light at the end of the cervix...oops sorry tunnel...because my cervix is soft! Bring on the contractions before Friday (D_DAY Induction Day) is all I say...[fed up face]

Harry2007 · 22/01/2007 16:50

Hi everyone!

Just to let you know that Rhydian Hedd was born on 15th January by CS weighing in at 8lb 6oz.

Haven't really got time to chat at the mo, but will fill you in with the details asap.

Lots of Love

MissPea · 22/01/2007 18:51

Hey FreedomFighter that's good to know. Am really nervous about the sweep and have also been told that the cervix is posterior and not ready so was expecting A LOT of pain.

annie apple - my baby has been moving vigourously all day and I'm now 40+4

2Happy · 22/01/2007 19:01

Congratulations, Harry. Hope the SPD is now getting better
Still no word from Lizzz, anyone would think she had better things to do with her time
Due date yesterday, had a lot of tightenings, nothing labour-like, just blooming annoying. I know they're all good and helping get ready, but they're still annoying, and of course had disappeared by this morning, so no chance of baby arriving on time!
I think baby is a bit less active now, but still has a good go at poking elbows/feet into tender places!
Hattie - thanks for that, maybe I'll stay

Magnolia1 30/11/06 Benjamin 6lb 8oz (?)
ELM 13/12/06 Arran 5lb
Coffeebaubles 22/12/06 Will 3.2Kg
Saltcod 25/12/06
Oonaghbhuna 27/12/06 Lucy 7lb 2oz
Rgee 31/12/06 Pippa Holly 6lb 150z
Tillypup 3/1/07 Isabella Elizabeth Vary
TheUrbanDryad 05/01/07
Nemo 05/01/07 Chloe Alexandra
Elliandhattie 5/1/07 Hattie Alice 6lb 13oz
Dragonhart 5/1/07 Ruth
UrbanDryad 5/1/07 Zachary Oliver 6lb 8oz
JoJo30 8/1/07 Thomas 7lb 6.5oz
Kaylasmum 9/1/07 Josh
Daisypops 10/1/07 Starla Neve 7lbs
Jodieg1 11/1/07 Ethan 8lb 2oz
Galmum 11/1/07 Jemima Rose 10lb 8oz
Loubie37 11/1/07 Benjamin William Ypres Lewis 8lb 8oz
tigersmom 11/1/07 Keira Amy 8lb 10oz
LittleMonkeysMum 11/1/07 Girl 7lb 7oz
Wilkie50 12/1/07 Jacob Allan 7lbs
vinorouge 13/1/07 Ellen Dorothy 8lb 4oz
Muppet3 13/1/07 Thea Katharine 7lb 6oz
laughalot 14/1/07 Lauren Mackenzie 6lb 15oz
Looshkin 14/1/07 William 9lb 6oz
Shimmer 15/1/07 Freddie Christopher 7lb 10oz
Hattie2 15/1/07 Jacob Oliver 10lb 2oz
Harry2007 15/1/07 Rhydian Hedd 8lb 6oz
LadyTophamHatt 16/1/07 George Frasier 8lb 11oz
Amyclaire85 18/1/07 Max David 7lb 8.5oz

Twofishes edd 31/12/07 BOY
Motherbeaker edd 1/1/07 BOY
Lizzz due 1st week Jan
MrsPeacock EDD 2/1/07
Ladywithababy EDD 4/1/07
Piximom twins due 6/1/07
Honeybean due 8/1/07
Posyparker edd 9/1/07
P555Nat Edd 9/1/07 GIRL
KnikNatPaddy Edd 9/1/07
Flibbertygibbert edd 10/1/07 BOY
Love2dance edd 10/1/07
Blueydragon edd 10/1/07
El23456 edd 12/1/07
Jessdibs edd 12/1/07 GIRL
Freedomfighter edd 14/1/07 GIRL
Poppynic 14/1/07
UCM edd 14/1/07
Podmog edd 17/1/07
KatieRocket edd 17/1/07
Becks5109 edd 17/1/07
lulu25 edd 18/1/07
gr8mama edd 18/01/07
Neolara edd 19/1/07
Sleepycat edd 20/1/07 SURPRISE
Lotof front edd 20/1/07
2Happy edd 21/1/07 SURPRISE!
Trixymalixy edd 21/1/07
Aria21 edd 21/1/07
Itsazoohere edd 23/1/07
Raindog edd 25/1/07
JoJo edd 27/1/07 BOY
Annieapple7 edd 29/1/07 SURPRISE
Pitstop edd 29/1/07
Caliexpat edd 29/1/07
Bobbynog edd 30/1/07
TrinityRhino edd 3/2/07 (we'll let you stay)

Mrs worry
Carrotcake BOY

OP posts:
trixymalixy · 22/01/2007 19:08

Congrats harry!!

