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AIBU to be upset about my sisters reaction to my pregnancy?

269 replies

helloiamnewhere · 10/07/2020 11:14

Hello, my sister and I are very close in age and both recently got married to our long term partners. I have a young step son who's mother is not involved and he is my world, my sister and her partner do not yet have any children. My sister told me and our Mum she was pregnant late last year but unfortunately lost the baby at six weeks pregnant. This was very sad as she has always wanted to be a mother and has been grieving ever since. Shortly after she lost the baby I found out I was pregnant, I put off telling her for longer than I normally would have as I was worried about her reaction following their loss. When I told her she burst into tears and drove home and then didn't speak to me for two weeks (we normally speak daily). I was really upset about this but understood her reaction. I have put off celebrating my birth and doing some of the things I would have done because I want to be tactful to my sister. She started speaking to me again and tried to act happy for me but then I announced by birth on social media at seven months and she has not spoken to me since (I am due in three week). I am so upset as I want my sister to be involved in the babies life. Obviously this is a very tough time for her as she has not been able to conceive following her miscarriage nine months ago. My mother is caught up in the middle of the situation and tensions are running high. Has anyone ever been in a similar situation? I keep reaching out to my sister but she said she is too upset to speak to me :(

OP posts:

Am I being unreasonable?

370 votes. Final results.

You are being unreasonable
You are NOT being unreasonable
Somethingorotherorother · 10/07/2020 11:33

I had several miscarriages when i was younger, before i met my husband. It was traumatic and heartbreaking and when my cousin got pregnant i just couldn't cope. I told her that i was happy for her but that it was too hard for me to be around her, and i kept my distance for the first few months of the baby's life. She understood. I had therapy, i got better, we got close again.

iffymiffy · 10/07/2020 11:35

It’s not ideal that you told her in person - it meant she couldn’t have her reaction in private which is probably what she’s trying to do now.

SmileyClare · 10/07/2020 11:36

I don't know, perhaps you should let your sister know you're giving her space and step back. It's extremely difficult if you were very close, talking daily etc. You have to consider what's best for you too.

I expect she will put her feelings aside when the baby is here? I don't suppose you can force it or make her behave differently.

It's going to be difficult for your sister if she's so upset and has to completely withdraw from anyone close to her that's pregnant..close friends, family, colleagues etc?

She probably doesn't realise but she's punishing you for falling pregnant and depriving herself of the joy of being an auntie. All quite self destructive behaviour.

Only you know how your sister would react to the suggestion of counselling. That might be something to broach with her.

Congratulations and how lovely to have a sibling for your step son. Flowers

PositivelyPrecious · 10/07/2020 11:36

I think you need to keep in your mind that your sister is happy for you and likely happy about the addition of a new family member but she is also mired in grief for her own child she lost and for her inability to get pregnant again and all the fear and pain from that. It is possible to feel both but not always possible to find the energy to slap on a happy face. It sounds like she’s Struggling and the only way she can cope is to avoid being around pregnant people.

I think it’s unfair that the person without the baby who is struggling also has to be the person who is super happy and displays joy for their sibling or friend rather than having the space to just be. You are having a baby which is fantastic. Your sister will come around. Just be kind to her and keep the lines of communication open and focus on yourself and your husband and your impending birth. Like I said you are the one in a great position. She’s clearly going through a lot and having to be the person you want her to be in relation to your birth on top of that is probably just too much for her to cope with right now.

Idontgiveagriffindamn · 10/07/2020 11:36

If she was due last week and you announced on SM only a few weeks ago the timing is unfortunate. It’s highlighted again what she doesn’t have at a time when she should be getting ready to give birth.
The flowers are nice. But I wouldn’t have wanted them. I didn’t want anyone to remind me of the timing / loss. I remember my SIL texting me on Mother’s Day to say she was thinking of me on a difficult day. I was irrationally angry with her because I had resolved not to think about it.
My advice is just leave her be. She’ll come round.

MidnightCitrus · 10/07/2020 11:37

She'll come around when she's ready - your baby wont notice if she is not there
Continue to invite her to occasions if you want to, but make it clear its ok if she doesnt want to

piscean10 · 10/07/2020 11:37

People react differently. I had a several MC and the pain runs deep and its traumatic. I think you just need to leave her be. You want her to be part of your experience but that only benefits you.
How can she participate in something that is probably still raw for her.
You will have a baby after all and she wont.
You are not doing anything wrong, it's just a very emotional situation.

Isthisfinallyit · 10/07/2020 11:38

I've suffered multiple losses and years of ivf but I still think you need to stop thinking too much about your sister. Yes, it hurts, but equally you are allowed to enjoy your pregnancy. If she ever gets pregnant she'll want to celebrate too, so why shouldn't you? Do what you want to do, she can avoid you or unfollow you, that's her choice. Your pregnancy isn't about her and the longer she doesn't conceive, the more people around her will announce pregnamcies. She can't cut everyone off. Maybe your mum can speak with her? What helped me was to take a day or two to wallow after each new announcememt, and then decide that in the future I liked holding the new baby and creating a bond more than avoiding them.

iffymiffy · 10/07/2020 11:38

What are you saying when you reach out?

Gillian1980 · 10/07/2020 11:44

I’d give her space.

When I miscarried I just wanted space. It hurt to my very core seeing pregnant people, I wasn’t rude to them but I did want to stay away until I was ready.

Notajogger · 10/07/2020 11:45

Just leave it now. There's nothing you can do. I think she's behaving awfully towards you though.

