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To not want to moderate my language in front of these children?

216 replies

notanumber · 24/02/2011 22:20

I am a teacher (Secondary in inner London).

Contrary to popular belief, teachers mostly don't clock off at half past three and are in school for a good while after the pupils have left.

This means that for those teachers who are also parents, they cannot collect their children straight from their school but have to make other arrangements with childminders/after school clubs etc.

However, my teaching colleague has children who attend the nearby primary school and he chooses to have his children (about 7 and 9) walk up to the school we teach in and and hang about in the staffroom until he is ready to go (usually about 90 minutes).

The school is short of space, many people don't have their own classrooms, and in any case classrooms are often used after the end of the offical day for twilight or revision lessons.

Therefore, the staffroom is very very busy in the hour or so after the final bell. Lots of people working (marking or planning), some people doing the networking stuff (talking to HOYs about particular pupils, calling parents, discussing upcoming lessons with their department) and others just relaxing and gossiping.

Basically it is full. Full of teachers who have got to the end of the day and dealing with all the stuff they have to do or just blowing off steam.

Teahing is a stressful job and sometimes shouting, "cunting top set year 11 make me want to kill myself!" is necessary to maintain sanity. This is extreme though, but many people do swear and discuss non-child friendly things fairly routinely.

Ok, after all that, here comes the AIBU!

On occasion, when there has been some colourful language the teacherparent
has been known to admonish with, "Language! Do you mind? There are children in here?"

The thing is, there shouldn't be children in the staffroom IMO. The clue is in the name - it's a staffroom, not a crèche.

It is the one space in the school where you can let you guard down and say what you like. especially if it's "after hours".

AIBU to think that if he doesn't want his children to hear "language" then he should make proper arrangements for them?

OP posts:
Goblinchild · 25/02/2011 01:07

No one is objecting to him collecting his children as soon as he finishes work, are they?
It's their presence in the staff room that is under discussion, surely?

scottishmummy · 25/02/2011 01:07

birkenstock or dm.screams socialsciencetastic chin scratcher to me

IHeartKingThistle · 25/02/2011 01:08

OP YANBU. I'm going to bed now!

scottishmummy · 25/02/2011 01:09

as i read it its the regular ongoing presence of the kids in staff room thats the contention

and rightly so

pay for childcare - like rest of us.stop imposing your childcare in an inappropriate setting

Goblinchild · 25/02/2011 01:09

What about M&S footgloves SM?
So very comfy when you have to be up and down and around all day.
Doe schinscratcher imply beardiness?

UnseenAcademicalMum · 25/02/2011 01:09

Pixie, I have a lot of respect for teachers (I come from a family of educationalists). It just depresses me that you have this martyr complex. Don't you want to be paid for what you do?

Anyway, being an (obviously overpaid, under-worked) academic, I'm off to bed.

PixieOnaLeaf · 25/02/2011 01:11

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scottishmummy · 25/02/2011 01:11

so long as it fair trade footglove made by artisans in a commune retailing for above market rates

anyhoo what the fresh hell is a foot glove?sock wi no toes?

UnseenAcademicalMum · 25/02/2011 01:12

SM oh well, yep, I'm obv an aged socialist Grin

Goblinchild · 25/02/2011 01:12

I'm far too busy creating wonderous and exciting stuff about rainforests to enthrall my fortunate class to go to bed yet. Grin
And planning my costume for World Book day. Do they have that at university?

PixieOnaLeaf · 25/02/2011 01:13

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scottishmummy · 25/02/2011 01:14

foot glove what a curious oxymoron
like ear slippers or something
aye can see the socialsciencetastic crew bedecked in ear slippers and hessian not for profit tote bags

UnseenAcademicalMum · 25/02/2011 01:15

Goblinchild, are undergrads supposed to know what books are when they come to us? Well, well, well, I am surprised!

Goblinchild · 25/02/2011 01:17

Soft squisy shoes from Marks and Spencer.
I get through several pairs a year, almost as good as wearing just socks. Hard on the feet is teaching, and on the voice. And on the waistline.
Perhaps we need more biscuit-eating children in the staffroom to save those of us with impulse eating issues.

SeeJaneKick · 25/02/2011 01:18

I'm horrified that teachers are feeling so bad thy need somewhere to cry/swear and breakdown....I dread my kids going to high school

Goblinchild · 25/02/2011 01:19

Dunno, my daughter seems to think that a laptop is all she needs for uni.

UnseenAcademicalMum · 25/02/2011 01:21

Yep, that and wikipaedia, according to my first years. Who think it is OK to cut and paste from there. God knows how they got those A'grades at A'level!

UnseenAcademicalMum · 25/02/2011 01:22

footgloves- is that any different from the german for gloves, which can be directly translated as "hand-shoes"?

allypall · 25/02/2011 01:22

I'm amazed that you're horrified, seejanekick. My mum was a primary school teacher and on the occasions I dropped into school to see her the staffroom would be like the Vagina Monologues.

PixieOnaLeaf · 25/02/2011 01:23

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PixieOnaLeaf · 25/02/2011 01:24

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Goblinchild · 25/02/2011 01:26

Sometimes it's the damage done to children before they reach double figures that makes you want to cry or swear.
It's not because the children are vile.


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scottishmummy · 25/02/2011 01:26

teachers swear?so fuckin what?and they take piss out of parents and kids inc the school gate wags

SeeJaneKick · 25/02/2011 01:34

Why amazed Allypal? Unless you've been in a staff room you're not going to have any idea what goes on are you?

SeeJaneKick · 25/02/2011 01:35

I don't think my DDs staff room is like's a very small school and the door is always open to kids and parents.

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