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Away from home and partner gone missing, help

620 replies

Discopanda · 14/08/2016 04:25

Posting here for traffic. We're in Brighton for the weekend and last night got a babysitter so we could go out for a few drinks. When we got in just before 12, DP went with babysitter to get cash to pay her, hasn't come back since. I guessed he'd gone on for a couple more drinks but everywhere will be closed now. His phone is off (it was low on battery when we were out), I don't have a working mobile just my laptop, he's got the only door key and I can't drive, so I am literally stuck here with our 2 DDs (1 and 4), check out is at 4 and I've got all our things and have no idea how I'm even going to be able to take the girls downstairs for breakfast without the key card to get back in after. I was considering calling the local A&E to see if he's got hurt or injured but don't want to wake them up. What do I do?!?!

OP posts:
tigerlilly0404 · 14/08/2016 06:07

any news?? hoping he's back now.

anahata · 14/08/2016 06:16

Hoping he stumbles in drunk reading for an almighty hangover and the bollocking of his life.

Hope he's back soon darling Xx

TooGood2BeFalse · 14/08/2016 06:26

I hope he's ok.If he has just gone and carried on drinking then he has been incredibly cruel and I really hope you let him have it OP. What an awful situation for you to be in. Thinking of you.

Also hoping he's not in any kind of trouble. Does he have form for heavy drinking/unpredictable behaviour?

WellErrr · 14/08/2016 06:36

If he's gone out for more drinks he's a prize prick.

Did he come back?

Snowflakes1122 · 14/08/2016 06:37

Why didn't you get the money on your way home together from your night out? I'm just wondering if he planned it like this so he could have an excuse to head back out after you got back.
Only you really know what he is like. It's hard to work out why he hasn't returned. Gambling? Gone off with babysitter? Does he know anyone local to area?

Hope you are ok. You must be so worried.

ineedamoreadultieradult · 14/08/2016 06:38

Hope he's back.

CathFromCooberPedy · 14/08/2016 06:48

Hope you got some sleep OP.

ZebraOwl · 14/08/2016 06:55

As PPS have said, is quite possible for him to still be going (pretty much...) in Brighton now so your guess at him having gone off to keep drinking is likely right - he's just kept at it for much longer than you'd expected.

I'd give reception a ring to let them know about the key - see if they'll sort it so you can just pick it up from the desk without a fuss.

Really hope your partner is back soon (if he's not already) & has a fantastically good reason (like intervening to save someone's life, or similar) for his absence.

Am so sorry you've been left so worried. SUCH a shitty thing to do if you were at home. When you're in a strange place, however, the shittiness increases greatly.

Scarydinosaurs · 14/08/2016 06:57

Agree with pp that it sounds premeditated to not get cash on your way home.

Does he have a problem with drink? Is it normal for him to prefer drinking on his own over being with you?

I really hope he turns up soon.

Amelie10 · 14/08/2016 06:58

Why would you not call the reception to ask for another keyConfused that's odd that you won't do that?

amysmummy12345 · 14/08/2016 06:59

Any sign ???

Goingtobeawesome · 14/08/2016 07:00

Please don't let him think what he did was acceptable or it will happen again. He's a pillock. I thought off with baby sitter too Sad.

TheoriginalLEM · 14/08/2016 07:05

is he back?

Skittlesss · 14/08/2016 07:07

Has he returned?

Whatthefreakinwhatnow · 14/08/2016 07:08

yes just call reception and they will sort you out another key? It's odd they didn't give you two to be honest, I'm my experience all adults in the room are given one?

You must be ever so worried. Fingers crossed he is fine and will be back with his tail between his legs soon, if he isn't already

fruitboxjury · 14/08/2016 07:09

Does he have find my iPhone or similar, can you log in and see where his phone was last? Awful thing to do, especially with such little kids

flanjabelle · 14/08/2016 07:11

I hope he has been in touch. Has he got form for this op? I would be utterly shocked if my partner did this and would be assuming the worst, not that he went for more drinks. Is this something he has done to you before?

IForgotWhoIAm · 14/08/2016 07:13

Hey, posting to follow. I've got nothing to contribute but I really hope you're okay and he turns up safely. Praying for you x Brew Cake Flowers

Justputyourshoesonnow · 14/08/2016 07:13

This reply has been deleted

Message withdrawn at poster's request.

3weeksthankgod · 14/08/2016 07:14

Well if he was last seen with the babysitter I would be putting two and two together.

iloveberries · 14/08/2016 07:15

Hope he is back?

Champagneformyrealfriends · 14/08/2016 07:17

Posting to follow too. Hope he's back safe op.

CaspoFungin · 14/08/2016 07:21

What a strange thing to do, go back out drinking after already coming home with your partner! Maybe the babysitter was going out after and he went along for one or two?? I'm pretty chilled but I would be pissed off and confused! Oh and annoyed, home at midnight=can function tomorrow, 6am=dead tomorrow.

VanillaSugar · 14/08/2016 07:21

Marking my place.

Catsick36 · 14/08/2016 07:26

Hope he's back feeling sorry for himself. Man is he gonna cop some shit when he gets in.

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