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AIBU to not want my bumhole to smell of Christmas.

207 replies

ChocolateCherrybomb · 17/10/2020 15:47

Looking through the bog roll page on the Asda site.

There's this.

ASDA Shades Warm Vanilla and Sugar Cane Toilet Roll 9 Rolls

………Shades Limited Edition Warm Vanilla & Sugar Cane. Every embossed sheet is enriched with a beautiful balm and the core infused with a warm and wintery fragrance.

AIBU to not want my arsehole to smell of Christmas butter cookies.

OP posts:

Am I being unreasonable?

868 votes. Final results.

You are being unreasonable
You are NOT being unreasonable
LakieLady · 17/10/2020 18:58

@FlapsInTheWind, I'm now singing your little ditty, to the tune of "My Old Man's a Dustman".

DP is giving me odd looks, and raising one eyebrow.

Puzzledandpissedoff · 17/10/2020 18:58

There was a young woman from Lush,
Whose products caused terrible thrush...

The swelling was hell,
The itching as well
And she lit up the room with her bush

tectonicplates · 17/10/2020 19:01


There was a young woman from Lush,
Whose products caused terrible thrush...

The swelling was hell,
The itching as well
And she lit up the room with her bush

Hahaha, that doesn't rhyme in a Southern accent, but if you're from Oop North then I'm impressed by your contribution Grin
LakieLady · 17/10/2020 19:02

There was a young woman from Lush,
Whose products caused terrible thrush...

She scratched and she scratched
Till she ruined her thatch
And spread the itch right up her tush.

jessstan1 · 17/10/2020 19:04

You are not at all unreasonable! If you went around with Christmassy aromas emanating from your bum, you would be getting some very weird unwanted attention - maybe from stray dogs, cats, birds and foxes, not to mention squirrels and rats.

That's hilarious, whatever next?

Thurmanmurman · 17/10/2020 19:06

Perfect after a Yule log!

Coldandwet123 · 17/10/2020 19:06


with a hint of sprouts...

AlCalavicci · 17/10/2020 19:07

Good god what ever next !

goes onto spotify and audibel to look for @RainingBatsAndFrogs chritmas poems and songs release

TracyBeakerSoYeah · 17/10/2020 19:11


YABU because OMG Xmas buttholes!

Things have been too quiet in my covid household 😂

I misread read that OMG as Oxo scented bum holes

I wouldn't go near any dogs after using Oxo scented loo roll.
pincertoe · 17/10/2020 19:12

Sounds lovely- shame I don't get to asda now my dc are at secondary school.

FlapsInTheWind · 17/10/2020 19:12

LakieLady You're welcome!

FlapsInTheWind · 17/10/2020 19:15

OXO scented loo roll - Arf! Gritty!

Would it be chicken OXO. They say it tastes of chicken!

Ahhhhh....BISTO! Grin Grin

EveryDayIsADuvetDay · 17/10/2020 19:15

Possibly Lush's only unscented product is the amazing ultrabland.
I find it too rich to use every day, but great as a mask when I have a bath - a tub lasts for ages.
Face masks (as in face coverings) are a big plus for when you have to visit Lush.

Lush are also very generous to a local charity I volunteer with currently, so presumably replicated with other organisations.
A few years ago they gave a lot of support to a friends' campaign to have her partner released from jail in Ethiopia following state kidnap. - So hold your nose, double face mask and don't boycott.

IdkickJilliansass · 17/10/2020 19:17

I want a Christmas bum hole!

YellowHighlighterPen · 17/10/2020 19:18

That's lovely - good for them, but Lush actually don't want my custom because I believe a woman is an adult human female.

Tiffanyleighx · 17/10/2020 19:19


I’m 15 weeks pregnant with my first baby, at 12 weeks I started bleeding heavily and it hasn’t yet stopped. I’ve had two ultrasounds but the baby is healthy, growing well and has a good heartbeat.

Both times the Sonographer hasn’t been able to find a cause for the bleeding.
Even though the baby is fine, it’s difficult to feel relieved. I can’t find anything about bleeding in the second trimester online just implantation bleeding before 12 weeks.

Has anyone else experienced this? When did it stop?

Thank you

YellowHighlighterPen · 17/10/2020 19:20

Scented bog roll? Christmas scented borrow? Beam me the fuck up, Scottie.

YellowHighlighterPen · 17/10/2020 19:22

Tiffany, you'll get much better advice if you start a thread yourself. I hope you get the answers you need and everything goes well for you.

CandidaAlbicans2 · 17/10/2020 19:24


with a hint of sprouts...

ballsdeep · 17/10/2020 19:25


It will make the room smell of it, I think that's more the point. Doubt many of us have our bum holes being sniffed, but you can get coconut smelling ones all over the place

Speak for yourself 👃👃
Onadifferentuniverse · 17/10/2020 19:36

It’s got to be better than it being laced with minty fragrance.
Every time you wipe would be 🔥


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Bella43 · 17/10/2020 19:42

I love this thread. It's the laugh I needed 😂

Feefifo9 · 17/10/2020 19:48

Thrush in loo roll form. No thanks!

TracyBeakerSoYeah · 17/10/2020 19:52

I posted this many years ago on a thread where the OP's DH had mistaken the Anti Bac Toilet Cleaning wipes as face wipes.
Op's DH couldn't understand why he was getting a rash & why his skin looked shit when Op's skin was perfect. Op then realised that DH hadn't been using her face wipes but the loo cleaning ones by mistake.
I said well at least he didn't start screaming in the shower after using my mint smelling AHA/BHA face wash. He thought it was a new shower gel & soaped up all over - poor undercarriage but at least he had minty fresh balls.

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