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Due Jan '07 part 8: Even the Royal Mail would have delivered by now!

259 replies

2Happy · 15/01/2007 10:30

Guess all of us who are left are feeling a bit like this now!

OP posts:
freedomfighter · 18/01/2007 16:52

just noticed a typo but a very freudian one - put weep instead of a sweep! have a sweep and then a weep!

LadyTophamHatt · 18/01/2007 16:53

Uuugghhhh...just reading your posts Ladies, being heavily PG really sucks, you have every single bit of my sympathy and hope you all have quick, easy labours.

I love not being PG...I can bend at the waist and it's great

George is 2 days old and utterly FAB. He's feeding well and sleeping lots.
It's all good

well except my shit of a DH.....guess what he said earlier?? "Are you going to make astart on all the washing??" I felt like telling him to fuck off but instead settled for a short sharp NO!. Cheeky fucker, I've done about 6 loads of washing in 2 days because he's incompitent and can't use the machine and he still expects me to put it all away!!!!

gr8mama · 18/01/2007 17:15

thats hilarious!!! blokes are on another planet aren't they?! I'd show him how to use the machine!congrats hon.x

2Happy · 18/01/2007 18:19

Just checking for any news from Lizzz...
Hoping something happens before 26th for you freedomfighter.
LTH I think your response was admirably calm, suspect I might have nutted dh if he came out with something like that . Thanks for remembering us lumbering ones!

OP posts:
wilkie50 · 18/01/2007 18:19

Hi girls

Hope you are all doing well. Lizz, will be thinking of you all evening!! Good luck.

2Happy - chin up, get tweaking those nipples!!

My DH is finding it all a bit hard today, bless him, he has been SO helpful and supportive but we aren't haven't the best nights, J stays awake and just won't settle after his feeds which is driving us insane. DH is worried he won't settle into a routine - I keep telling him to be patient, that he's only 6 days old. I think he thought J would come along and we would slip straight into a perfect routine.

Hey ho, J is so cute that I suppose we'll just have to ride this out

Sending labour vibes to you all xxx

2Happy · 18/01/2007 18:23

at Wilkie - another one who remembers us I can't remember when ds settled into any kind of pattern, but it certainly wasn't at 6 days! Just think though, as you're propping your eyelids open with matchsticks in the middle of the night, we'll be keeping you company with our backache, peeing, insomnia, heartburn, inability to turn over in bed without causing a minor earthquake... now how glad are you to have given birth

OP posts:
looshkin · 18/01/2007 18:30

Hello jan mums in waiting just thought I'd send some labour vibes to you all, I have to say that the stretch and sweep I had certainly did the job so fingers crossed for those having this done. Not long to go so keep collective chins up and keep twiddleing those nipples.

Off to attempt to bath ds not sure if technique quite right as nearly drowned him last time. We are all doing well but like wilkie not settling into any kind of routine, he is feeding every 1-2 hrs for variable times and settles in the day but not at night we have just tried using a dummy tonight for the first time and he seems ot settle with it, not sure if going to continue using or what to do really as I was not a fan of dummies but I think he may be using me and comfort sucking- I think i will do a mumsnet search to find some sage advice.


jessddibs · 18/01/2007 18:34

Hi all, just back from the hospital and I had the stretch and sweep.....bloody horrible I must say! I have got period type pains and slight bleeding, but the consultant said to not get my hopes up of it working as my cervix is still 'thick' and not quite ready. Nice! So, I am booked in for an induction next fri 26th when I will be 42 weeks...please, please, please let a miracle happen and send me into labour this weekend, I am so ready!!! Suggested sex to dh as consultant recommended it after a sweep to encourage things but he is not up for that at all!!!! It made me laugh cause under normal circumstances he'd have it everyday! MEN!
Hope to be back with some more exciting news soon.....x.x

MissPea · 18/01/2007 18:42

Hi all - I totally sympathise JessDibbs.
I'm due today but no sign of baby. I was booked for a sweep today but the midwife told me that she couldn't even reach the cervix as it hasn't softened/moved into position. Been having contractions for days but obviously with no effect. Likely to be induced next sunday unless something changes...

wilkie50 · 18/01/2007 19:06

Loosh - that could be me writing your post. I too really really don't want to use a dummy. Have tried it with J in the night and although it does settle him, as soon as it drops out he wakes up again. The only thing I have found it useful for is for keeping him quiet whilst changing him before his feed.

