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To think UKIP have just saved themselves from extinction?

284 replies

Killdora · 25/05/2017 10:35

Let's face it, after brexit they were going the way of the dodo.

By throwing themselves into the often politely ignored issues around community integration and extremism I think they will be stealing a big chunk of the Tory vote again.

Especially the removal of passports from anyone leaving the country to fight for ISIS.

If that had been in place earlier then the Manchester murderer wouldn't have been able to enter the country.

OP posts:
NotDavidTennant · 25/05/2017 11:48

UKIP are dead as an electoral force, I think.

They may still have some life in them as a pressure group, but only if they get some better leadership.

BoysofMelody · 25/05/2017 11:49

Naturally, I have different views to you so I'm thick

No op your opinion on this topic is ill-informed and badly thought out for the reasons that boynamedsue has pointed out. Like UKIP itself you seem keen on soundbites, invective and simplistic solutions to complex problems.

Killdora · 25/05/2017 11:49

I'm not a ukipper usually.

I have voted Tory all but once.

Labour has as much chance as ukip of getting in Grin

I've already said I don't think at all that ukip will win. I don't think I'd even want them to.

What I do think will happen is they will pinch enough votes to make the Tory party copy them again.

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PigletWasPoohsFriend · 25/05/2017 11:49

So then OP what do you think of the MEP that shouted at Laura Kurrensburg today then?

Or Suzanne Evans already backtracking on some rather inflammatory words she used?

scatterolight · 25/05/2017 11:50

I don't disagree with the premise that there is a role for UKIP going forward. The title of this thread is curious though?

UKIP haven't "saved themselves" - it is events that have made it increasingly clear that UKIP are required. All UKIP had to do was hold together long enough for enough people to notice that we have an issue in this country that none of the other parties are willing to talk about.

Having said that I don't expect their vote share to increase in the election. People will be driven into the arms of "strong and stable" May and away from Corbyn. Voting UKIP for most people is going out on a limb because it could let Labour in the back door. And nobody who is concerned about uncontrolled immigration and the issues that it brings wants that.

PigletWasPoohsFriend · 25/05/2017 11:53

I'm not a ukipper usually.

So your a GF then or you really are a UKIP suporter, saw the comments and are now backtracking

Killdora · 25/05/2017 11:55

No not at all.

I've voted for ukip once, I would do it again in a heartbeat in that particular election as I felt no other party aligned with my views.

Usually Tory though, I would ideally like the Tory party to take on board some of ukips ideas.

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AvoidingCallenetics · 25/05/2017 11:56

I think that if a country grants you citizenship, then that is a gift which should he dependent on you being a good citizen and not breaking the law. If you do, thrn that country should have every right to relieve you of that citizenship.
But if you are born here, to parents who are citizens then your nationality is your birthright. The govt has no moral right to deprive you of it. If you commit a crime, you go to prison. I'd be very uncomfortable with the notion that a govt can take the citizenship you were born with.

innurendo · 25/05/2017 11:58

ISIS is an enemy state at war with the UK. People entering the UK who are, or are believed to be agents of it and its satellite organizations can be dealt with as needed by any country to protect its national security - citizenship is not a magic talisman that lets you join the other side in a war and keep your council flat.

Back to the topic, seeing UKIP on the TV I think they want to be very careful, as incensed as people become they will be looking again in the cold light of day soon, and the cold light of day does not tend o shine favourably on kneejerk politics in this country, even for people who have been angry themselves.

intheknickersoftime · 25/05/2017 11:59

Can I just point out that nowhere in the Labour party manifesto is uncontrolled immigration mentioned. Freedom of movement will end. That is happening because the Labour party will see Brexit through. So to anyone saying the Labour party support uncontrolled immigration, you are wrong and things have now changed as we are no longer going to be in the EU.

ExplodedCloud · 25/05/2017 11:59

UKIP's entire importance was in frightening David Cameron into a calamitous course of action pointlessly.
Can anyone actually put a cross next to Paul Nuttal's name withowithout questioning their sanity?

