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AIBU to not want my bumhole to smell of Christmas.

207 replies

ChocolateCherrybomb · 17/10/2020 15:47

Looking through the bog roll page on the Asda site.

There's this.

ASDA Shades Warm Vanilla and Sugar Cane Toilet Roll 9 Rolls

………Shades Limited Edition Warm Vanilla & Sugar Cane. Every embossed sheet is enriched with a beautiful balm and the core infused with a warm and wintery fragrance.

AIBU to not want my arsehole to smell of Christmas butter cookies.

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plumpynoo · 18/10/2020 17:43

Yabvu, I would love my butthole to smell of Christmas cookies!

DagenhamRoundhouse · 18/10/2020 17:53

Aldi's 'luxury' loo roll comes scented with coconut and irritates me down below. As one who is prone to cystitis, I can do without this! So it goes into DH's bathroom. (We are lucky to have one each.)

FairFriday · 18/10/2020 18:19

All this talked of your backside smelling of anything. Surely it’s up to someone else to tell you?

Even when I was young and very nimble I don’t think I could get me nose close to my but.

LoisLane66 · 18/10/2020 18:27

One fart and the sweet smell of cookies is wiped out...🚽💩🧻🍪😍💨😱😠

draughtycatflap · 18/10/2020 18:32

Surely if a bumhole is to smell festive it at least should have a whiff of baby jesus and some camels.

Teddybear27 · 18/10/2020 19:24

This is fantastic 😆

Riv12345 · 18/10/2020 19:26

Bum holes make me feel quite unwell

Carriecakes80 · 18/10/2020 19:35

I can imagine family gatherings in years to come...everyone knows smells bring back memories, Play-doh - childhood, Cut grass- first snog, mince-pie, Mums Bum!

Uptheshard · 18/10/2020 19:43

Om fucking god I love this. Am going to order some right now.
My boyf has recently started liking a bit bum sex so perhaps fragrant xmas bum sex wilbe on the cards? Bloody good way to distract oneself from all the doom shite in the news.
Thankyou mumsnet!

winniestone37 · 18/10/2020 19:47

You’re right why cover up the smell of shite? That said I bet they’d give you thrush?

FairFriday · 18/10/2020 19:47

Oh my god. Are you actually going to say ‘have a sniff - go on! What does that remind you of? Do you need a clue? Fa Lala la la la la la la’

CheshireDing · 18/10/2020 19:56

Don’t know about your bum hole OP but I want this toilet paper now ! (Better than the scratchy stuff Christmas Elf brought with a picture of Santa on the loo) 😂

FelicisNox · 18/10/2020 19:58

Depends how good your sex life is 😉

Eaumyword · 18/10/2020 20:13

This thread has made me feel so Christmassy!Grin
I bought some baubles from the garden centre yesterday*
*Not a euphemism, lol

Jocasta2018 · 18/10/2020 20:22

My old retriever (RIP) would've been incapable of keeping his snout out if a sweetly scented arse walked by!

FlapsInTheWind · 18/10/2020 21:18

Sphincter roasting like an open fire
I can't even wear pantyhose
Yule regret using scented loo roll
The smell doesn't just go up your nose

TracyBeakerSoYeah · 18/10/2020 21:50

Just imagine going for your smear test after using Xmas scented loo roll........Nurse later on her tea break says '" I know it's a bit early but I don't half fancy some Christmas cake." 😂😂

nevermorelenore · 18/10/2020 22:18

Or your partner going down on you and halfway they pop up and say "ooh you smell like the yankee candle shop".

draughtycatflap · 18/10/2020 22:19


Just imagine going for your smear test after using Xmas scented loo roll........Nurse later on her tea break says '" I know it's a bit early but I don't half fancy some Christmas cake." 😂😂

LeahWarburton · 18/10/2020 23:44

I can't even use coloured, or patterned, toilet paper, because it brings me out in a painful rash. Scented toilet paper sounds like hell. I actually winced just thinking about it.

popsydoodle4444 · 18/10/2020 23:54

Chuck in the raging thrush that'll cause and you can have an entire crotch smelling like a bakery selling cookies and bread.

Twigletfairy · 19/10/2020 00:01

I needed this thread tonight, I feel a lot chirpier now Smile

Although it does remind me of the time I had an allergic reaction to loo roll. I thought I'd never be able to sit down again.


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Itsmybirthday19 · 19/10/2020 01:48

I prefer mine to smell of St Swithin's Day but chacun à son goût...

Diva66 · 19/10/2020 08:58

Buy Cushell. It’s made from koalas.

FairFriday · 19/10/2020 09:41

Andrex is puppies

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