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To not want anyone else using our caravan?

220 replies

Welshmaenad · 13/09/2016 15:23

I have recently bought a caravan (static) in a very popular holiday spot (well, I've paid a deposit and will be settling the balance when it is sited and ready). The money has come from my DDad who recently passed away. He and my mum, who died 2 years ago, always planned to get a nice caravan when they both retired, sadly mum died before she took retirement so they never fulfilled their dream, so thus feels like a special thing to do with some of the money I have been lucky enough to inherit from them. It's a very nice site with excellent facilities and the caravan itself is pretty swish, brand new and was quite expensive - not bragging at all but just pointing out that it's a significant and quite special investment for me.

I am already getting people commenting that they would love to stay in it Confused and giving me sob stories about how they haven't been able to afford a holiday in ages, etc. I know it probably sounds selfish but this is something I am doing for my family, not to give people free holidays. My DP used to live in this area and his DC lives here so he will be using it as a base to spend more time with the DC; I intend using it frequently with him and my own DC, and my ExH will be using it in his weekends with the DC too, potentially with his partner and her child who I both know and like. And frankly that's as far as I want it to go, the second bedroom in the vsn will be the kids room and they will have their own bedding etc, we will be keeping lots of personal possessions there for ease, and I don't want all and sundry sleeping in it, poking through our stuff and so on. We may host friends whilst we are also there but I don't want others using it when we're not. When I've told people this they seem really put out and insinuate I'm being selfish.

I'm not, am I? I feel like I need to be really strict from the start or it will be a slippery slope and I will end up providing free holidays for all and sundry. AIBU in wanting to keep it for ourselves?

OP posts:
DameDiazepamTheDramaQueen · 13/09/2016 16:48

Some people are really cheeky and have no idea about boundaries,I was telling someone I know ( not well so not a close friend) that we were going on holiday in two weeks,she said " Oh we've got nothing booked we'll come as well,itll be nice all of us together"

My jaw was on the floor!

2kids2dogsnosense · 13/09/2016 16:49


It is yours - your retreat/second home - and of course you don't want the world and his wife, and their five kids and three labradors suing it!

Just say "We won't be letting it out. If fact we'll be using it a lot ourselves whenever we get the chance, and want to be able to go on the spur of the moment if we feel like it. Couldn't do that if it was let out."

Enjoy it.

BerylStreep · 13/09/2016 16:49

I suspect the people who have been dropping hints weren't planning on renting it from you - they want a freebie.

I would deliberately misunderstand them and say that you're not renting it out, but that owners direct (or whatever) have lots for rent nearby.

MrsJayy · 13/09/2016 16:50

We have just bought a camper on sunday not picked it up yet we sold our tourer a month ago wasnt keen at first but looking forward to it now. Our ground fees were 1800ish 10 years ago so it is expensive depends on the site though we were on a Haven site.

Katedotness1963 · 13/09/2016 16:53

Tell them it's new to you and you want to be able to come and go as you please, not work round other people using it.

randomer · 13/09/2016 16:55

sorry, not wishing to be rude, but why not outline the comments in your original post. " it is a special place for our family". They have a cheek!

Smartiepants79 · 13/09/2016 16:56

In yr situation I would definitely let family stay. I know I could trust them to clean up and care for it properly.
Only if it was empty though.

Bastardshittits · 13/09/2016 16:56

I have a motor home and I've had to fend off a few requests to 'borrow' it to take to Glastonbury. Like fuck am I going to lend you my 13k vehicle to take to that shitfest!! People are so cheeky it's actually unbelievable.

MrsJayy · 13/09/2016 17:00

My sister boyfriend asked to borrow our camper my sister messaged me yesterday he wants to borrow it for some festival with the lads next year he can bugger off and buy a tent not even picked it up yet cheeky git

Namechangingbastard · 13/09/2016 17:00

We have a static on the east coast. We never ever rent it out although we do invite friends to visit us while we are there. We leave all our clothes and personal things there so it's ready when we arrive and doesn't matter if we don't change the bed etc when we go! Just enjoy it ☺

Papergirl1968 · 13/09/2016 17:13

Apologies if anyone else has suggested this as I haven't read the whole thread but just say the site rules require you or one of two named adults - dp and ex - to be present.