Also feel a bit wobbly when bathing him - they get so slippy!!!

Sorry, this is ante natal thread - maybe you could come over to post natal thread to avoid having things thrown at us for discussing babies when all these girlies are desperate to pop. Sorry [ducks to avoid rotten fruit]

2Happy, looking forward to having you on post natal!

looshkin · 18/01/2007 19:17

Whoops sorry to all re baby related post did not realise we had a postnatal thread so will dash over there straight away - sorry again (I thought I had not seen the usual faces)


el123456 · 18/01/2007 20:06

well,a week late tomorrow and not chuffed.Am having a sweep tomorrow morning which worked a treat with my third so we shall see...Hope everyone else

trixymalixy · 18/01/2007 22:34

Was convinced it would be sods law that I would go into labour last night as we had loads of snow outside and my TENS machine wasn't arriving till today as I couldn't make my mind up whether to buy or hire one so left it quite late!!

Absolutely no signs whatsoever though.

Tried out my TENS machine, nearly fell of my seat when i tried the boost setting LOL!! It feels so weird!!

the snow is all melting as well thankfully, had visions of me sledging to the hospital!!

amyclaire85 · 18/01/2007 23:06

Hello all!
Max David was born at 11.07am today weighing 7lb 8.5oz. He was 8 days early and is gorgeous! Got home around 8.30pm!
Excited for Lizzz-wonder if she had her baby today too!

2Happy · 19/01/2007 08:18

Congratulations Amyclaire - I'm impressed you posted on the same day you delivered!!!
Trixy - there was snow here too, but same as you not even that could tempt me into labour!
Wonder how Lizzz is???

Magnolia1 30/11/06 Benjamin 6lb 8oz (?)
ELM 13/12/06 Arran 5lb
Coffeebaubles 22/12/06 Will 3.2Kg
Saltcod 25/12/06
Oonaghbhuna 27/12/06 Lucy 7lb 2oz
Rgee 31/12/06 Pippa Holly 6lb 150z
Tillypup 3/1/07 Isabella Elizabeth Vary
TheUrbanDryad 05/01/07
Nemo 05/01/07 Chloe Alexandra
Elliandhattie 5/1/07 Hattie Alice 6lb 13oz
Dragonhart 5/1/07 Ruth
UrbanDryad 5/1/07 Zachary Oliver 6lb 8oz
JoJo30 8/1/07 Thomas 7lb 6.5oz
Kaylasmum 9/1/07 Josh
Daisypops 10/1/07 Starla Neve 7lbs
Jodieg1 11/1/07 Ethan 8lb 2oz
Galmum 11/1/07 Jemima Rose 10lb 8oz
Loubie37 11/1/07 Benjamin William Ypres Lewis 8lb 8oz
tigersmom 11/1/07 Keira Amy 8lb 10oz
LittleMonkeysMum 11/1/07 Girl 7lb 7oz
Wilkie50 12/1/07 Jacob Allan 7lbs
vinorouge 13/1/07 Ellen Dorothy 8lb 4oz
Muppet3 13/1/07 Thea Katharine 7lb 6oz
laughalot 14/1/07 Lauren Mackenzie 6lb 15oz
Looshkin 14/1/07 William 9lb 6oz
Shimmer 15/1/07 Freddie Christopher 7lb 10oz
Hattie2 15/1/07 Jacob Oliver 10lb 2oz
LadyTophamHatt 16/1/07 George Frasier 8lb 11oz
Amyclaire85 18/1/07 Max David 7lb 8.5oz

