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Another football parent calling my son gay boy

480 replies

Porkpiesarespicy · 23/10/2021 15:27

So I guess my AIBU is, do I pull them up on it or just let it go. Week after week they call him gay boy. "Oh there's gay boy I didn't see him" , "well done gay boy good game". You get my gist. I think it's said in jest, but my god it makes my shit itch.
I couldn't give two hoots if he's gay or not as long as he's happy in himself.
Not sure that I would be over reacting to call them out on it next time?? Hence why not I'm here asking you lot...! If so I need help with come backs I'm not quick witted and tend to think oh I should have said after the event.
Also do I call them out or speak to the manager who is friendly with them? Don't want it to be awks but equally want them to know what they are doing is not acceptable (imo anyway)... thoughts please mumsnetters

OP posts:
Drinkingallthewine · 19/11/2021 13:43

No you didn't overreact. She's not homophobic because she's got a gay son? Probably not racist towards the mixed race kid she abuses because she's got a black friend as well.

The content itself is probematic but that's not the main point - which is that an adult significantly older than a child player is consistently being derogatory towards several children on the team.

Your son may not care. Her son might feel supported by his mother. The mixed race kid might shrug it off. But this may not be the case for the next kid she is singling out for her horrible comments.

It's very telling that she wouldn't say it in front of their dads though - that's showing that she knows what she says is out of order and that she will only dare to say those things when she's feeling like she's unlikely to get challenged.

Dartsplayer · 19/11/2021 14:16

You absolutely did the right thing regardless of what she or the other mum think. Don't let them make you think you did the wrong this, you absolutely didn't and they are awful

billy1966 · 19/11/2021 14:43


Thank you
*@MadeForThis @maudmadrigal @RatherbeinCanada*
Your comments have made me feel better, I was starting to doubt myself for reporting her, I was made to feel like I was in the wrong. I did say in my opinion that makes her comments worse because she would know how such comments might upset her own son.

I think your reporting and your reply were perfect.

She is a nasty piece of work and I would be unimpressed with whomever told you you may have over reacted.

It is no one's business but yours.

YOU didn't like her name calling, and YOU took action.

Some parents look the other way in the face of awful behaviour, YOU don't.

Well done.

MargotMoon · 19/11/2021 16:20

@porkpiesarespicy2 Well done for reporting this and standing up to it. It makes zero difference that her son is gay - or even if your son is or isn't and whether he is bothered about the use of the word. The fact is, using it as a derogatory term is unacceptable. Any other kids who over heard her, whether gay, straight or whatever, would think it's ok to use the word in that way.

There's a guy I've known since I was a kid who I sit near at football. He is white but because his wife and kids are black he thinks it's ok to use racist language - and he has brought them up to be the same! It absolutely baffles me - like, "I can't be racist, my family is black" and that gets taught through the generations.

kitkatsky · 19/11/2021 16:37


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