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To be totally horrified that women on a parenting website are giving advice to a violent rapist on how to see his child?

204 replies

Heleneahandcart1 · 08/05/2013 12:23

I have no words, I am beyond disgusted

OP posts:
stickyg · 08/05/2013 14:43

I commented on that topic and basically said I hoped the ex would grab their daughter and run for the hills. I was disgusted at some of the supportive comments.

SirBoobAlot · 08/05/2013 14:48

Fucking hell, Schro Sad

Yes it may upset a child who wants to see their parent. I've seen several friends destroyed emotionally for years by the lack of parental involvement - but now they are adults, they have seen for themselves that the choices that were made to protect them were the best ones.

Fuck second chances. Keep children safe. They won't always like it, no. But hopefully once they are older, they will respect the decision.

SchroSawMargeryDaw · 08/05/2013 14:53

SirBoob Honestly I am fine with it, I am lucky that I got out, one of my siblings wasn't so lucky so for me I can see the positives for my situation (and most of the "damage" I don't remember).

"Fuck second chances. Keep children safe. They won't always like it, no. But hopefully once they are older, they will respect the decision."

^^ That exactly. I was bitter as hell when I was younger as I wanted to know who she was but now I am older I can see that everyone was doing their damned hardest to protect me and literally save my life!

TheOneWithTheHair · 08/05/2013 15:13

Glad it's gone. Fucking awful that people were giving advice and I hope his ex will do everything to prevent him coming near her child. She will have grounds surely.

To those on this thread who have had experiences beyond my imagination, my heart goes out to you but I am in awe that you are still here and living your lives and didn't let the bastards win. You should have massive pride in yourselves!!!

YesIamYourSisterInLaw · 08/05/2013 17:58

It's not gone it's still there.
I think it's a wind up anyway, the more he spoke the more his life was turning out perfectly and I just don't buy it

PumpkinPositive · 08/05/2013 18:24

I'm not convinced its a wind up. Total arrogant sociopath unable to mask his superiority complex. If true, it's a pity there isn't a way to forward the entire thread to his poor ex.

TheBigJessie · 08/05/2013 18:28

It has become a universally accepted Truth in some quarters that family courts discriminate against fathers. In my opinion, that definitely USED to happen. Today? Well, I don't know, so I won't show myself a fool by declaring one way or the other.

However, the consequence is that many women are absolutely desperate to prove that they believe in "fathers' rights" (parenting isn't about rights, it's about responsibilities) and they will bend over backwards to show that they aren't the type to maliciously block access for the sake of it. What they miss in their bandwagon jumping, is that even if in general men are, in fact, still being unfairly treated in the courts, that doesn't mean some individuals aren't absolute bastards who shouldn't be allowed near a child. That said, nethuns is a nest of "you're a mum, you know best" too.

TheBigJessie · 08/05/2013 18:28

Some mothers shouldn't get access, some fathers shouldn't get access.

Heleneahandcart1 · 08/05/2013 18:40

Good grief, the thread is back with a scolding from the mods telling people not to upset the poor ickle rapist by calling him a troll

OP posts:
KoreRenati · 08/05/2013 18:52


everlong · 08/05/2013 18:57

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Message withdrawn at poster's request.

Heleneahandcart1 · 08/05/2013 19:00

Where the hell do they recruit these mods from??

OP posts:
FoxyRoxy · 08/05/2013 19:05

Why I stay away from nethuns at all costs. Disgusting.

wonderingsoul · 08/05/2013 19:11

can see it in the papers oon

"net mums help rapist see child"

the mods are ethier reeaallyl stupied or using this as a very clever markting tool to pull people to look at the crappy website.

after all even bad press is good press

ChestyNut · 08/05/2013 19:14

Seriously Hmm

What positive effect he could have on his daughters life, I cannot see.

Mother should run for the hills.

everlong · 08/05/2013 19:25

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Message withdrawn at poster's request.

phantomnamechanger · 08/05/2013 19:26

Speechless. Hope to goodness he never gets to see his daughter. The sad thing is, once he's out and has a clean start somewhere new, there's no telling who he may meet, and seem initially charming, and play at being a good step father figure etc, or even have a baby with a new partner - very worrying - TOTALLY agree you can hear the arrogance and indeed anger when challenged - he still has issues, he's not as perfect as he's trying to sound.

YourHandInMyHand · 08/05/2013 19:27

God if I was this child's mother I would say goodbye to everything I knew and run with my child as the sad fact is if he pushes and pushes this through court this young child will end up having contact with a rapist and abuser.

Nuthuns makes my teeth itch.

TheVermiciousKnid · 08/05/2013 19:32

Shame on Netmums. :(

mummylin2495 · 08/05/2013 19:40

It has not been removed I just clicked on the link its still there.

RubyGates · 08/05/2013 19:51

My God. The pink! The Orange! The sparkles! The Bilge!

Make it stop!

ConfusedPixie · 08/05/2013 19:57

That thread is shocking. It amazes me how people think that it's okay to support the man Angry

natwebb79 · 08/05/2013 20:03

It's actually made me feel sick. I can't believe that 'Chelle' the Mod. has put that comment on. Disgusting.

Heleneahandcart1 · 08/05/2013 20:04

I'm reading another thread. Are they generally rape apologisers?

OP posts:
BonaDrag · 08/05/2013 20:12

So when someone comes on here and asks 'why do you lot slag off netmums', we can just link to this thread.

The stupid cunts block swearing and ban people for being able to write in non text speak and yet they allow this?

Fucking semiliterate hunning wankers.

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