Twofishes edd 31/12/07 BOY
Motherbeaker edd 1/1/07 BOY
Lizzz due 1st week Jan
MrsPeacock EDD 2/1/07
Ladywithababy EDD 4/1/07
Piximom twins due 6/1/07
Honeybean due 8/1/07
Posyparker edd 9/1/07
P555Nat Edd 9/1/07 GIRL
KnikNatPaddy Edd 9/1/07
Flibbertygibbert edd 10/1/07 BOY
Love2dance edd 10/1/07
Blueydragon edd 10/1/07
El23456 edd 12/1/07
Jessdibs edd 12/1/07 GIRL
Freedomfighter edd 14/1/07 GIRL
Poppynic 14/1/07
UCM edd 14/1/07
Harry2007 cs 15/1/07 BOY
Podmog edd 17/1/07
KatieRocket edd 17/1/07
Becks5109 edd 17/1/07
lulu25 edd 18/1/07
gr8mama edd 18/01/07
Neolara edd 19/1/07
Sleepycat edd 20/1/07 SURPRISE
Lotof front edd 20/1/07
2Happy edd 21/1/07 SURPRISE!
Trixymalixy edd 21/1/07
Aria21 edd 21/1/07
Itsazoohere edd 23/1/07
Raindog edd 25/1/07
JoJo edd 27/1/07 BOY
Annieapple7 edd 29/1/07 SURPRISE
Pitstop edd 29/1/07
Caliexpat edd 29/1/07
Bobbynog edd 30/1/07
TrinityRhino edd 3/2/07 (we'll let you stay)

Mrs worry
Carrotcake BOY

OP posts:
becks5109 · 19/01/2007 08:54

congratulations amyclaire - lots of babies now and some lovely names too. Amy dying to meet my little one and find out if its a boy or a girl - 2 days late now and not impressed! Haven't got hospital till next Tuesday so am assuming i can have a sweep then if nothing happens over the weekend. My parents live overseas and mum is ringing every day now as the suspense is killing her - how about me! Lizz must surely be in labour and have had the bubba by now. Please let me be next - to top it all i think I now have thrush as well - anyone know if you can use canesten cream - i put some on last night so i hope so!

2Happy · 19/01/2007 08:57

I think you can use the cream, but not pessary. I know someone from this thread had terrible problems with thrush earlier, you could try asking on the postnatal january thread?

OP posts:
gr8mama · 19/01/2007 09:46

day overdue,had a gormet breakfast of cola and 1 tablespoon of castor oil and then some fresh pineapple. That was nearly 2 hours ago.... no effect so far. how long does castor oil take? Daren't take anymore yet.

RGee · 19/01/2007 10:25

Congrats Amyclaire!

Thinking of Lizzz, and positive vibes to the rest of you . Not long now.

looshkin · 19/01/2007 12:23

Just pooped on to congratulates those with new arrivals.

2Happy - is the snow a problem for you hope not as terrible timing

wilkie50 · 19/01/2007 13:18

AmyClaire - Congratulations!!!!! Great news and lovely name.

Becks - yes you can use pessary but have to get it from your DRs. I had two lots of pessaries which did actually work. I found the cream irritated me further. Try a shallow salt bath too - that helps.

Sending labour vibes to you all - can't believe Jacob is 1 week today!!!! (we keep saying...this time last week...- yes I was in f*cking agony just before I had my epidural )


jessddibs · 19/01/2007 14:00

Just wondering if anyone has any advice to offer...I had a sweep yesterday evening, and all morning I have had a brown discharge (sorry tmi!) and have got low down period pain type tightenings that take my breath away a little, they are not high up ones like the braxton hicks and are not coming at regular intervals, but approx every 20 mins. Is this normal?? Could this be labour?? Anyone else had this after a sweep?? I hate not knowing what is going on with my body.....please someone help me!.x.


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becks5109 · 19/01/2007 14:15

jessidbs - you're prob in early labour esp if the pain takes your breath away and brown discharge is normal after a sweep so fingers crossed you'll be in full blown labour later today - am very jealous! Make sure you eat today as you'll need energy - lots of pasta and bananas - keep us posted!!

MissPea · 19/01/2007 14:54

Has anyone tried Raspberry Leaf tablets? Wondering if they are likely to work? Am now so desperate to pop that have taken to studying 'previous form' (aka 2Happy's list) to see if I can predict EDA based on trends. Shoot me now.

lulu25 · 19/01/2007 14:58

George Stanley was born on Monday night weighing 7lbs 5. He is very beautiful with dark hair and massive feet, sleeps all day and wants to eat all night.

Active birth plans went out the window a bit when my blood pressure shot up. Had an epidural to bring it down again and get my strength back for the pushing bit which, astonishingly, was brilliant. Ended up with a small tear (according to the midwife - felt enormous when she was stitching it up). Recovering well although milk is just coming in and my norks are bigger than George's head.

Best wishes to everyone else (LTH - good name choice!)

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