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To think a transgender male murderer should not be allowed to win 'Miss Fitness' competition WHILE IN JAIL

192 replies
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stitchglitched · 17/02/2018 17:29

No I don't. Can you answer my question now please?

GnotherGnu · 17/02/2018 17:28

stitchglitched, do you think it's acceptable that there were 20,000 assaults on prisoners by other prisoners last year?

BigDeskBob · 17/02/2018 14:16

Gnother, I didn't ask you why we don't have sex segregation, I asked you why we do.

busyboysmum · 17/02/2018 13:53
busyboysmum · 17/02/2018 13:51

Also now we class any man who has a GRC or is on the way to getting one as a woman it would be interesting to see how many of those 2016 women were actually biological women.

AssassinatedBeauty · 17/02/2018 13:44

Here's another interesting document about prison statistics:

In 2016 there were 126 women in prison for sexual offences. Is that many? There were 13,808 men in prison for sexual offences, for comparison.

stitchglitched · 17/02/2018 13:39

Gnu do you think it is acceptable that women are forced to share intimate spaces including showers with a male bodied person?

GnotherGnu · 17/02/2018 13:31

BigDeskBob, manifestly we don't have sex segregation in order to keep vulnerable prisoners away from violent ones.

AssassinatedBeauty · 17/02/2018 12:39

Here's a helpful link with some facts about the England & Wales female prison population:

The most pertinent one being that 84% of women are in prison for non-violent offences.

titchy · 17/02/2018 12:14

These threads never include any thoughts on the fact that many female prisoners are convicted violent criminals, and that includes crimes with a sexual element.

That's because there are very very few of them. HTH

busyboysmum · 17/02/2018 11:16

And all this is happening under the current law. Imagine what would happen were self id to be introduced.

PositivelyPERF · 17/02/2018 11:08

predominately gay so he’s not actually gay then, but at best bisexual, so has a sexual interest in females. Before any transmaidens start with the “what about the lesbians”, they can’t get women pregnant and are much less likely to force or bully women into a sexual relationship. HE should never have been permitted to enter a female prison. It just shows a misogynist lack of respect for females from the judicial system.

MrPan · 17/02/2018 10:39

Is there a privatisation element to all this. That is it encourages a private expense IF you don't wish to share a space with the opposite sex and can afford to not.

kaytee87 · 17/02/2018 10:30

In his evidence, Baker – who described himself as “predominately gay”

^ he even described himself as gay in his own evidence.

If he genuinely thought he was a women then surely he'd describe himself as a straight female?

He just didn't fancy going into a male prison, the judge could probably see right through it but too scared to say anything incase they're accused of hate speech.

BigDeskBob · 17/02/2018 10:24

GnotherGnu, so why do we supposedly have sex segregation in prison?

GnotherGnu · 17/02/2018 10:11

Please include your thoughts on the fact that many of the male prisoners in question are convicted violent criminals and/or rapists

These threads never include any thoughts on the fact that many female prisoners are convicted violent criminals, and that includes crimes with a sexual element.

BigDeskBob · 17/02/2018 10:00

I do think that was the whole point of the item. The paper was highlighting that men are in women's prison s, not that a competition is unfair. It's very difficult to argue that this obviously very fit murderer is in any way more vulnerable than any other fit male murderer.

busyboysmum · 17/02/2018 09:45

At least it's getting into the mainstream press now so people are talking about it and saying how ridiculous it all is.

YetAnotherSpartacus · 17/02/2018 09:18

Nope, the results of one Scottish jail's fitness competition affects literally no-one here. If anyone can PM me proof that they have been directly affected by this 'result' then I'll send them a fiver

It's all a bit "first they came for the Jews, but I'm not a Jew so..."

CecilyP · 17/02/2018 09:08

You're missing the point Falmer and Teddy. It's comparing how bad things can take hold gradually either without people noticing, or thinking minor things aren't important, or it won't really effect them.

Falmer · 17/02/2018 08:45

I agree with Teddy that comparing trans to nazis is ridiculous. I think people are losing the plot over this!

Xulishesthepilot · 16/02/2018 11:13

Oh good, you lot are all loving on each other on AIBU again. I only came to see if anyone had been brave enough to step out of line. Pleased to see there's been a few. As you were.

TrustNaeFuckerEver · 15/02/2018 22:57

Shame it wasn’t a years supply of tampons.

Redditor style upvote here Grin

beluga425 · 15/02/2018 19:21


Fekko · 15/02/2018 19:14

Shame it wasn’t a years supply of tampons.

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