2happy, I have been having period type pains on and off since last night as well. Nothing labour like either, but at least it's progress!!

I'm booked in for a sweep on Thurs, but have been reading loads of bad stuff about them, so thanks freedomfighter, that's good to know!!

2Happy · 22/01/2007 19:10

Hey, Trixy, we continue the due date mirroring - mw said she'd sweep on Thursday too "if I wanted"..... and why in the name of all things heavily pregnant would I not want anything that might speed this thing up?!!!!

OP posts:
annieapple7 · 22/01/2007 19:28

Congratulatiosn Harry! I am getting really envious all all these babies arriving now!

Thanks for the tips muppet - what happens to the capsules though - so they come back out? I don't like the idea of a fanjo full of little rubbery capsules!

theUrbanDryad · 22/01/2007 21:02

hey everyone - thought i would post on here and say GOOD LUCK to you all, especially those of you booked for inductions (dh not got his sterile gloves out yet then 2happy? )

TrinityRhino · 22/01/2007 22:09

It was only 4 weeks ago that I was terrified about the upcoming birth, now I feel strangely calm about it but totally impatient and just want to have my baby in my arms and get rid of this bump and spd

anyone else keep catching their bump on the fridge door???

BlueyDragon · 23/01/2007 08:54

Sorry for the late announcement, but Rosemary (aka Rosie) arrived on 16 Jan at 8.14 p.m. weighing 7 lbs 5 oz. Didn't have to be induced, thankfully, but it was a ventouse delivery in the end.

I now feel like I have been hit by a steam train!

2Happy · 23/01/2007 09:21

Congratulations Blueydragon

And in a random pregnancy-hormone induced mood swing I am now going to post a list of things that are good about still being pg!

  1. It's blardy freezing but I have my own thermo-nuclear reactor in my belly and feel warmer even than dh (and given that he's used to being stripped to the waste and soaked in gore in the middle of winter's nights, that's saying something! And on that subject, UD, the gloves are ready and waiting!!)
  2. It snowed last night and lay, not thickly, but who wants to rush to hospital through ice and snow??
  3. Although pretty sore, in fact my back has been much better than when I was working.
  4. (TMI ) My constipation appears to have cured itself, so pooing is probably much better than it will be after birth!
  5. It's a horrible cliche, but yes, the buggers are actually easier to care for when they're on the inside!
  6. I haven't had the baby yet, so the potential for a 'good' labour is still there
  7. Baby hanging on has meant dh and I are now nearly over the lurgy, would have been awful to have it while ill.
  8. Although still plagued by insomnia, after reading the post-natal thread I think I do actually get more sleep than I will with the baby (eek!)
  9. I can still gorge myself silly on chocolate - after all, an overdue girl's got to have something to cheer herself up with - and not get miserable about the fact that there are some people on the post-natal thread who are back in their pre-preg clothes!!!

10. It's nice to make the most of this last little bit of time with ds as an only child
11. Whatever happens, I have an induction date, so it's all going to be over eventually!

Feel free to add!! Being heavily pg and overdue (or feeling worse because everyone else is overdue and you're sick of it and not even due yet) does suck, but it's just the beginning, this time next month we'll all be on the post-natal thread moaning about our swollen bits, piles, sore boobs, lack of sleep - even you, Trinity!!

