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AIBU to not want my bumhole to smell of Christmas.

207 replies

ChocolateCherrybomb · 17/10/2020 15:47

Looking through the bog roll page on the Asda site.

There's this.

ASDA Shades Warm Vanilla and Sugar Cane Toilet Roll 9 Rolls

………Shades Limited Edition Warm Vanilla & Sugar Cane. Every embossed sheet is enriched with a beautiful balm and the core infused with a warm and wintery fragrance.

AIBU to not want my arsehole to smell of Christmas butter cookies.

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ifIwerenotanandroid · 17/10/2020 17:40

[quote Puzzledandpissedoff]More options for anyone who just wants to wash with it:[/quote]
I thought we were boycotting the body shop?

TazMac · 17/10/2020 17:40

Very wise, OP. Imagine all the labradors sticking their greedy snouts up there in search of a treat as you walked by. Unthinkable.


Tesco have a cracker joke loo roll in at the moment. Would keep dnephew in the loo even more than he is now (we think he likes to go there for a break from his younger sisters and female cousins).

ifIwerenotanandroid · 17/10/2020 17:41


I had coconut flavour ones substituted for normal ones from Asda.

The smell fills the place and the sheets are alarmingly slippery.

My ring must smell of a tropical island!

Pom-Bounty anyone?
tectonicplates · 17/10/2020 17:43

Scented loo roll is just as bad as scented sanitary towels, i.e. bad and wrong. We once bought some by mistake and it was awful.

Puzzledandpissedoff · 17/10/2020 17:43

I thought we were boycotting the body shop?

Ah, apologies - I didn't know that Blush

I boycott Lush though; I can stand neither the stink nor the way they fall on you the instant you enter the door

tectonicplates · 17/10/2020 17:44

I boycott Lush though; I can stand neither the stink nor the way they fall on you the instant you enter the door

Eurgh, everything at Lush stinks. I was once walking around M&S and wondered what the smell was - turned out it was coming from a branch of Lush that was two doors down! So unpleasant.

GlitteryFlaps · 17/10/2020 17:47

These guys have some fab soaps, including Christmas scents 🎄

ifIwerenotanandroid · 17/10/2020 17:48


I thought we were boycotting the body shop?

Ah, apologies - I didn't know that Blush

I boycott Lush though; I can stand neither the stink nor the way they fall on you the instant you enter the door

No apology necessary.

Anyone can boycott anyone they like. I just thought I'd remind people about it.
1FootInTheRave · 17/10/2020 17:52

Surely better than Christmas smelling of bumhole?

garlicbread82 · 17/10/2020 17:54

My MIL buys this stuff, and we were forced to use it when we stayed over for Christmas last year.
DH has sensitive skin at the best of times, and by the end of Christmas week his arse looked like a holly wreath, berries and all!
I will discuss it with her this year to see if she will rethink Angry

RainingBatsAndFrogs · 17/10/2020 17:57

There once was a woman from Leith
Whose fanny smelled just like a wreath
After cunnilingus her beau
Chortled HO HO HO HO!
As he picked a pine cone from his teeth.

Staffy1 · 17/10/2020 17:58

Better than what bums usually smell of. Not bum holes as a hole can't smell.

RainingBatsAndFrogs · 17/10/2020 17:59

Tis the season to be merry,
tra la la laaa lala la
Scent your fanny like a berry
TRa lalalalaaa la la la laa.

tinkywinkyshandbag · 17/10/2020 17:59

I bought some loo roll from Do recently and accidentally bought the scented stuff it's hideous and I now have 24 rolls of it. Guaranteed to cause a UTI I think.

RainingBatsAndFrogs · 17/10/2020 18:09

Twas the night before Christmas, As quiet as a mouse
And the smell of my arse wafted all through the house
Over the fireplace, the stockings hung out
In the hope that St Nick would come sniffing about.

Devlesko · 17/10/2020 18:12

Ooh, I'll have some of this. It will make the room and my bum smell nice Grin

Eaumyword · 17/10/2020 18:16

Can't stop laughing at this thread!Grin

TheLastDigestive · 17/10/2020 18:16

I’m surprised Lush didn’t introduce this to the market, being the original Home of Thrush & BV.

Eaumyword · 17/10/2020 18:18


These guys have some fab soaps, including Christmas scents 🎄

Thank you! I see your flaps are glittery, so that bodes well too!Grin
FreezerBird · 17/10/2020 18:19

We had to specifically request that people don't donate scented loo roll to the foodbank. Everything is stored so close together that we worried the smell would contaminate the food in the parcels.


RainingBatsAndFrogs · 17/10/2020 18:30

I bought a pack of cheap toilet rolls from Aldi without realising that they smelled like one of those dangly things in Ubers, or Shake and Vac.

MoonSauce · 17/10/2020 18:32

YABU because OMG Xmas buttholes!

Things have been too quiet in my covid household 😂


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RainingBatsAndFrogs · 17/10/2020 18:32


I’m surprised Lush didn’t introduce this to the market, being the original Home of Thrush & BV.

Oh, god, don't encourage them.
They would be demonstrating it in the store.
With Tester Rolls.
tectonicplates · 17/10/2020 18:44

Now I feel like we need to collaboratively write a limerick. I'll start:

There was a young woman from Lush,
Whose products caused terrible thrush...

jillandhersprite · 17/10/2020 18:46

This thread is hilarious - thanks OP!

Since its already quite crude it reminds me of a Sarah Millican sketch talking about flavoured condoms - "I want the condom to taste of cock not bloody strawberries" or something like that!!

Oh and since accidentally buying coconut toilet roll we now really like it because the loo has a nice gentle smell of coconut as you walk in rather than stale farts!

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