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Admitted to hospital for covid but refused the vaccine

240 replies

MakeMineALarge1 · 18/05/2021 17:22

So it has just been on my local news that there are 19 people in hospitlal with covid and all of them had not taken up their offer of a vaccine.

This makes me angry, you refuse the vaccine but you'll accept hospital care, why?

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OhWhyNot · 18/05/2021 19:00

We are aware that some parts of our society are less trusting of authorities

Now we can’t change history so we have to accept they are and have good reason to be

And at work the constant messages and videos that have been sent to those who have chosen not to vaccinate (and many are not in this group) really hasn’t helped

TheDailyCarbunkle · 18/05/2021 19:00

I haven't taken up my vaccine because a healthy young friend of mine had the AZ vaccine and was dead from catastrophic blood clots 10 days later.

If your friend was injected with something that caused her to have a horrific death, would you be queuing up for your turn?

Whitchurch · 18/05/2021 19:01

YABU because there is a Covid board.

Lockheart · 18/05/2021 19:06


We treat patients based on medical need.

We do not treat patients based on moral judgements. Nor on their job, religion, whether they donate to charity, or whether they're an organ donor.

If they need the treatment, they get the treatment.

Dentistlakes · 18/05/2021 19:09

How course you should be treated if you are ill and there should be no conditions. The problem is, due to Covid lots of ill people haven’t received the care they need. People have died due to lack of treatment in the past year because there was no capacity to treat them. So yes, people should get vaccinated if they can and they have a responsibility to do so not just for themselves but for the population as a whole.

User33332 · 18/05/2021 19:11

People have a right to refuse it. If we started saying about Everyone who contributed to their one medical problems there would be a hardly anyone getting treatment.

ThatIsMyPotato · 18/05/2021 19:12

Imagine being the medical staff and doing all you can to try and save someone and then being told to stop as the patient refused a vaccine! That would be horrendous, they would be expected to just stop trying and throw the patient out the hospital?!

TheDailyCarbunkle · 18/05/2021 19:14

The idea that some people should be denied care due to their choices is so stupid no one should engage with it as a serious concept.

Either the person is evil to their core and believes some people should be let die because they're not 'worthy' of care or they're just too shit fucking thick to even understand what they're saying.

Seriously people need to THINK.

CoopsMalloops · 18/05/2021 19:14

You’re buying into the stuff in the news that’s meant to divide us.

Please blame those in power, not those who’s bodies are their own to chose what does or does not go into it.

Rainbowsandstorms · 18/05/2021 19:16

Are you serious? We treat people with all sorts of avoidable health issues including serious illness as a result of poor diet, poor lifestyle, smoking, drugs, alcohol, overdoses, careless driving to name but a few. Should all these people be denied health care or would you expect them to refuse it? There are numerous reasons for vaccine refusal most of all that some people are wary as it’s the vaccines as still so new. No choice is risk free. People have died from the vaccines and people who choose not to be vaccinated may die from covid. Yes I’m sure they are now regretting their decision but no one should be forced to have any medical treatment without their consent nor should we shun people because of their choices. It’s so complex and there are so many reasons theses people may not have had their vaccinations. I just hope they recover.

Dugee · 18/05/2021 19:17


I think that they should get access to medical care just like everyone else but I feel like there needs to be something done so everyone else isn’t footing the bill.

Why is it fair that someone chooses to be unvaccinated yet gets free treatment if they catch the disease. Or that someone who smokes 40 a day gets the same treatment as someone who doesn’t. I think there needs to be a situation that if you are in hospital due to being unvaccinated, overweight, smoker etc then you need to go private otherwise you can go to the NHS.

Maybe you could base it on how much tax they've paid in instead? Many people never contribute as much as they take out.

You are being just as ridiculous. Healthcare is free at the point of service in the U.K. like it or not.
Toty · 18/05/2021 19:17

Those things don't make other people ill and potentially die

But flu does and we don't vaccinate the healthy to protect the vulnerable from that, even though it kills thousands every year so why just covid?

Frequentflier · 18/05/2021 19:20

I think the general consensus is that denying medical treatment to people who have not taken the vaccine is just a terrible thing to do. And I say that as an evangelical vaxxer. So YABU that I can't even....

