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AIBU to not want my bumhole to smell of Christmas.

207 replies

ChocolateCherrybomb · 17/10/2020 15:47

Looking through the bog roll page on the Asda site.

There's this.

ASDA Shades Warm Vanilla and Sugar Cane Toilet Roll 9 Rolls

………Shades Limited Edition Warm Vanilla & Sugar Cane. Every embossed sheet is enriched with a beautiful balm and the core infused with a warm and wintery fragrance.

AIBU to not want my arsehole to smell of Christmas butter cookies.

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SnackBitch2020 · 17/10/2020 16:20

Give your guests a Christmas present they will remember - thrush or BV

persistentwoman · 17/10/2020 16:20

Thank you ChocolateCherrybomb
That made me laugh..... although I am eying your username with some concern???

MactheRover · 17/10/2020 16:21

My bumhole smelled of Christmas pud,
I passed a fragrant fart.
My partner said that lovely whiff
has gone straight to his heart.

2020hasbeenbloodyawful · 17/10/2020 16:22

My vagina is literally screaming in objection.

Nothing scented should be down there! It's like floral sanitary products... just WHY?!

theviewfromhalfwaydown · 17/10/2020 16:25

I accidentally picked up some floral toilet roll and it gave me thrush. Took ages to work out what caused it.

vanillandhoney · 17/10/2020 16:25

We have shea butter toilet paper Grin

Never had any kind of issue with thrush.

ArtieFufkinPolymerRecords · 17/10/2020 16:26


Upon advice given, I did ask my partner. He said he has no interest in sniffing it and is especially not keen on licking it.

He did walk off up the hall singing.

You better watch out
You better not cry
Better not pout
I'm telling you why
Santa Claus is coming to town.

Presumably you use the same loo roll, so did you check if he wants his to smell like a Yankee candle?
ChocolateCherrybomb · 17/10/2020 16:26


Thank you ChocolateCherrybomb
That made me laugh..... although I am eying your username with some concern???

Oh my...never occurred to me that it could be viewed with that kind of suspicion.

Nothing to do with bumholes...I swear.

Frozen dessert based username.
OP posts:
Eaumyword · 17/10/2020 16:26


My bumhole smelled of Christmas pud,
I passed a fragrant fart.
My partner said that lovely whiff
has gone straight to his heart.

I am finding in perimenopause, I'm a little hot air balloon of puffs of wind, so it might as well be a bit Christmassy and festive Grin
FlapsInTheWind · 17/10/2020 16:26

I had coconut flavour ones substituted for normal ones from Asda.

The smell fills the place and the sheets are alarmingly slippery.

My ring must smell of a tropical island!

jenniuol · 17/10/2020 16:30

God why do they need to make this stuff scented Angry like pp I despise scented sanitary stuff and it’s getting harder to find unscented stuff. Hope toilet rolls not going the same way 😂 crossing my legs just thinking about it. Accidentally bought scented tampons years ago and gave myself raging thrush 😷

4cats2kids · 17/10/2020 16:30

I accidentally bought some coconut loo roll. Lucky I noticed before I put it in the bathroom as ds is allergic to coconut...

FlouncerInDenial · 17/10/2020 16:32

Worried that my arse
Will smell less than festive, so
Christmas scents are GO!

Sparklesocks · 17/10/2020 16:33

Thrush o clock!

Brands bringing out Christmas scented stuff really makes me laugh, I remember a load of these knocking about the reduced section in January

AIBU to not want my bumhole to smell of Christmas.
MonkeyDance · 17/10/2020 16:35

Christmas arse, you say? I’ve only just recovered from tropical lockdown thrush!

I had horrible coconut loo roll during The Great Bog Roll Shortage and every time I used it I found myself singing the old Lilt advert in my head ... ‘a totally tropical taste’.

rorosemary · 17/10/2020 16:36

Weird shit like that probably causes cancer in some way.

TracyBeakerSoYeah · 17/10/2020 16:37

Ugggh what is the point of lotioned & fragranced loo roll?
Is this a new thing moisturising your anus?
Will we be getting 'facials' to stop us from getting even wrinklier bum holes?
Adverts for a new branch of Bumperty opening near you. Bring this voucher for a free anal moisture treatment when you book a bum wax or tinting treatment?
10% off all bum hole extension treatments (inc Russian lashes) with our new therapists Melania & Ola.

TheLastDigestive · 17/10/2020 16:38

Bum hole extension sounds....painful!

EveryDayIsADuvetDay · 17/10/2020 16:39

Christmas Scented Soap
Cinnamon, Cloves and Almond

always avoid loo roll scented with anything

Billben · 17/10/2020 16:42

It will make the room smell of it

This is very true. The beginning of lockdown I was resorted to buying Asda’s Coconut Toilet Paper. Half the house smelled of it.

ChocolateCherrybomb · 17/10/2020 16:43

Oh, the responses.

Thank you all so much.

I haven't laughed as much in ages.

I knew that the wit of Mumsnetters would not let me down.

OP posts:
TheDuchessofMalfy · 17/10/2020 16:43

Really bad for your vulva to use anything scented on it (like scented loo roll). Makes me horribly itchy if I use it.


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TheDuchessofMalfy · 17/10/2020 16:44

I realise that’s not in the spirit of the lighthearted thread! Grin

TracyBeakerSoYeah · 17/10/2020 16:45

I hope you haven't wet shit yourself from laughing sonmuch

sapnupuas · 17/10/2020 16:50

This is exactly what I want my arsehole to smell like.

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