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Kids want their Dad to leave home!

291 replies

Confusedadult · 15/04/2019 09:26

I’m prepared to get majorly abused about this...
My children are 12,10,8. They keep telling me they wish their Dad (my husband) didn’t live with us anymore.
I don’t know how to deal with it.
My husband works hard/long hours and is always tired, he has isolated himself from our family. He never comes out with us, yet socialises a lot with his friends at weekends. They see him as lazy, moody and mean. He clashes constantly with our eldest and he has told me that he loves her but doesn’t like her very much. I have a list of complaints about my husband, but when I think about asking him to leave I really don’t want him too. How can I restore our family or is it too late if the children really don’t like him. He is a lovely man but seems to be lost in a cycle that isn’t what/how a family should operate.

OP posts:
colouringinpro · 17/04/2019 22:51

Good to hear you're fine, hope the situation improves, best wishes.

leatherflamingle · 17/04/2019 23:14

Hmmm that’s a bit of a shitty little skit against women that were trying to help you isn’t it?
Your husband turned the heating off at the mains so you couldn’t stay warm in your own home.
It’s hardly normal.

leatherflamingle · 17/04/2019 23:18

A lot of women recognise what you’re going through as warning signs of worse to come (because they’ve experienced it).
That’s why people post, generally.

Wolfiefan · 17/04/2019 23:19

Hugely different from your OP. He won’t change. He keep “clashing” with the kids and the atmosphere at home won’t change. Not if you minimise how much his behaviour affects the family.

Longdistance · 17/04/2019 23:24

Op, you have three very wise dc there, listen to them...

BingandFlop2019 · 18/04/2019 00:50

If you don't want people to think you're being abused then mentioning him turning the heating off AT THE MAINS (thinking you wouldn't know how to switch it back on), whilst he's at work - wasn't really the best think to do.... Just pointing that out

4square · 18/04/2019 01:18

This reply has been deleted

Message withdrawn at poster's request.

Quartz2208 · 18/04/2019 08:47

Interesting choice of words don’t really want him to leave

Means maybe that you talked them into being ok with it

OP I hope he changes and if he doesn’t I hope you see it for what others see in your posts

TatianaLarina · 18/04/2019 09:11

most people on here accuse everyone of being abusers and most women of being abused or spineless doormats!

That’s not true and you know it.

I have many faults, mainly, letting him get away with being a lazy shit for so long

His personality and his choices are your responsibility, how? It’s not possible to police another adult.

user1471590586 · 18/04/2019 09:21

Really not a nice reply to people who were only trying to help. People only have what you told them to go on, and offered advice accordingly, which you now seem to be angry about.

Louloulovesyou · 18/04/2019 09:33

Your children must not feel that he values them at all. I can only imagine how that will affect them in the future. You need to get marriage/family counselling and if he refuses he obviously doesn't want to be a family and you are best off without.

Inamadrush · 18/04/2019 09:34

I always remember as a child wishing my parents would split up as did my siblings. My dad passed away when I was seventeen and I have only had sporadic contact with my mum for the past thirty years, as have my siblings. We were damaged by it all and I put off having children for a long time as I was scared I'd be a terrible parent. I had children eventually though. You need to end the marriage otherwise your children might never forgive you.

Sakura7 · 18/04/2019 09:45

OP you can dismiss the posters who are recognising your situation for what it is, and taking time to post here in order to help you, or you can keep living in denial. You say your DH buries his head in the sand but so are you by the sound of your posts.

Your DH is a dick. You can't fix him, change his behaviour or convince him to change his personality. It has to come from him, but that doesn't sound likely from what you've described.

You are an enabler, and if you fail to have your children's backs against this man, don't be surprised if they pull away from you when they get older.

Belenus · 18/04/2019 11:34

His personality and his choices are your responsibility, how? It’s not possible to police another adult.

This. Please don't be dismissive of what's happened here and why you originally posted. Just keep your mind open to other possibilities.

Romax · 18/04/2019 11:43

The OP posted 3 days ago.

Unbelievable the number saying she would up sticks and leave without her actually implementing a decent plan to see if he changes.

You’re right OP. Give it a shot now all out in the open. If nothing changes after a couple months then you can leave knowing you really did give it a good go but he cocked it up

Sallycinammonbangsthedruminthe · 20/04/2019 19:27

or failing the above advice you can carry on burying your head in the sand and between you both keep destroying your kids.....

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