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To want to tell my SIL to go and take a running jump...

265 replies

OhJustPassTheCake · 10/02/2017 16:25

So I don't have a good relationship with my brother and his wife, unfortunately. I used to be great mates with my brother but since his wife came along (10 ish years ago now!) it's got worse and worse over time. She doesn't like to associate with family, preferring her friends over anyone and everyone. Her choice but makes a lot of situations awkward, especially as I would like my son to have a relationship with them and his cousins.

Anyhoo.... she has just text me to say that she is organising a surprise party for my bro's 40th in the summer, so I'm thinking, ooooh that sounds fun, I wonder what we'll be doing..... and then it says "so because everyone will be there I was wondering if you would babysit?"

After I spat my tea all over my keyboard and got over the shock, I typed back a very blunt and rude text but don't dare send it! How does she dare not invite us!??? I really wanna put her in her place but I also don't want to cause a bigger rift in the family...... what do I do Mumsnetters, WHAT DO I DO! I fucking hate the evil bitch

OP posts:
TSSDNCOP · 12/02/2017 10:56

I always open these SIL thinking they are going to be about me Smile

Luluandizzy · 12/02/2017 11:03

What a nasty horrible bitch!!! My brothers wife is exactly like this so I can empathize here and understand how hurtful it is. I'd send a text back saying "oh right, I thought we might have had an invite" then when she explains her horrible reasons for not doing so. Just reply "sorry it's not convienent for us to babysit, enjoy your party, evil sadistic bitch" im guessing your brother is pretty whipped by her? I know my brother is very much under the thumb.

NoSquirrels · 12/02/2017 11:21

If my DH sent the same text to either of my siblings I'd be furious with him! I think there's a difference between a "friends" party (booze, dancing, no kids, roughly similar age group) & a "family" party (kids, older generations, more distant relatives, less booze etc) and I would include my siblings in the "friends" category.

OP, if you'd like to go to the party, just ask honestly:

Are we not invited to his 40th party then? I'd be really sad not to celebrate with my brother. Mum & Dad say they're free for babysitting then, btw, so I'm sure they'd be happy to have the kids.

You have to get an honest answer then, which is what you need.

mainlywingingit · 12/02/2017 11:27

What emerald said

Just un-fucking-believable

BigGrannyPants · 12/02/2017 20:39

Maybe... you and your SIL should go out for dinner... and not invite anyone else. You think she is completely unreasonable and she obviously has her own thoughts about you. What if you're both wrong? What if this has all gotten out of hand over nothing too much. I think you should babysit, accept that this is a friend party (although I find it odd you wouldn't be invited) maybe try and mend your relationship with SIL which will make both hers and your life easier and perhaps make things better for your brother, your DCs and DNs. If you try and she isn't open to it, then you've done your bit. If that is the case, I would be super sickly sweet nice to her all the time and start calling her sis, that really pisses people off when they can't get a rise from their vile behaviour

JorahsMissus · 12/02/2017 21:12

'Oh I thought maybe we could have a party with all family and friends invited? If not, sure I'll watch the kids while you have you party if you could watch them while we have a family party?'

It's fine if everyone doesn't get along. People don't have to like their inlaws/family BUT don't be a cunt by asking someone to babysit while you purposely exclude them. If you do then don't moan when you get ^^ that kind of reply back.

MercuryInTransit · 12/02/2017 21:19

I agree shark, the OP sounds like she's not invested in finding a solution at all.

In her OP she says she hates the SIL

And given that she's so obvious and vocal about it here, we can presume that the SIL knows full well how the land lies in RL.

Why do your think you'd get an invite if you hate the person throwing the party OP? God knows, I wouldn't want you there if I was her by what you've said about her.

OP I suggest you organise something yourself if it's bothering you so much, and let this one go. Accept your SIL doesn't want you there, and accept that you're not entitled to an invite. Stop shit stirring with your extended family- they're not entitled to an invite to a private party ether.

As for this SIL being made a director of her DH's company (which you call a family company) so what? It's not your business, he runs it as he sees fit. He's decided his wife has something to offer the business, that's not your decision to make.

Time to step away from your birth family OP! Organise a family do for your brother, if you care that much.

MercuryInTransit · 12/02/2017 21:23

I handle my own in laws with grace and humour Duchess, not with toxic malice, madness or anger. I maintain friendly relationships with them all even though they can drive me nuts at times into each life some rain must fall, eh?

Good fences make good neighbours, and all that.

I don't live in anyone's pocket, and I gently eject any in laws who think they have a right to live in mine because I married my DH.

TheDowagerCuntess · 12/02/2017 21:38

Good luck with your children and future DILs/SILs as they 'gently eject' you; it sounds a cold way to live, but each to their own and all that.

Pinklady1982 · 12/02/2017 22:10

Mercury, how on earth is the op shit stirring? She contacted other family members to see if they were invited, and therefore trying to find out the facts. If the rest of the family were invited except her can you not understand how hurtful that would be? If it is just a friend thing that is completely fair enough, but you are being very harsh when all she is doing is asking for advice and trying to get her facts right!!

HateSummer · 12/02/2017 22:21

Oh, sounds like my sil. She asked me to bake and decorate a cake for her daughter's achievement at school and then told me all her family would be there to support her. I was stunned and joked where my invite was but she replied really rudely that who would look after my dad if I went. So I agreed. The bitch.

I baked and decorated the most awesome cake ever and I think she was stunned into embarrassment. But cows like this always let out their true colours later and a few weeks later she told me she thought I wouldn't make something so awesome with this quizzical look on her face.

Kill bitches with kindness.

Boysnme · 12/02/2017 22:24

Just babysit for them and let them have the party they want to have. No need for family to be invited to a friends party. Maybe it will start to mend some bridges and you can have a better relationship with your brother and his children. Who knows, you might even begin to like your SIL.

pollymere · 13/02/2017 00:06

Suggest she hire a professional babysitter or creche as you'll obviously be too busy having fun with your brother. If you've got got kids you could suggest that they all share the cost. I have a lovely cousin who always seems to end up sitting in a corner with all the kids at events but I'd hate it and I suspect if it was her brothers party she might have other ideas.

LillyGrinter · 13/02/2017 09:58

What did you do Op?

Roomster101 · 13/02/2017 12:17

Why do your think you'd get an invite if you hate the person throwing the party OP? God knows, I wouldn't want you there if I was her by what you've said about her.

It's not the SIL party though is it? She should be thinking of who her DH would like to attend rather than her own preferences. If she genuinely doesn't think her DH likes his sister and wouldn't want her to be involved in his party, she has got a real cheek to ask her to babysit. If you want to keep family at arm's length, you shouldn't ask for favours.

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