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To think a transgender male murderer should not be allowed to win 'Miss Fitness' competition WHILE IN JAIL

192 replies

AssignedPuuurfectAtBirth · 14/02/2018 09:50

OP posts:
NotASingleFuckToGive · 14/02/2018 11:50

I'm more disturbed that a MAN is in the female wing of the prison in the first place, never mind the bloody fitness competition.

From official prison statistics:

-46% of women in prison report having suffered domestic violence.
-53% of women in prison report having experienced emotional, physical or sexual abuse during childhood

And now, these damaged and potentially vulnerable women have to serve out their sentences on a wing with a violent male, just because he says "I'm a woman"? Angry

The only thing female about this individual, ironically, is half of the DNA in his sperm cells.

DeleteOrDecay · 14/02/2018 13:47

What the hell is a man doing in a women's prison in the first place.

Thisusernamethingistricky · 14/02/2018 13:52

Yes, I can't say I'm all that upset about the winning the fitness competition aspect of things, although objectively it's not fair.

Men should not be in women's prisons. It's really not that difficult to understand.

LanaKanesTerfyVagina · 14/02/2018 14:15

I'd ask the question....but a quick glance at my username would apparently write me off as worthy of debating with. Hmm

Because despite me patiently and politely trying to engage those on the other side of the debate, a username on a internet forum means I don't get to have a voice, and that I am not "worthy" to debate with.

Despite being told to "Suck lady dick" and "die in a fire" and women being assaulted for using their right to free speech.....I have got to be nicer to be heard

Though TiMs can be as aggressive towards us as they want, including actual rape threats, death threats, physical violence and calling actual women names like "musty dried up cunts" who are just "jealous" ofnthem doing woman better than them.

Why are the supporters of TRAs not asking them to be nicer??

Why are they refusing to engage with us because we are all so mean, but actual violence and threats are just fucking cushty cos it's those "lovely" Hmm transwomen??

How can they not see the fucking irony in that position??


LanaKanesTerfyVagina · 14/02/2018 14:17

Sommany typos in that post..'.but you get the drift! Grin

HomeTerf · 14/02/2018 14:19

But the point is, if you're a woman in prison something like a fitness competition can be a very big deal. It's something positive to focus on. Something to work towards. Many of the women will have had issues with addiction or abuse, and fitness is a fantastic way of overcoming those things and encouraging a healthier relationship with their bodies. Doing well in a competition is something to be proud of. Something to write home and tell your kids about so they can be proud of you too. And there was even a goodie bag containing 'chocolate, crisps, snacks, coffee and tea, juice, soap and toiletries' - trivial to most of us maybe, but disproportionally more important in those circumstances.

But the women might as well not have bothered entering. 'They had no chance from the start.'

PositivelyPERF · 14/02/2018 14:21

Thank you LanaKanesTerfyVagina Love your name btw. Very subtle. 😉😁

Fekko · 14/02/2018 14:24

Of the inmate who has not had gender reassignment surgery - “That means she is in the showers at the same time as other inmates, which some have found quite awkard."

Awkward? Not disturbing, deeply uncomfortable, frightening, intimidating...?

charlestonchaplin · 14/02/2018 14:28

As a murderer he'll have a long sentence, so as long as he remains in that prison there will be no point in any woman making an effort to win the competition. What could have been a useful tool for prison officers, and a useful exercise for the inmates is rendered useless.

LanaKanesTerfyVagina · 14/02/2018 14:33

Oh I'm all about the subtlety Grin

I'm just a big radfem meanie who won't shut up, lie down, go away, or.....most importantly, stop being a biological woman who dresses in men's clothes, shaves her head, doesn't do make up, heels and "pretty", rides motorbikes, can fix an engine, ride a half pipe on a BMX, yet refuses to call herself "trans".


LanaKanesTerfyVagina · 14/02/2018 14:35

I've discovered that literally my whole life is an affront to trans ideology according to TRAs.

