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AIBU to not want my bumhole to smell of Christmas.

207 replies

ChocolateCherrybomb · 17/10/2020 15:47

Looking through the bog roll page on the Asda site.

There's this.

ASDA Shades Warm Vanilla and Sugar Cane Toilet Roll 9 Rolls

………Shades Limited Edition Warm Vanilla & Sugar Cane. Every embossed sheet is enriched with a beautiful balm and the core infused with a warm and wintery fragrance.

AIBU to not want my arsehole to smell of Christmas butter cookies.

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ChocolateCherrybomb · 17/10/2020 16:50

I don't fancy the coconut one much either, come to think of it.

I already use body wash with cocoa butter in it.

Don't want to smell like I have been doing unspeakable things with a bounty neither.

OP posts:
justasking111 · 17/10/2020 16:51

Ah that explains it OH bought some scented shea butter loo rolls. I got thrush with cystitis kicking in had to see gp. Fast forward a few months later I got it again, have not really been right since the loo roll incident.

Eckhart · 17/10/2020 16:54

Just as a matter of interest, what do you want it to smell of?

Mysterian · 17/10/2020 16:55

I want Christmas to smell of my bumhole. Maybe I could aim lower and get the May bank holiday to smell like it instead.

nosswith · 17/10/2020 16:56

Full marks to Asda for trying to upsell, but not for me.

Sparklesocks · 17/10/2020 16:57

I prefer an Easter themed bumhole

CounsellorTroi · 17/10/2020 16:59


Genius thread, bravo!
I must want mine to smell of Christmas as I'm still on the hunt for a Christmassy smelling soap, so...🙊

How about this?
tara66 · 17/10/2020 17:07

Take any loo rolls you can get.

amusedbush · 17/10/2020 17:08

I love Christmas but I draw the line at a festive scented bumhole.

Although I might not say to no pumpkin spice.

PhilCornwall1 · 17/10/2020 17:09


Looking through the bog roll page on the Asda site.

There's this.

ASDA Shades Warm Vanilla and Sugar Cane Toilet Roll 9 Rolls

………Shades Limited Edition Warm Vanilla & Sugar Cane. Every embossed sheet is enriched with a beautiful balm and the core infused with a warm and wintery fragrance.

AIBU to not want my arsehole to smell of Christmas butter cookies.

Scented bog roll is all kinds of wrong!

Over the lockdown, the only stuff left was scented. I had an irritated balloon knot for days!

If my arsehole was irritated, god knows how Mrs PCs flange felt!!
burntpinky · 17/10/2020 17:09

Better than poo I suppose

SimonJT · 17/10/2020 17:10

Have you done the scratch and sniff test yet?

ChocolateCherrybomb · 17/10/2020 17:12


Just as a matter of interest, what do you want it to smell of?

I suppose I should say dick but I'm not keen on intruders at the rear of my premises so smelling of freshly washed skin is my preference.
OP posts:
FairFriday · 17/10/2020 17:14

So... when (and not ‘if’) you fart there’s a built in air freshener?


redcarbluecar · 17/10/2020 17:14

I’ve voted YABU just for the hell of it. Deck the holes with boughs of holly, I say.

SimonJT · 17/10/2020 17:15


I’ve voted YABU just for the hell of it. Deck the holes with boughs of holly, I say.

Fucking hell that would hurt when you sat down!
Alternista · 17/10/2020 17:18

I also got sent the Asda coconut one as a sub, it’s horrific. I am practically licking raw chicken in the hope of triggering a bout of d&v to get through it quicker.

WeAreFromThePlanetDuplo · 17/10/2020 17:22

What next, tampons infused with the aroma of pigs in blankets?

The world’s gone mad, I tell you.

FlouncerInDenial · 17/10/2020 17:23


I don't fancy the coconut one much either, come to think of it.

I already use body wash with cocoa butter in it.

Don't want to smell like I have been doing unspeakable things with a bounty neither.

Mars bars, surely are the only acceptable confectionery to stick in unspeakable places
Puzzledandpissedoff · 17/10/2020 17:26
DressesWithPocketsRockMyWorld · 17/10/2020 17:27

I got thrush just reading that.

BillywilliamV · 17/10/2020 17:29

I'd buy Pigs in Blankets tampons.. who could resist



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PolarBearStrength · 17/10/2020 17:33


That is all.

FlapsInTheWind · 17/10/2020 17:35

My arsehole smells of Christmas
My fanny smells of Yule
My husband wants the wrinkles out
So he rubs cinnamon on his tool.

ChocolateCherrybomb · 17/10/2020 17:37


I prefer an Easter themed bumhole


Bunny rabbits
Little fluffy chicks
And holy dead dude.

Sounds good.
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