LegitSnack · 10/07/2020 11:45

Give her time.

I personally couldn't imagine not being in the life of my niece or nephew, so hopefully she will feel the same when they are here.

You do not need to "get over yourself". You are not responsible for her feelings, but you've gone out of your way to be considerate.

MidnightCitrus · 10/07/2020 11:52

Fair enough, i can see most of your disagree with me.

I think the kindest thing is to give her space - but keep the lines open. Are you talking about anything thats not baby related?

My mother is caught up in the middle of the situation and tensions are running high. Can you give a bit more info on what is happening here? Is your sister feeling that she has to get involved and doesnt want to?

mummyh2016 · 10/07/2020 11:52

Ignore the PP who told you to get over yourself. It is a shame for your sister but her circumstances are not your fault. I wouldn't contact her again. If she wants to get in touch with you then fine but I feel like it doesn't matter what you do, to your sister it would be the wrong thing.
Don't feel guilty for being pregnant and please don't feel like you have to hide your baby away when it arrives.

jessstan2 · 10/07/2020 11:54

I'm so sorry, hello. I understand how sad it is for your sister but is there any reason to suppose she won't conceive again and go on to have a healthy baby?

She will come round, I promise you. In the meantime, just accept things as they are. You've done nothing wrong - though with hindsight, declaring your pregnancy on SM was probably not a good idea. Letting people know individually and privately would have better. However you couldn't have anticipated her reaction.

I really hope good relations are restored soon (also that your sister becomes pregnant); your mum could gently mediate.

Congratulations on your pregnancy anyway, don't let this issue spoil it for you.

Sunnydayshereatlast · 10/07/2020 11:56

She needs to stop being so selfish. I have had mc's before but would not begrudge a dsis her happiness. She needs to think how will she expect any future pregnancies to be celebrated by family when she is treating yours like this.. Yours isn't more or less valuable than hers.
She had her initial shock tears now needs to grow up.

DressingGownofDoom · 10/07/2020 11:58

Stop pushing her! Just let her be. You can't force her to be happy for you.

sbhydrogen · 10/07/2020 12:00

I had a similar situation with one of my sisters. She said was happy for me but was SO very upset that I felt like I couldn't share my happiness.

Baby is a few months old now and I still feel awkward posting anything on Facebook or sharing pics in the family WhatsApp group. And I normally share everything!

jevoudrais · 10/07/2020 12:01

It's really hard for both of you. I've suffered with infertility and my worst nightmare was always if my SIL had a baby in the meantime. When it's friends you can try to hide away, but when it's family it's impossible.

I expect your sister had already thought she was having the first (from a baby) grandchild etc. If she gets pregnant that may well help her to cope. The yearning for a baby is so hard when you feel like you've come so close. And when everyone around you seems to blink and get pregnant.

I would leave her be. Make sure your DM knows you care but don't know what to do to help and leave the ball in your sister's court.

Mittens030869 · 10/07/2020 12:02

I didn’t have miscarriages, but I was TTC for 4 years and went through one cycle of IVF, which failed and revealed that I was infertile. During that period, my SIL got pregnant twice (she now has 5 DC) and I had to paint on a smile at family gatherings. I mostly succeeded in hiding my sadness; the only time I fell out with her (and fell out big time) was when she told me I was wrong to have IVF because of the spare embryos.

My DSis became pregnant a year later, but by then I’d come to terms with what I’d gone through and we were applying to adopt by then. It worked out really well, because her DD was 2 months younger than my DD1, as we adopted her at 1 year of age.

I do feel for your sister, as she’s obviously hurting, but I would never have wanted to make either my SIL or my DSis unhappy so I tried to keep my hurt hidden. Your sister does need to find a way to cope with pregnancy and birth announcements, because inevitably there will be some when you’re TTC.

I’m sure your sister will come round, as you’re obviously close. But in the meantime, try to focus on your baby, this should be a happy time. Flowers

EKGEMS · 10/07/2020 12:04

I think you've been very kind and sensitive about this situation and I'm sorry you've lost your sister's presence and support throughout your pregnancy. I wanted a second baby but it just was too risky for myself and just impractical while caring for a medically fragile firstborn. I remember crying driving myself home from a family event after my SIL announced her second pregnancy so I can slightly relate to her pain

DomDoesWotHeWants · 10/07/2020 12:05

Your sister is being selfish. Don't let her spoil your joy which is exactly what she's trying to do.

Ignore her until she comes round.

ConkerGame · 10/07/2020 12:17

I see both sides. She’s obviously too deep in grief to be happy for you, so just let her be for now and hopefully she will come round once the baby is here and she can get involved in being an auntie. Don’t push contact in the meantime - leave her to make the first move. Congratulations on your baby and enjoy this special time with your nuclear family

herbie01 · 10/07/2020 12:18

Give her space - her reaction and behaviour is over the top, even allowing for her grief - but that won't change if you keep reaching out/"chasing" her.

The flowers were a nice thought but to her they were probably just a reminder of her lost baby that she didnt want. If she's thinking selfishly she may even be like "sister sent flowers rubbing my nose in the fact i had a miscarriage and she's having a baby".

Give her space, stop trying to initiate contact and focus on your baby and partner.

MidnightCitrus · 10/07/2020 12:22

Sister has wanted a child for a long time
Got pregnant - and lost child
was due around now, when OP is due and currently has been unable to conceive

Everything the OP is going through, is a grim reminder of everything sister should be going through - all the landmarks, and even worse, its all around the time that sister should be going through

she needs space

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