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Jue in June 2011....... third trimesters here we come!!!!!

978 replies

Clarkiee · 08/03/2011 19:39

Started a new thread ladies, fingers crossed it works xx

OP posts:
Jer79 · 05/04/2011 14:39

Here's a New Thread

ConfessionsOfAnAchingFanjo · 05/04/2011 15:32

Well it turns out if that's all a managed third stage is, I had one with DS quite happily. I'd had enough of being pg and pushing ('just one more push' my ruddy arse getting DS out!) so was happy to speed the final bit along.

Nurse I mostly just sit on my gym ball because I'm lazy, but there a lots of exercises you can do with them. They're great for non pg people as well as pg ladies. And now I've googled twigged what a birthing ball is I may well use it for that too. It's brilliant for posture, so when my back is sore I sit on it and waggle my hips until my back eases up. I even used to use them at the gym many years ago!

Mummy so happy to hear your wedding went off so well and am a bit Envy of the room service Grin

I found with the bfing that it usually only hurt when we (DS and I) were doing it wrong. Actually I ended up abruptly weaning him at 8 1/2 months as I was so stressed it always hurt and my milk quality had gone down hill and he was losing weight. I tell you though, when it went well it was the nicest feeling in the world. This time I'm determined to have better support, less stress and a better feeding chair so that it always goes well.

Good news on the leave date, lack of exam marking TTL. I'm starting to find it odd reading about those of you going on leave. I'm finding I wish I had a bit more to do, esp in the evenings (can't do adult crafty things with a 3yr old about/nap to work around).

8rubberduckies · 05/04/2011 16:51

Thansk for the new thread Jer, as there's some room left here still thought I'd go some way towards filling up this one first though!

MrsMN2 sounds like a lovely day! I'm sure I would've been blubbing too in my current hormonal state!

Just wanted to say quickly Jasmine that I asked my Mum to be at my labour, and then changed my mind and decided she would stress me out! I told her that I didn't want her seeing me in pain, and me and dp had decided we wanted it to be a shared experience just for the two of us. I think she was secretly relieved, but a bit put out, but it didn't affect our relationship at all, and she was first down the hospital the next day!

Supersunny don't worry too much about breastfeeding - it can be painful for some women, but it is not a given, and I think with most women it isn't painful for all that long. Also, there is lots of support available if you do have problems, as I think most cases when it is painful is because the baby is not latching on properly, and this can be solved with a few little adjustments and some guidance. There are of course women who suffer from masititis or thrush, and I know they can be horrible, but don't let the chance of that happening to you put you off!

I was very lucky and did not have problems with breastfeeding ds, although it was sometimes painful if I missed a feed or was late for a feed and got full up as it were, but a bit of expressing usually sorted that out. I found it very exhausting sometimes as my ds was a little piglet fed very well, so I weaned him completely when I returned to work when he was 8 months old, as I couldn't cope with both together. Breastfeeding was one of the most amazing experiences of my life, and I hated stopping. There were downsides too, such as feeling like a heifer at times, tiredness when he was having a growth spurt, but overall a really positive experience. Not to mention, of course, how many calories it uses up Grin.

PS - good tip - Lanisoh nipple cream to prevent / heal sore, cracked nipples. It is one of the more expensive brands, but is miracle cream and does a much better job than the rest. It lasts for ages as well. You have to remove most of them before feeding as well, but this one you can leave on.

Had a really tough day yesterday, was sooooo tired! I was slumped on the sofa til 2pm and my poor ds had to make do with his toys and Cbeebies. I then managed to get out of the house and drive him to the park near where dp works, and call dp and ask if he could leave work early and save me! When dp turned up I had to lie down on the grass by the swings! Blush I am going to go and get a bloodtest for low iron, as I have never known exhaustion like yesterday! Feeling a bit better today though...

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