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Unexpectedly disgusting food

645 replies

dontforgettofloss · 09/05/2021 18:52

Just been reading the unexpectedly amazing food thread, and thought I'd post about food that I thought would be nice but wasn't.

The slimming world beef stroganoff from Iceland- it looked lovely on the packet, and smelt quite nice while it was cooking- but it tasted awful, really watery with a weird aftertaste

Wensleydale with cranberry- again, it looked nice, but tasted like vomit

OP posts:
dodobookends · 11/05/2021 14:45

Morrisons own brand decaffeinated coffee. Horrid.

DebHagland · 11/05/2021 16:12

Quorn, it amazes me than anyone buys the stuff, absolutely revolting

bloodynamechangethe3rd · 11/05/2021 16:56


I am a bit weird and know that I will be in the minority but here goes-Baked Camembert. Makes me heave. The smell, and the gloopiness.

Also adding goats cheese, just lick a goat, how is that a suitable veggie meal, goats cheese whatever, tastes literally like you are licking the goat.
And Oxford Isis cheese, wow. I love a stinky cheese, that is on a whole other level, I didn't even get it to my mouth the smell was dead animal with a bit of sweaty belly button mixed in.

Ps. I love quorn and pigeon... 😬
silverstrawberry · 11/05/2021 19:15

I would use the itsu seaweed thins to make sushi they taste good !

Sparklingbrook · 11/05/2021 19:19

I just can't imagine that @silverstrawberry-they are all plasticky.

silverstrawberry · 11/05/2021 19:29

The rice makes them moist

Sparklingbrook · 11/05/2021 19:30

Your'e not making them sound any better Sad Grin Bleurgh

Ninkanink · 11/05/2021 19:32


I would use the itsu seaweed thins to make sushi they taste good !

Yes, that’s what I’d do too. I love homemade sushi/gimbap.
phoenixrosehere · 11/05/2021 19:50

Also adding goats cheese, just lick a goat, how is that a suitable veggie meal, goats cheese whatever, tastes literally like you are licking the goat.

I hated goat cheese until I tried it made with black truffles from a Dutch cheese cart in Oxford. Only goat cheese I will eat.

Dogmum40 · 11/05/2021 22:30

Coriander- agree that it is the work of the devil
Olives - just no!!!!
Chickpeas - baked beans are better
Sushi - work of the sea devil
Spinach - yuck
Avocado - posh yuck
Tofu and quinoa- vegan yuck

Basically anything that is “trendy” and us as millennials should eat, I can’t stand! I’m sure there’s many more to add to this!

UrsulaLittleBear · 11/05/2021 23:15

@JocastaElastic yes This Isn’t Bacon is absolutely rank! It’s like dog flavoured shoe leather. And I don’t mind most meat substitutes. I threw it away and I hate waste!

custardcreme77 · 12/05/2021 00:15

Cumin. Hate the smell of it. Hate the taste of it. Smells and tastes like the stench of strong sweaty armpits. Not that I ever, or would wish to, taste sweaty armpits.

Ecruelworld · 12/05/2021 00:17

custardcreme77. I wondered if it was just me who thinks cumin smells of B.O. I don’t mind the taste of it in dishes but the smell is absolutely stinky armpit.

CounsellorTroi · 12/05/2021 09:04


Anyone who does Keto will know of ‘Bulletproof Coffee’ - Jesus, Mary, Joseph & the wee donkey that is some vile shit! 🤮

Is that black coffee with butter in it?
NewModelArmyMayhem18 · 12/05/2021 10:12

Coriander- agree that it is the work of the devil
Olives - just no!!!!
Chickpeas - baked beans are better
Sushi - work of the sea devil
Spinach - yuck
Avocado - posh yuck

Love all of the above but agree about tofu and quinoa. I am very adventurous in my tastes but tofu is tasteless and quinoa does nothing for me at all.

strugglingwithlife · 12/05/2021 10:14

I love Fry's Turkish delight, the lemon one too.
Also thought the cherry Jaffa cakes were lovely, pineapple ones just taste like the normal Jaffa cakes to me.
I don't get the hate for celery, I love it.
Whoever said Dr pepper, how very dare you lol. I love it! But I tend to prefer any fizzy drinks flat!
Agree with aniseed and licorice, disgusting 🤮
Pernod, sambuca, gross.
Jaeger bombs, vile, taste like cough medicine.
Tequila also absolutely vile.
Coconut water, expected it to be really nice, it's awful.
Lindt excellence or whatever it's called, the dark one, ewww 🤮 I can't describe the taste but it definitely wasn't chocolate, most vile "chocolate" I've ever tasted.
Never tried Hershey's but definitely won't bother after reading this thread.

CounsellorTroi · 12/05/2021 10:15

I bloody love olives. To me they taste like a mouthful of sunshine, cloudless blue skies, whitewashed buildings.......

NewModelArmyMayhem18 · 12/05/2021 10:28

Venison does nothing for me either. We once bought a very expensive joint for Christmas. Yuk. It tasted totally of offal to me. The only way we really found it palatable was when I made the leftovers into a 'shepherd's pie' type dish.

When travelling in India yonks ago (and deprived of our usual home-from-home comfort foods), we bought some Cadbury's milk chocolate. Not only had it bloomed but it tasted of licquorice for some reason (possibly to do with the preservatives used?). I don't eat chocolate much these days but everytime I see a bar of Cadbury's I get a flash back to the disappointment of those Asia-bought bars.

Dogmum40 · 12/05/2021 11:30


I bloody love olives. To me they taste like a mouthful of sunshine, cloudless blue skies, whitewashed buildings.......

Grin I wish I shared your enthusiasm! I have tried thousands of times as I “should” love them but nope! I have that exact same feeling about booze though (all of it Blush )
Viviennemary · 12/05/2021 11:49

I used to eat Frys Turkish delight. Not had it for years. Didn't even know there was a lemon one. Must try it.

Gliblet · 12/05/2021 11:49

Jasmine tea - I poured in the hot water and the kitchen was instantly filled with the smell of wet dog.

Oh, and lumpfish caviar. In hindsight anything that has the word 'lumpfish' in it is probably giving you a hefty clue that it's going to taste of oily rancid fish. Boak.

Anycrispsleft · 12/05/2021 12:11


A beautiful-looking Victoria sandwich cake from an expensive farm shop - it tasted of nothing but margarine. I didn't learn my lesson and still keep buying cake that is nowhere near as nice as those I can bake myself.

I made my own scones at the weekend, for the first time. They beat every single scone I've ever eaten, from supermarket cheapy brands to ones I had in a posh Devon tearoom. I am never buying them again.

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aliensprig · 12/05/2021 12:32


Coriander- agree that it is the work of the devil
Olives - just no!!!!
Chickpeas - baked beans are better
Sushi - work of the sea devil
Spinach - yuck
Avocado - posh yuck
Tofu and quinoa- vegan yuck

Basically anything that is “trendy” and us as millennials should eat, I can’t stand! I’m sure there’s many more to add to this!

Are you eating tofu and quinoa straight out of the packet?!

MARINATE YOUR TOFU, PEOPLE!! If it tastes bland, you're doing it wrong! Grin
Vicliz24 · 12/05/2021 15:20

Quorum is solidified wallpaper paste and tofu is solidified semen .

Vicliz24 · 12/05/2021 15:21

Quorn evenGrin

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