WarholsLittleQueen · 13/09/2016 17:15


I have a holiday home and the amount of people that think they can take the piss and try and use it for free, is unreal !!

Papergirl1968 · 13/09/2016 17:20

Ps congratulations. Hope you get lots of lovely, happy times there. It is something I would like to do one day myself.

winterinmadeira · 13/09/2016 17:34

Yanbu. A very direct no should work. If so one is cheeky and rude enough to ask then be rude enough to say no.

Welshmaenad · 13/09/2016 17:34

gamer site fees are £3600 ish per year but there's a reduction if you pay in full by December for the following year. This seems about average for the level of facilities on site (pool, gym, restaurant etc).

Thanks, I just wanted to check I wasn't being a cow. I'm not exactly shouting from the rooftops about it but the children have been quite excited... Grin

OP posts:
Welshmaenad · 13/09/2016 17:35

Oh and yes these are people expecting a freebie. A few people have politely asked if I'm letting it and have been understanding when I've explained why not, these were people who would have been happy to pay.

OP posts:
expatinscotland · 13/09/2016 17:35

'You could when you are not using it offer it to a children's hospital, where parents, siblings and terminally ill children can have a break, sort of like make a wish foundation

Be interesting to see how the selfish cheeky, freeloaders react to that.'

Why should she? That will also mean some serious insurance. She doesn't have to make excuses to cheeky fuckers. Just 'Sorry, it's for personal use.'

MrsJayy, fuck he's got more front that Sainsbo's. Ditto Bastards. That's shocking. I've got mates with a motorhome, can't imagine asking them to borrow it. WTAF?

Some people have no fucking boundaries.

It's yours, OP, you do exactly as you please with it, you don't have to give it to charity, or let anyone use it or feel guilty about that.

Don't see why you should keep it secret.

A real friend's only response is, 'That's wonderful, Welsh. Congratulations. I hope you enjoy it a lot.'

expatinscotland · 13/09/2016 17:37

'Thanks, I just wanted to check I wasn't being a cow. I'm not exactly shouting from the rooftops about it but the children have been quite excited... grin'

No, you're not.

WeMustGetOffTheMountain · 13/09/2016 17:41

Yanbu. It is your static caravan, to enjoy it. Honestly don't feel guilty about not letting anyone use it. My mil has a touring caravan and always gets people asking if they can borrow it for a week. Erm no do they realise how expensive parts are to replace if anything gets damaged etc?! Enjoy your static :)

gamerchick · 13/09/2016 17:45

Cheers man much appreciated.

KC225 · 13/09/2016 17:46

I have tried to find it on search but I am so curious now can someone please link the MEXICAN HOUSE THEFT

MatildaTheCat · 13/09/2016 17:46

It sounds lovely. Just keep a few one liners ready for the cheekier takers that seem to be around.

' no, we aren't having any other guests there as its our home and we need to be able to visit whenever we want.'

'No, we don't have the right sort of insurance so it's just us using it.'

'No, X friend had similar and had a nightmare so we've decided to keep it for ourselves.'


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TattyCat · 13/09/2016 17:49

I also have a holiday static, bought in 2001 so I've had it a long time now. It took a while to get used to telling people 'no' but I pretty much managed it. It was made easier when I caved in and let my best friend and her family use it. My brand new blinds (2 of them in different rooms) got broken and it was left in a mess. I was so incensed that every request from thereonin was an easy 'no'.

My brother and SIL and my parents use it, DP uses it sometimes when working in the area but other than that, no-one. They can feck off.

Add into the mix that you would also need to get public liability insurance (or some such), along with all the other possibilities for things going wrong, it becomes a big headache.

Enjoy. Mine has been my bolt hole and it's my happy place. I don't use it so often these days so will probably give it up this year as it's now a struggle, but I've had 15 very happy years with it.

roundtable · 13/09/2016 17:53

We've got a touring caravan.

A family member asked if we would tow it to a site for her so she could have a holiday in it.

Uh no.

Yanbu op if you hadn't got the message already! Enjoy your caravan.

Ilovewillow · 13/09/2016 17:56

Not selfish at all, it will be your home from home! Politely tell them it's busy when they ask and they will soon get fed up! Enjoy!

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