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To think UKIP have just saved themselves from extinction?

284 replies

Killdora · 25/05/2017 10:35

Let's face it, after brexit they were going the way of the dodo.

By throwing themselves into the often politely ignored issues around community integration and extremism I think they will be stealing a big chunk of the Tory vote again.

Especially the removal of passports from anyone leaving the country to fight for ISIS.

If that had been in place earlier then the Manchester murderer wouldn't have been able to enter the country.

OP posts:
MoominFlaps · 25/05/2017 12:10

You aren't going to solve Islamic extremism by clamping down on immigration. Dealing with the root cause it ain't!

I agree that the left (though I would consider myself to be "left") have buried their heads in the sand about integration and serious issues with certain mentalities and attitudes in parts of the muslim communities. Asian communities in general if I'm honest. I grew up in a very Asian part of East London and some of the things that went on were just appalling. One of my (sikh) best friends at 19 (yes, 19!) got the shit kicked out of her by her brother because he saw her with a muslim man. No repercussions from the community.

Unfortunately we aren't ever allowed to talk about this stuff otherwise we are aligned with the UKIP douchebags. So.

SemiNormal · 25/05/2017 12:11

The level of vitriol still being spat at those voting UKIP is as disgusting as ever then. The constant silencing of people with genuine concerns about immigration with cries of racism and bigot does no one any favours. People have a right to be concerned. You only have to see what is happening in other countries to know that immigration IS a problem and must be capped, if not stopped, for the time being.
Do you think it's all lies then about women in Paris being too afraid to go out because of attacks from migrants? What about what is going on in Germany and Sweden and other countries? Is it all just propaganda? Should we just allow the influx to continue then with grown men with beards somehow passing as children! Do you want them in school with your child? It's not racism, it's fear and concern for our lives and that of our childrens - to mock and disregard those concerns with scorn and hatefulness says more about you that it does anyone else.

intheknickersoftime · 25/05/2017 12:11

Again, you're choosing to ignore the fact he was born and bred in this country and his own family had reported him to the police. You are ignoring it to jump on a bandwagon to use this tragedy to promote your agenda. The same thing happened with the Rochdale case. This is how the far right operate. There's no reasoning with people who won't listen. That's you kikdora.

hellomoon · 25/05/2017 12:11

Yet this silent majority doesn't seem to vote for them. Gives me hope for humanity, that does

Couldn't agree with you more....

Killdora · 25/05/2017 12:16

Unfortunately we aren't ever allowed to talk about this stuff otherwise we are aligned with the UKIP douchebags. So

True again.

But personally I hope that this pans out like the eu referendum.

UKIP at least, if it gathers enough support again, gets people talking about things that are currently instantly shot down as racist or bigoted in a knee jerk reaction, even in the contact of a sensible discussion.

If enough people support it and more people talk about it the main parties members start to reveal their own real thoughts on it. Or switch views to gather votes.

I want some pressure applied to the government.

OP posts:
BarbarianMum · 25/05/2017 12:16

OK, ISIS's designation aside, I'm sure we all want this. But doing it is not so easy. Thousands are on "watch lists" but no one is watching most of them, they watch the most suspect. So we don't know who fights. We don't know where they go, or who they meet. We don't know if, when they go to Libya, it is to see their gran or train in bomb making. And unless we know, we basically remove passports from huge numbers of muslims who travel to the Middle East/north Africa, or we accept that people such as this shit slip through the net.

Anti-terrorist rhetoric is easy. A fair, workable solution not so much.
Belle1616 · 25/05/2017 12:16

All UKIP does is peddle nonsense.

How about we get the government to stop blowing little girls up in other countries? And selling arms to people who blow up little girls? That might help.

ExplodedCloud · 25/05/2017 12:17

Ask yourself if you want this country led down a path advocated by men who make your skin crawl.

Killdora · 25/05/2017 12:17


Yes, well done he was born here (slow clap)

I'm saying he shouldn't have been allowed to return here.

And his family have been arrested. Hardly upstanding members did the community.

OP posts:
SemiNormal · 25/05/2017 12:18

How about we get the government to stop blowing little girls up in other countries? And selling arms to people who blow up little girls? That might help - Yes we should aim to stop these things happening - but can we not do both? Why should we only be concerned about goings on in other countries and fail to look after our own at the same time?

Killdora · 25/05/2017 12:22


Agreed. Little girls shouldn't be blown up anywhere. We absolutely shouldn't be bowmbinh anywhere at all.

That doesn't mean I'll look at little girls in our country, shrug, and say 'Well, nothing can be done about that yet.'

OP posts:
BarbarianMum · 25/05/2017 12:22

Yes we get that. What we're unclear about is why you think removing the passports of know ISIS fighters would have prevented this as he wasn't a known fighter.
Boynamedsue · 25/05/2017 12:24

I'm saying he shouldn't have been allowed to return here.
But as I asked before, where do you suggest he, as a British citizen, should have gone?

Killdora · 25/05/2017 12:24

He had known links though didn't he?

As did his father and brother.

I don't think he or people like him (with strongly suspected links to terrorists according to intelligence services should be allowed back in.

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Figaro2017 · 25/05/2017 12:25

Andrew Neil is just taking apart Suzanne Evans on Daily Politics.

UKIP have blamed Theresa May and immigration to the attack on Monday.

UKIP are desperate, last gasp party that should go the way of the dinosaurs. Disgusting.

Killdora · 25/05/2017 12:27

But as I asked before, where do you suggest he, as a British citizen, should have gone?

Given what he went on to do, hell preferably.

Other than that he could have kipped on one of his Isis mates sofas.

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HeyHoThereYouGo657 · 25/05/2017 12:28

I know it is EXTREMELY unpopular on here but I'm voting UKIP

All this hive mentality on here . LOLL

nancy75 · 25/05/2017 12:28

Can I ask again does being born here give automatic right to a passport - even if both parents are not British?

HeyHoThereYouGo657 · 25/05/2017 12:28

If its not UKIP its Trump or Brexit .

Left wings Unite .. . They do here.!

intheknickersoftime · 25/05/2017 12:29

Oh fuck off with your slow hand clap.

Boynamedsue · 25/05/2017 12:30

Right well that's cleared that up then. The point is that under current law, if he was known to have gone fighting with isis he would have been arrested on his return. Which is surely preferable to him being left to cool his heels in Heathrow airport as he was suddenly stateless and no other country would let him in either.

Foxysoxy01 · 25/05/2017 12:30

OP, I don't understand why anyone has bothered to reply reasonably to your posts. There is a saying "Never argue with an idiot. They will only bring you down to their level and beat you with experience"

You don't have a single clue what you are talking about and just spewing UKIP and BNP clichés.

Although by all means please do vote for UKIP if it means the Tories loose votes!


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Killdora · 25/05/2017 12:31

The slow hand clap was because you were one of many to shriek 'he was born here!'


And I believe that being strongly linked to terrorism and bogging off to one of the countries where the people we are at war with train on how to kill us should mean you aren't welcome back.

OP posts:
intheknickersoftime · 25/05/2017 12:31

Nancy, no it doesn't.

intheknickersoftime · 25/05/2017 12:32

I didn't shriek. I typed. I stated facts. Which you are ignoring.

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