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To be totally horrified that women on a parenting website are giving advice to a violent rapist on how to see his child?

204 replies

Heleneahandcart1 · 08/05/2013 12:23

I have no words, I am beyond disgusted

OP posts:
TantrumsAndBalloons · 08/05/2013 20:17

It's disgusting. I cannot believe that people like that exist.

And yes, I believe they are generally rape apologists, DV apologists, and generally have a very bizarre view on life.

Coffeeformeplease · 08/05/2013 20:22

I really really hope he is a troll.

Otherwise I would hate to be in this woman's shoes. I'd run as far away as possible, abroad even. The way he talks about taking her to court... I'm about to throw up.

CoffeePleaseSir · 08/05/2013 20:24

This is shocking Shock
And the MOD who posted is er very unprofessional.

maddening · 08/05/2013 20:35

even if he could go from just literate to masters degree in 7 years in prison why is that a sign that he has changed - it doesn't mean that he had a personality transplant!

suburbophobe · 08/05/2013 20:43

I think I am more shocked that netmums are letting the thread stand

I think it is good actually that they are letting the thread stand. Always good to get everyone's opinion, even if you don't agree with it.

Worse would be if you didn't let anything be discussed and who would police it? Would you let that be o.k.?
We ain't China or North Korea.

Having said that, if that were the father of my child I would never let him near us again. Even if it meant moving away for her and our best interests.

YourHandInMyHand · 08/05/2013 20:50

I'm happy they have let it stand. It's a startling reminder if why nethuns sucks. Also I'm hoping the mum sees it or someone she knows does.

Jengnr · 08/05/2013 20:56

I got to page six before I shut it down in disgust.

And for someone with an alleged masters he can't spell for shit.

Boomba · 08/05/2013 22:13

fucking piece of worthless narcissist violent raping, full of crap, shit


I would wager, he is more dangerous now hes gone and got himself edumacated

fucking cunt

what the hell is wrong with some of those dozy women?????

Boomba · 08/05/2013 22:16

Although there are a few posters on there that need 'rescuing' and bringing over here...

TacticalWheelbarrow · 08/05/2013 22:45

What an arrogant cunt "I'm her father I can enhance her life"
In what world could a convicted rapist and woman beater enhance a child's life?

Just reading that thread makes me sick, I'm disgusted!

TacticalWheelbarrow · 08/05/2013 22:47

I feel for the poor mother of the child in question, how would she feel if she read that? Women giving him advice when she is probably terrified of him!

ImperialBlether · 08/05/2013 23:03

He's a liar.

He says he's got an MA after seven years in prison - that isn't possible. Nobody would be able to start a degree in their first couple of years inside. Then they have to study it part time. That's not counting the fact that most people inside don't have GCSEs and A levels - not being funny, but this guy hardly sounds as though he'd conformed to further education at an early age, though of course he might be an A grade student and I might just be prejudiced.

I still don't believe him, though. And for someone to say he threw someone down the stairs "but she wasn't pregnant" - wtf, oh that's okay then, is it?

thezebrawearspurple · 08/05/2013 23:15

yanbu, some of those comments are frightening in their gullibility! I don't know whether the poster was a troll or real but there was no genuine expression of remorse or understanding, excuses and justifications for everything and no respect for the fact that mother and daughter will have moved on with their lives and the stress his return would cause. I hope there's no way that any judge would agree to force visitation given the circumstances.

Boomba · 08/05/2013 23:25

Jeez...ive just read it all the way through

Imperial he said he was just about illiterate when he went into you think the whole story is a fabrication..or he's just lying about having 'bettered himself' whilst in prison.

Hmm....hes also supposedly landed this mysterious security/high profile/comes with a BMW type job based on what he did which serving in the forces. If he was almost illiterate, how would he have become so high profile?????

I hope it is a wind up. Otherwise, he makes my blood run cold. He sounds very dangerous IMO

Can the thread be passed to the police? Its a good insight, if its for real. Would be very very useful for a judge to read, when deciding whether he should have contact!

ImperialBlether · 08/05/2013 23:30

If he was illiterate then after a while in prison he'd be put in basic skills classes - bit of English, Maths etc. If he was illiterate it would take him years to get to GCSE standard.

I've looked at the OU site for prisoners and it says they do courses from Level 2. The thing is that they have to study alone, more or less, for that sort of qualification, so there's no way he could do that in seven years.

Whether he's real and a scary fucker or making it up and even weirder, I don't know, but he is a liar. And why the hell would someone go onto NetHuns and ask for advice about how to get contact when he is a rapist?

everlong · 08/05/2013 23:33

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everlong · 08/05/2013 23:33

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InLoveWithDavidTennant · 08/05/2013 23:41

just finished reading it. cant believe they put it back up

was horrified by the early posts but thankfully this afternoon there were posters actually talking sense (im assuming some were mnetters)

and thank god for mumsnet... all those quotes, sparkles, pictures, edits and spellings were giving me a headache Grin

i feel so sorry for the little girl and her mum. i really hope they get the help they need. "changed man" my arse... he didnt come across like he'd changed at all Angry

Boomba · 08/05/2013 23:41

Why netmums?

True dat. If it was real, he would surely have chosen MN!! Grin

I hope to christ its a troll...scarey as hell

Boomba · 08/05/2013 23:42

Ive reported the thread. I think it needs passing to the police. Just in case he is for real

everlong · 08/05/2013 23:43

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BegoniaBampot · 08/05/2013 23:49

i read it. it is some sad troll getting a kick of winding up mothers, rape victims and women who have suffered from DV - really just winding up women and getting their jollies setting off triggers for women who have been through this stuff.

crazynanna · 08/05/2013 23:49

That effing 'Chelle banned me for being a troll caller and for attacking right wing nazi twats on there, after being there for years..and then she posts that response to a rapist...makes loads of sense,does that

Boomba · 08/05/2013 23:52

s'right nanna can say fucking on here!!

Heleneahandcart1 · 08/05/2013 23:56

Does anyone know who 'chelle is? Who is nethuns 'Justine'? What a complete brassneck this all is. I think some of the women on there see a man posting and decide to crawl up his arse no matter what.

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