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Should I tell them his stepson is a paedophile

204 replies

SisterhoodOfKahn · 09/11/2019 01:06

My DD is a member of a youth organisation who has recently recruited a new full time member of staff. This man will have direct access to the children.

Should I tell the youth organisation that he is the step father of a paedophile? This is not tittle tattle I know the family, and know this is true.

I'm hoping he won't pass the DBS criteria but as they have different names he might.

Am I being over cautious? Should I just keep quiet. I genuinely don't know what do to.

OP posts:
OlaEliza · 09/11/2019 23:05

What are the ages of everyone involved?

The ex of the man in question will not let her DC visit overnight because of a stepson that was an adult when the crimes were committed. That doesnt add up.

drspouse · 10/11/2019 10:18

Why doesn't that add up?

Leader bloke has a 5 year old, splits up with 5 year old's mum.
3 years later he has a new partner with an adult son. He also has an 8 year old. 8 year old's mum won't let 8 year old stay overnight because she suspects stepson is either there a lot or lives there or stays overnight.
Leader has presumably not reassured his ex that stepson never visits. That's a red flag right there. If he ever does any work relating to children at home (and when I originally posted I thought it was a volunteer - as a PP said then any computer with children's info on is a risk) then the stepson visiting the home is a risk that the leader needs to show he's managed.

He clearly hasn't shown the ex that he's managed the risk. It would be easy to do - either the stepson has a strict visit schedule, or the new partner never sees him at the leader's house.
Hence the employer need to know he's managing the risk appropriately.

SabineSchmetterling · 10/11/2019 11:32

It’s not that hard to grasp the ages, surely. The stepson, from the OP’s posts, appears to be around 23 if he committed the crimes around 5 years ago aged 18. His mother may be in her late 30s or early 40s if she was quite a young mum.

BoomBoomsCousin · 10/11/2019 15:22

Why should this man have to put up with suspicious parents and gossip.

He should put up with cautious parents and good safeguarding because he’s working with children who are, by virtue of their immaturity, vulnerable. And the OP has specifically said she doesn’t want to gossip, only pass on facts that are provable and may be relevant to safeguarding.

The people he works for need to be mature in how they handle information like this - not passing it around to all and sundry but remaining vigilant and ensuring the right questions are asked, safeguards put in place and policies highlighted to keep children safe. It’s not a slight on the staff member that he has a relative who is a peadophile, but it is a risk factor he needs to manage appropriately. Sensible and mature handling of the situation can make that happen comfortably. Silence cannot.

The keeping quiet because it’s not fair on the adult attitude is what allowed child sexual abuse to flourish in this country. While hysteria isn’t helpful, neither is silence..

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