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Admitted to hospital for covid but refused the vaccine

240 replies

MakeMineALarge1 · 18/05/2021 17:22

So it has just been on my local news that there are 19 people in hospitlal with covid and all of them had not taken up their offer of a vaccine.

This makes me angry, you refuse the vaccine but you'll accept hospital care, why?

OP posts:

Am I being unreasonable?

998 votes. Final results.

You are being unreasonable
You are NOT being unreasonable
paralysedbyinertia · 18/05/2021 17:39

Well, if they chose not to get the vaccine, I expect they're regretting it now.

They should be entitled to hospital treatment regardless. It is a fundamental principle of the NHS to provide health care to all. Doctors are not asked to assess how deserving a patient might be.

Pyewackect · 18/05/2021 17:39

If they chose not to be vaccinated then it’s their funeral. Literally!.

RuggerHug · 18/05/2021 17:39

It's not the same as acer accident though. It's knowing you're going to be in a car accident and refusing to wear a seat belt. They had the option of not getting sick enough to require hospital treatment by taking the vaccine and they refused. I'm not saying don't treat them but it is not the same as an accident.

PurpleDaisies · 18/05/2021 17:39

I’ve heard it in several radio shows that all but one person hadn’t had the vaccine.

In Bolton? We’re getting closer to the real story.

19 total.
5 had one jab.
1 had had both but was “frail”.

BelleBlueBell · 18/05/2021 17:39


Do you have a link? The chances of 19 anti-vaxxers being sick with covid at the same time seem small...

Not having had a vaccine doesn't equal anti taxes, that doesn't follow at all

It's been in the news all day that the majority of those in hospital in Bolton haven't been vaccinated

I can't link you to the radio but I'm sure Google will have links
Medianoche · 18/05/2021 17:40

Many people didn’t actively refuse the vaccine - they just didn’t have the capacity to accept it. There are a hundred reasons why that can happen, starting with: having no phone credit to book the appointment; no childcare or respite cover from full-time caring responsibilities; no option to take time off work; no money for the bus fare to the vaccination centre (or even no bus service running that way).
For most people, the logistics of getting the vaccine are relatively easy, but that’s just not true for everyone.

myfuckingfreezer · 18/05/2021 17:40

If this is Bolton then its 19 in hospital with it, 13 had no vaccine, 5 had 1 dose and 1 had 2 doses. Matt Handcock(up) has already been corrected.

itsgettingwierd · 18/05/2021 17:41

Agree refusing healthcare based on moral choices is an extremely scary ethical slide to do down.

A big problem around refusal can be social media scaremongering, religious and cultural reasons and following the loudest voice, previous issues which lead to suspicion. But also the whole way through propaganda has said that it an elderly disease and kills the elderly and vulnerable and those younger have minimal risk.

That may have been so for the original SARS-COV2 strain. But as with previous pandemics and as with what we know about virus they mutate.
Spanish flu second wave predominantly affected the young and those in 30/40's.

I do think alongside the propaganda of it affecting the old and ill people have chosen to believe this is only who it affects mainly because it's preferable to believe your risk is low.

It's always been an issue with statistics.

People see stats like "80% of affected people will be xxxxxxx" and think "I have nothing in common with those 80%". The don't seem the other side of 20% of people (1/5 will be everyone else)

MakeMineALarge1 · 18/05/2021 17:43

Thank you to everyone who has responded
Yes I got carried away with listening to the radio.
I do appreciate all views and no I don't think the NHS can refuse treatment, I get the argument in relation to smokers & drinkers. I am enjoying reading all your responses, Thank you.

OP posts:
itsgettingwierd · 18/05/2021 17:44


If this is Bolton then its 19 in hospital with it, 13 had no vaccine, 5 had 1 dose and 1 had 2 doses. Matt Handcock(up) has already been corrected.

I'd be interested to know how many of that 13 have been offered.

A news story I watched yesterday from hotspot of Indian variant a man said 3 of his mates were in hospital and they were in their 30's.

So they may not even have been offered and obviously cannot comment that if they had would they have taken it up.
IliveonCoffee · 18/05/2021 17:44

I would never want someone to be refused treatment or helped.