JacquesHammer · 25/05/2017 12:00

If that had been in place earlier then the Manchester murderer wouldn't have been able to enter the country

I don't think border control exists between Salford and Manchester.

ExplodedCloud · 25/05/2017 12:00

*without dyac

surferjet · 25/05/2017 12:00

What I do think will happen is they will pinch enough votes to make the Tory party copy them again

That's the thing with UKIP. They get enough support to make the tories act. They don't have to be in power themselves.
( Labour still seem a bit oblivious to all the votes they've lost to UKIP, but never mind )
they'll always say things that millions of people agree with, so while that's happening they'll still be around.

ExplodedCloud · 25/05/2017 12:01

ISIS is not a state

Puzzledandpissedoff · 25/05/2017 12:02

under those rules he would not have been allowed to return after his jaunt out of the country to fight with Isis

As a PP mentioned he could have been detained under current legislation, though I'm not sure about actually denying him entry ... I believe we were once told this would happen but am unsure about whether it's actually been done?

Although they're doubtless trying to save themselves by jumping on a bandwagon I think UKIP's job is done now that we have Brexit; they're history and voting for them will simply split the anti-Tory vote (though whether that's a good thing or not depends on your point of view!!)

PeterhouseMS · 25/05/2017 12:02

To think UKIP have just saved themselves from extinction?

You think UKIP just saved themselves from extinction. So you are suggesting the appalling atrocity in Manchester was instigated by UKIP to save themselves from extinction?


innurendo · 25/05/2017 12:03

"This. It's easy to promise the world when there isn't a remote chance that you'll actually have to deliver it!"

This statement should come with a trigger warning in case there are mumsnet users who are or have experienced being Nick Clegg.

Hissy · 25/05/2017 12:05

no other party aligned with my views

Looks like a long hard look at yourself and those views might be long overdue there.

Killdora · 25/05/2017 12:05

ExplodedCloud I could.

Not that I like Paul Nuttal, anymore than I like Nigel Farage. Both made my skin crawl if I'm being 100% honest.

They are a means to an end though.

I want to see something actually being done about integration in the community, gender equality no matter the religion, no such thing as Sharia courts etc. because I believe that is contributing to extremism.

I want people who are strongly suspected of being affiliated with a state we are at war at and terrorism to not be allowed back in to the country to blow little girls up.

I believe that using ukip as a protest vote will achieve that.

Not by them getting in to power, but by making the main party take notice,

Same as the referendum (those Tory backbenchers weren't quite so noisy before they realised they had a good deal of public backing were they?)

OP posts:
Killdora · 25/05/2017 12:06

So you are suggesting the appalling atrocity in Manchester was instigated by UKIP to save themselves from extinction?

Errrr no.

I meant by them moving away from being a brexit party.

OP posts:
PigletWasPoohsFriend · 25/05/2017 12:08

I want people who are strongly suspected of being affiliated with a state

ISIS isn't a 'state'


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Pigface1 · 25/05/2017 12:09

I don't think it's possible to take citizenship away from people who were born here - I think it's prohibited under international law to leave people stateless. So it wouldn't have done anything.

Virtually all terrorists are young, second-generation men.

innurendo · 25/05/2017 12:09

Looks like a long hard look at yourself and those views might be long overdue there.

Really? There is NO party aligned with my views, and I know I'm not alone in that because I've heard quite a few people say they feel that way in everyday conversation.

So to provide a life lesson in answer to your own, if you think there is a party that speaks for you, I suggest you take a long hard look at that party, how it really behaves in authority and what it really is.

Killdora · 25/05/2017 12:10

True they aren't a state.

But they believe they are. And we are war with them, whether we acknowledge it or not.

I don't think it's racist or bigoted to say 'Hmmm maybe it's not a great idea to let people in to the country who are strongly suspected by intelligence services to be affiliated with that not-a-state we are at war with.'

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