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Unexpectedly disgusting food

645 replies

dontforgettofloss · 09/05/2021 18:52

Just been reading the unexpectedly amazing food thread, and thought I'd post about food that I thought would be nice but wasn't.

The slimming world beef stroganoff from Iceland- it looked lovely on the packet, and smelt quite nice while it was cooking- but it tasted awful, really watery with a weird aftertaste

Wensleydale with cranberry- again, it looked nice, but tasted like vomit

OP posts:
Ddot · 22/05/2021 06:39

Tea pigs peppermint tea is nice but expensive. I made big pot then heated cup up at a time. I was Ill and drank too much now struggling with anything minty

cruella741 · 21/05/2021 21:15

I cant get on with vegan cheese

malificent7 · 21/05/2021 21:03

Green tea is yuck but v healthy ...jasmine is ok.

malificent7 · 21/05/2021 21:02

Yes to fruity tea...smells divine...tastes bluegh!

LapinR0se · 21/05/2021 20:52

I love a lot of things that have been vilified here but the thing I cannot stand is green tea. Tastes like bad fish to me

Ddot · 21/05/2021 20:48

Going to try not to buy their products unfortunately cat food is theirs but everything else is out

chaosmaker · 21/05/2021 19:59


Shit didn't realise Nestle were such bast*rds, I looked it up to see what you were on about. Where the hell have I been.

Yep there have been ongoing campaigns against them. I've happily avoided them for at least a decade. :)
chaosmaker · 21/05/2021 19:58

For all the vegans looking for cheese there is this company
recommended by the Dirty Vegan!

Ddot · 16/05/2021 11:14

Shit didn't realise Nestle were such bast*rds, I looked it up to see what you were on about. Where the hell have I been.

chaosmaker · 16/05/2021 10:46

Anything Nestle or Nestle subsidiary tastes of slavery, infant death and exploitation. Just don't eat it. Gross although you have to read labels to avoid them as they own everything Kraft and Coca Cola don't!

Ddot · 13/05/2021 20:56

Cola drink, it's the most awful mank ever, I can manage it with whisky but on its own its vile. I don't get it, it's like chemical gone of shite

belle40 · 13/05/2021 20:49

New Cadbury orange buttons. Synthetic and disgusting Envy

Ddot · 13/05/2021 20:38

Cucumber it's not food, it's for your eye bags

Blueink · 13/05/2021 13:27

Yes Cadbury’s now tastes soapy, rather having no chocolate than eat it

Ddot · 13/05/2021 10:16

I like quorn but you need to flavour it

Ddot · 13/05/2021 10:14

Olives taste of germaline

Ddot · 13/05/2021 10:13

Blue cheese, I don't need to say more

Ddot · 13/05/2021 10:12

TRUFFLE oh my God it taste like cat pee smells WHY!, maybe I'm too common to appreciate but yuk.

AlfonsoTheTerrible · 12/05/2021 18:02

Cod = snot with bones.

Dogmum40 · 12/05/2021 15:51


Quorum is solidified wallpaper paste and tofu is solidified semen .

Couldn’t have put it better myself ( I also think the olives are solidified semen too but mouldy gone off green semen 🤣)...

I do love how everyone is different, I think halloumi is gorgeous (eps but I can easily understand why food shouldn’t squeak
Vicliz24 · 12/05/2021 15:21

Quorn evenGrin

Vicliz24 · 12/05/2021 15:20

Quorum is solidified wallpaper paste and tofu is solidified semen .


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aliensprig · 12/05/2021 12:32


Coriander- agree that it is the work of the devil
Olives - just no!!!!
Chickpeas - baked beans are better
Sushi - work of the sea devil
Spinach - yuck
Avocado - posh yuck
Tofu and quinoa- vegan yuck

Basically anything that is “trendy” and us as millennials should eat, I can’t stand! I’m sure there’s many more to add to this!

Are you eating tofu and quinoa straight out of the packet?!

MARINATE YOUR TOFU, PEOPLE!! If it tastes bland, you're doing it wrong! Grin
Anycrispsleft · 12/05/2021 12:11


A beautiful-looking Victoria sandwich cake from an expensive farm shop - it tasted of nothing but margarine. I didn't learn my lesson and still keep buying cake that is nowhere near as nice as those I can bake myself.

I made my own scones at the weekend, for the first time. They beat every single scone I've ever eaten, from supermarket cheapy brands to ones I had in a posh Devon tearoom. I am never buying them again.
Gliblet · 12/05/2021 11:49

Jasmine tea - I poured in the hot water and the kitchen was instantly filled with the smell of wet dog.

Oh, and lumpfish caviar. In hindsight anything that has the word 'lumpfish' in it is probably giving you a hefty clue that it's going to taste of oily rancid fish. Boak.

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