But I do get the annoyance. But its the same sort of annoyance as the people who take floaties out to sea at the beach, and walk up literal mountains in sandals, with barely a capri sun.

I means it's not quite the same, we don't know why they refused - they're not exactly going to report they refused due to medical conditions.

But, throwing stones and all that, yeah they refused the vaccine, but I'm fat...if I get ill those vaccine refusers might say...well she couldn't be arsed to loose a lot few pounds, yet she's still expecting the NHS to care for her.

Susie477 · 18/05/2021 17:45

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mainsfed · 18/05/2021 17:46

Not having had a vaccine doesn't equal anti taxes, that doesn't follow at all

Well OP saying they refused the vaccine could be taken to mean she is painting them as anti-vaxxers.

I can't link you to the radio but I'm sure Google will have links

I didn't ask you for a link, but if an OP makes a claim, she should back it up.

As it is, pp are saying 6 have had at least 1 jab.

BlatantlyNameChanged · 18/05/2021 17:52

It’s unsurprising that the cretins who are too stupid and too selfish to accept the vaccines they have been offered are incapable of understanding that actions have consequences and are entitled enough to think they deserve medical treatment for the result of their idiocy.

Or they were doing what all of us do each and every day - making what decision we think is best based on our own circumstances and trusting/hoping that it was the right one. One would have to assume that they had reasons which they felt were valid.

If anyone is to blame here it's the anti-vaxx propaganda organisations and those who spread their messages. Refusing a vaccine for yourself is one thing, influencing others to do the same is another matter.

RufustheBadgeringReindeer · 18/05/2021 17:57

Personally I wouldn’t believe a newspaper article that said the vaccine had been refused without evidence

They could have not had the vaccine for all sorts of reasons

PurpleDaisies · 18/05/2021 17:58


Thank you to everyone who has responded
Yes I got carried away with listening to the radio.
I do appreciate all views and no I don't think the NHS can refuse treatment, I get the argument in relation to smokers & drinkers. I am enjoying reading all your responses, Thank you.

So you’re accepting what you wrote in your opening post was wrong?

You should get it deleted as fake nonsense.
nancywhitehead · 18/05/2021 17:59

They're in hospital because they're ill.

That's the deal in the UK and I'm bloody glad it is.

MakeMineALarge1 · 18/05/2021 18:00

I can amend it, the fact still stand, some had refused and are now in hospital being treated for an illness that they had been given the chance to be vaccinated against.

OP posts:
Nohugstoday25 · 18/05/2021 18:00

But isn’t there over 900 in hospital ? So only 19 of them refused vaccine,
So the remaining are either vaccinated or not been offered one yet.

BelleBlueBell · 18/05/2021 18:00


Not having had a vaccine doesn't equal anti taxes, that doesn't follow at all

Well OP saying they refused the vaccine could be taken to mean she is painting them as anti-vaxxers.

I can't link you to the radio but I'm sure Google will have links

I didn't ask you for a link, but if an OP makes a claim, she should back it up.

As it is, pp are saying 6 have had at least 1 jab.

I realize it's semantics but the OP says they haven't taken up their vaccines not that they have refused them.

They may not have received their invitations, as someone else has said they may not be able to get to the centre, they may even be waiting for their booked slot.

We don't know the reason for each individual's status
RufustheBadgeringReindeer · 18/05/2021 18:01

Exactly belle

KatieB55 · 18/05/2021 18:02

Dr Hilary said this morning that there are people in hospital with Covid that have had both jabs. The vaccine is not 100% effective so people need to remain cautious.


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StripyHorse · 18/05/2021 18:02

Rather than take the blame for the rising numbers of this variant (not putting India on the red list sooner/ putting off surge testing until after the local elections) the government is shifting the narrative to blame the unvaccinated.

Sirius99 · 18/05/2021 18:05

Accidentallydeletedoopsss Yes or pay for their treatment, also anyone who takes part in dangerous activities, they should get insurance to cover themselves.

PurpleDaisies · 18/05/2021 18:06


Accidentallydeletedoopsss Yes or pay for their treatment, also anyone who takes part in dangerous activities, they should get insurance to cover themselves.

Dangerous activities like driving?
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