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Away from home and partner gone missing, help

620 replies

Discopanda · 14/08/2016 04:25

Posting here for traffic. We're in Brighton for the weekend and last night got a babysitter so we could go out for a few drinks. When we got in just before 12, DP went with babysitter to get cash to pay her, hasn't come back since. I guessed he'd gone on for a couple more drinks but everywhere will be closed now. His phone is off (it was low on battery when we were out), I don't have a working mobile just my laptop, he's got the only door key and I can't drive, so I am literally stuck here with our 2 DDs (1 and 4), check out is at 4 and I've got all our things and have no idea how I'm even going to be able to take the girls downstairs for breakfast without the key card to get back in after. I was considering calling the local A&E to see if he's got hurt or injured but don't want to wake them up. What do I do?!?!

OP posts:
hesterton · 14/08/2016 07:27

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Idefix · 14/08/2016 07:29

Hope he has returned op.

Fuckwittery · 14/08/2016 07:30

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Familyof3or4 · 14/08/2016 07:31

I assume going Awol is in character for him otherwise presumably you'd be out of your mind worrying about him rather than thinking about not being able to get down to breakfast.

thewideeyedpea · 14/08/2016 07:31

How are you now? Hope he has arrived back and that you are ok.

minniebear · 14/08/2016 07:31

You must be really worried, I hope he turns up soon.

AnyFucker · 14/08/2016 07:32

This would be a deal breaker for me but you don't seem either very angry or surprised by it.

Does he have form for shit like this ?

Poptart27 · 14/08/2016 07:32

Call Sitters, get them to call the sitter and find out what happened. Hopes he's ok.

beelover · 14/08/2016 07:34

I am currently in a travel lodge type hotel in France and we have only been given 1 key card for our room so it does happen. Really hope you are ok OP and that your partner has returned now.

Puzzledbubbles · 14/08/2016 07:37

Hope he us back soon! Definitely ask reception about another room key

rainbowrhythms · 14/08/2016 07:37

Hope he's back OP Flowers

MammaTJ · 14/08/2016 07:38

I hope he has come back by now.

insancerre · 14/08/2016 07:38

My guess is that he is drunk and can't remember where the hotel is
Go down to reception and explain to them what is happening
I'm sure they will help

ArmyInRed · 14/08/2016 07:41

Has he turned up yet, surely he has?

Fairylea · 14/08/2016 07:43

I agree with Anyfucker. I would assume he had gone off with the babysitter and I would be absolutely livid. Incredibly weird behaviour.

Sleepingbunnies · 14/08/2016 07:44

My first thought was the babysitter....

MonicaLewinskisFlange · 14/08/2016 07:46

Thinking of you OP. Hope he turns up safe.

NoahVale · 14/08/2016 07:48

he probably got lost op

Kirriemuir · 14/08/2016 07:48

I'd be seriously fucked off but I hope he is safe.

honeysucklejasmine · 14/08/2016 07:48

Hope he's home now OP

TheCrumpettyTree · 14/08/2016 07:48

My first thought was the baby sitter too.

TendonQueen · 14/08/2016 07:49

He's almost certainly gone drinking but what's with all the assumptions that he's gone off with the babysitter?? Very low opinion some posters have of babysitters that they would think 'you know what would really cap my night at work nicely? I'll cop off with the slightly shifty dad of the kids I've been babysitting'. Hmm He'll have gone to a club to try his luck there. Read him the riot act OP.

MrsRaegan · 14/08/2016 07:49

If it's a large chain hotel they'll do you a new key card no problem. I hope he's home by now though. What time are you due to head home? Can you pay for a later check out?

Nooneyouwilleverknow · 14/08/2016 07:51

Hope he turns up soon OP. Really not on leaving you with the DC like that id be ripping shreds out of him as soon as i laid my eyes on him.

I hope he hasnt gone of with the babysitter that would be beyond disgusting.

NicknameUsed · 14/08/2016 07:55

Any news?

Reception will issue another key so don't worry about that. Just take some form of ID with you.

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