Magnolia1 30/11/06 Benjamin 6lb 8oz (?)
ELM 13/12/06 Arran 5lb
Coffeebaubles 22/12/06 Will 3.2Kg
Saltcod 25/12/06
Oonaghbhuna 27/12/06 Lucy 7lb 2oz
Rgee 31/12/06 Pippa Holly 6lb 150z
Tillypup 3/1/07 Isabella Elizabeth Vary
TheUrbanDryad 05/01/07
Nemo 05/01/07 Chloe Alexandra
Elliandhattie 5/1/07 Hattie Alice 6lb 13oz
Dragonhart 5/1/07 Ruth
UrbanDryad 5/1/07 Zachary Oliver 6lb 8oz
JoJo30 8/1/07 Thomas 7lb 6.5oz
Kaylasmum 9/1/07 Josh
Daisypops 10/1/07 Starla Neve 7lbs
Jodieg1 11/1/07 Ethan 8lb 2oz
Galmum 11/1/07 Jemima Rose 10lb 8oz
Loubie37 11/1/07 Benjamin William Ypres Lewis 8lb 8oz
tigersmom 11/1/07 Keira Amy 8lb 10oz
LittleMonkeysMum 11/1/07 Girl 7lb 7oz
Wilkie50 12/1/07 Jacob Allan 7lbs
vinorouge 13/1/07 Ellen Dorothy 8lb 4oz
Muppet3 13/1/07 Thea Katharine 7lb 6oz
laughalot 14/1/07 Lauren Mackenzie 6lb 15oz
Looshkin 14/1/07 William 9lb 6oz
Shimmer 15/1/07 Freddie Christopher 7lb 10oz
Hattie2 15/1/07 Jacob Oliver 10lb 2oz
Harry2007 15/1/07 Rhydian Hedd 8lb 6oz
LadyTophamHatt 16/1/07 George Frasier 8lb 11oz
BlueyDragon 16/1/07 Rosemary 7lb 5oz
Amyclaire85 18/1/07 Max David 7lb 8.5oz

Twofishes edd 31/12/07 BOY
Motherbeaker edd 1/1/07 BOY
Lizzz due 1st week Jan
MrsPeacock EDD 2/1/07
Ladywithababy EDD 4/1/07
Piximom twins due 6/1/07
Honeybean due 8/1/07
Posyparker edd 9/1/07
P555Nat Edd 9/1/07 GIRL
KnikNatPaddy Edd 9/1/07
Flibbertygibbert edd 10/1/07 BOY
Love2dance edd 10/1/07
El23456 edd 12/1/07
Jessdibs edd 12/1/07 GIRL
Freedomfighter edd 14/1/07 GIRL
Poppynic 14/1/07
UCM edd 14/1/07
Podmog edd 17/1/07
KatieRocket edd 17/1/07
Becks5109 edd 17/1/07
lulu25 edd 18/1/07
gr8mama edd 18/01/07
Neolara edd 19/1/07
Sleepycat edd 20/1/07 SURPRISE
Lotof front edd 20/1/07
2Happy edd 21/1/07 SURPRISE!
Trixymalixy edd 21/1/07
Aria21 edd 21/1/07
Itsazoohere edd 23/1/07
Raindog edd 25/1/07
JoJo edd 27/1/07 BOY
Annieapple7 edd 29/1/07 SURPRISE
Pitstop edd 29/1/07
Caliexpat edd 29/1/07
Bobbynog edd 30/1/07
TrinityRhino edd 3/2/07 (we'll let you stay)

Mrs worry
Carrotcake BOY
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2Happy · 23/01/2007 09:24

(But I'm still going to try and go for a brisk walk later to try and get things going )

OP posts:
trixymalixy · 23/01/2007 09:26

Well looks like I might avoid that sweep on Thurs 2happy!

Have been having very irregular contractions since about midnight last night. At about 2 in the morning they were every 15 mins. I turned onto my right hand side so I could see the alarm clock a bit better and they slowed right down to about 1 an hour so managed to sleep for most of the night.

Had a show this morning and the odd contraction, but they're not as strong as they were.

I'm just not sure at what point to call the hospital as think this must be pre-labour?

2Happy · 23/01/2007 09:31

Torn between being delighted for you and wanting to grab hold of your ankles like screaming toddler shouting NO!NO!NO!Don't go!!!
Sounds very much like pre-labour. Good on you! Thing is, no-one knows how long this stage will last. Best thing to do is try and keep active, or they often recommend a hot bath. Labour ward may want you to phone, just so that you are on their radar, but definitely phone if your waters go.
most improtant though is keep us posted Besides, lulumama might be lurking, and she's great help when people go into labour.


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