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AIBU to not want my bumhole to smell of Christmas.

207 replies

ChocolateCherrybomb · 17/10/2020 15:47

Looking through the bog roll page on the Asda site.

There's this.

ASDA Shades Warm Vanilla and Sugar Cane Toilet Roll 9 Rolls

………Shades Limited Edition Warm Vanilla & Sugar Cane. Every embossed sheet is enriched with a beautiful balm and the core infused with a warm and wintery fragrance.

AIBU to not want my arsehole to smell of Christmas butter cookies.

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jambeforeclottedcream · 24/10/2020 21:55

Had the Tesco version one year.

It was a bit of a rip off because there were less sheets per a roll than normal loo roll.

And when there's more eating and being in the house during the house during the winter holidays ...

TracyBeakerSoYeah · 24/10/2020 22:09

Urgh scented lotioned loo roll is rubbish as slips around too much to wipe properly.
And the sheets are to thick.

MrsToothyBitch · 25/10/2020 00:09

Well this thread has jinxed me. Out of desperation and lack of choice tonight, ended up buying bloody scented sanpro! Didn't realise until I opened the pack and need to use it due to flooding. Have preemptively slathered on canesten to try and ward off thrush!

ParlezVousWronglais · 25/10/2020 01:47

My bumhole smells of Christmas,
I wiped it like a fool.
At least we had the pleasure
Of a nicely scented stool.

1forAll74 · 25/10/2020 02:10

Do they do toilet rolls with a Chanel No 5 fragrance at all ? I came across a site years ago, that were selling toilet rolls with a picture of the The Queen on each sheet. Then started to wonder what kind of toilet rolls are in all The Queens toilets ha ha.

MrsToothyBitch · 25/10/2020 07:32

@1forAll74 my friend has been in the royal loo at Ascot and said it had more or less every sanpro product known to woman in there. But no scented loo roll.

I can't bear chanel no 5. At boarding school I shared with a girl who got a bottle of No 5 elixir (the one that has the consistency of serum, halfway between a perfume and a body lotion) and she bloody spilt it immediately. Everything stank of no 5 & it used to give me splitting headaches. I can't stand the bloody smell now!

Biscuitsdisappear · 25/10/2020 14:38

As long as I don't have to use a sprig of holly.

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