RedcurrantPuff · 18/05/2021 19:21

There isn’t any choice but to give them the treatment but i wish there was. Why should the rest of us have to suffer due to idiots risking overwhelming the NHS. I expect there will be a backlash against these people if there are further lockdowns planned because of them. The difference between treating other self inflicted illnesses is that we don’t shut down society to protect people with those conditions getting sick.

TheDailyCarbunkle · 18/05/2021 19:21

I have to say the tories have done an absolutely fantastic job at getting the utter morons of this country to come over to the idea that healthcare is contingent on worthiness and the ability to pay - they should buy all the fucking morons arguing about the cost of care for the unvaccinated a magnum of champagne to thank them for helping in their goal of selling off the NHS by making the argument that healthcare is a commodity reserved only for those who deserve it/those who can pay.

Frequentflier · 18/05/2021 19:21

Gosh, i just saw YANBU is winning. What next, deny treatment to overweight people? How awful.

OhWhyNot · 18/05/2021 19:22

Medical staff treat people all the time that may have made choices that has caused themselves to need treatment they aim is to do their best for them not to judge their choices

And there is a number of medical staff and social care staff who are not taking up the vaccine for a number of reasons

JustLyra · 18/05/2021 19:24

You have no idea why people haven’t had it.

Here if you cancel two appointments at the GP they mark you as turning it down and don’t automatically send another. Which is entirely understandable, however it means that my DD who has been very unwell with something else and has been advised to wait until she’s better to have it all would be seen as refusing.

I know of another person who originally “refused” it, but that was because of the DV situation at home. Now they’re away from that they’ve had it. It would have been appalling if they were denied medical care because of keeping themselves physically safe - thankfully medical staff don’t judge

LadyPoison · 18/05/2021 19:25

Provided it doesn’t mean lockdown is extended on the areas where vaccine uptake is high then it’s their decision but that decision should not be allowed to impact on the rest of us.

youshallnotpass9 · 18/05/2021 19:25

We can't afford the train fare to get to the vaccine centre, since you are condemming us, I am sure you are fine to send me the £40 so we can get there

Wowthisisreal · 18/05/2021 19:25

@LaurieFairyCake pregnancy is no longer a reason not to be vaccinated.

Killahangilion · 18/05/2021 19:26

The vaccine doesn’t stop you catching Covid.
In a minority of cases, people with underlying conditions and having had both doses of the vaccine, still won’t have built up any Covid antibodies.

The vaccine is only one line of defence. You still need to wear a mask and keep your distance.

I know several friends who are anxious about having the vaccine due to their existing health issues. I’m still waiting for my vaccine appointment and I’m 56.


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Gwenhwyfar · 18/05/2021 19:27


Personally, I'm sick wit anxiety about my vaccine appointment next week. I can't sleep. I have read all the government information, read through the yellow card data, looked at stats for my age group relating to both covid and the vaccine, read the minutes from sage meetings. I bet a lot of people haven't done that but I suffer with anxiety and decision making is difficult for me.

All the information I have gathered makes me feel that on balance the risk for me is greater if I have the vaccine. But I'm still having it - purely because the thought of "refusing it" and having to deal with the emotional toll that will be put upon me from people like you has had me on the verge of tears all week. The social pressure and anger and bitterness is unbelievable. If I was a stronger person I would stick to my own judgement but congratulations, I'm a fragile person, so the social coercion has worked.

I'm sorry you're suffering, but it sounds like your problems are broader than just the vaccine.
I'm glad the social pressure is working. If people only thought about themselves, many younger people would not get vaccinated, but we need herd immunity to get out of the pandemic.
We might well find out at some point in the future, that the vaccines were not the way to go, but at the moment they are our best hope of getting out of this shit.
OhWhyNot · 18/05/2021 19:28

I’m not sure if I would feel that way if I was pregnant and offered AstraZeneca

The guidelines have changed too often of course people are being very cautious

Gwenhwyfar · 18/05/2021 19:31


Doesn’t it take sometime for the vaccine to take affect?

Two weeks isn't it?
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