This makes me unreasonably happy.

busyboysmum · 14/02/2018 14:40

A source said: “The rest of them shouldn’t have bothered even entering.
“It was surreal. Everybody knew it wasn’t very fair, but nobody was allowed to say it. “The women inmates have had to accept that Stewart is being allowed to live as a woman, despite not having had surgery.
“That means she is in the showers at the same time as other inmates, which some have found quite awkward."

OK so we have a fully intact male murdered showering with female inmates who don't like it but aren't allowed to say anything.

And that seems OK does it?

blackberryfairy · 14/02/2018 14:45

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LanaKanesTerfyVagina · 14/02/2018 14:46

Of course it's ok.

The poor misunderstood violent murdering be penised male fluffy wuffy rainbow of loveliness must have their whims pandered to at all times.

Women can just shut the fuck, especially in prison, cos ya know, they're just evil monsters unworthy of even the most basic of considerations.

LanaKanesTerfyVagina · 14/02/2018 14:48

Honestly the cognitive dissonance makes me want to scream.

titchy · 14/02/2018 14:48

Hont1986: Nope, the results of one Scottish jail's fitness competition affects literally no-one here. If anyone can PM me proof that they have been directly affected by this 'result' then I'll send them a fiver.

If I send you the list of the 56 women currently housed with the convicted murder Miss Fitness can you donate your £280 to a suitable charity please. Or don't you think they're affected by having a violent male shower with them?

HomeTerf · 14/02/2018 14:50

I think one of the most poignant and disturbing aspects is that the women (a significant proportion of whom, it's probably fair to assume, will have been the victims of some pretty crushing sex-based oppression in their lives) are trying to be OK with it.

'She has the right to determine her own gender.

“That is fine because the vast majority of the women believe in inclusiveness and equality'

This is not equality. This is being trampled on by male privilege. Again.

LanaKanesTerfyVagina · 14/02/2018 14:56

I mean how the fuck can someone on one hand say that a man convicted of murder should get special treatment, because of their feelz, then say on the other that women can't complain because they feel uncomfortable???

How the fuck can you be that stupid unless you hate women,??

Just how do you square that position??

beluga425 · 14/02/2018 14:58

I have no problem with a post op trans man or woman using the facilities of their chosen gender.

However, this is a pre op violent murderer, in a jail with vulnerable women!

Did it not occur to the authorities that he might have felt it a safer bet to go to a women's prison. Did he identify as a woman before he was arrested for murdering someone? What's to stop every violent man scared of prison from deciding they identify as a woman?

stitchglitched · 14/02/2018 15:00

Man's 'feelings' (that seem pretty convenient to me) prioritised over women's safety. Anyone defending this is either a GF on the wind up, a misogynist or extremely thick.

beluga425 · 14/02/2018 15:00

and Hont1986 this affects EVERY woman.

Look at how our rights are being eroded, starting with the most vulnerable in society.

blackberryfairy · 14/02/2018 15:15

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Message withdrawn at poster's request.

Akire · 14/02/2018 15:16

“She has the right to determine her own gender.

“That is fine because the vast majority of the women believe in inclusiveness and equality.

This really sticks out. So if you have any problem with it you don’t never in inclusiveness or equality.

To met equality then a Man would need less time or more weights to make it equal. You don’t get equality most of the time by treating people exactly the same, you get it by treating them to level the field.

I can’t get over he stabbed someone 16 times apparently in self defence and yet someone had guessed he poses no risk to woman. I mean I might stab someone once I melt defender but 16 times is a stretch. Surely very violent men don’t get pick n choose where they go?

Those saying it didn’t matter... we are told it’s one in million chance of this or that happening. Then how come every day there’s so many stories of that one in million thing happening?

ZBIsabella · 14/02/2018 15:19

The women in the prison are affected by the result.
Also all women are damaged by thsi kind of thing -we see it all the time - discrimination of other women which has a knock on effect on us. The personal is often political in these matters.

TeddyIsaHe · 14/02/2018 15:23

Love that women fighting for women’s rights are downright nasty to other women for expressing an opinion/not agreeing with them. Does anyone else see the irony?

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