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Feminism: Sex and gender discussions

Bunbury's Thirteenth edition - unlucky for some.

255 replies

highame · 10/06/2021 19:04

The useful Bunbury Guide to Spotting Community Disruptors is constantly evolving. It seems appropriate to resurrect today

The best research and advice is not to engage with community disruptors and trolls. As ever, if you suspect troll activity, report it to MNHQ.

Remember there are people out there who would like to silence us by fair means or foul and attacks are increasing.

This is a continuation of Bunbury’s 9th Public Service Announcement but other Bunbury’s are available and I believe Bunbury’s Orchestra is still alive

If and when you see threads plopped into FWR, especially a curious repeat of well-worn topics, maybe check for poster history before engaging. AS is your friend.
If you feel your hackles rising, give yourself a break. After the Maya case we may find an escalation.

There are a number of posts/posters/threads that are reproduced on Twitter or Facebook to foment controversy using screen shots & flagging to either MNHQ to have threads or posters deleted.. Sometimes, it’s used to approach commissioning editors with ideas for articles. It’s a tiresome tactic that we always have community disruptor posters who themselves post the comments that they then highlight elsewhere as purported evidence of racism, religious intolerance, anti-men sentiments, or transphobia.

Some helpful links can be found in the ‘Break it Down for me’ and ‘It never happens’ threads but in essence FermatsTheorem recommended “that in the absence of a block/hide poster button, the following strategy is suggested

Do not name check the sealion. Instead, respond to a depersonalised paraphrase:

"It is sometimes erroneously suggested that blah. Blah is wrong for the following reasons (short and pithy). If you need more information re. debunking blah, here's a link."

Then (this next step is important to combat derailment) go back up thread to the last useful contribution to the discussion, make sure you do name check that contributor, and pick up the discussion from that point.”
Bunbury’s is under attack so be on your guard - there be dragons looking for witches.
If you’re lurking, Bunbury was a fictitious person in the Importance of Being Earnest - whenever our hero wanted to get out of an unwanted social engagement he would claim to have to be visiting his sick relative Bunbury. Hence the rediscovery of hitherto unknown second wave feminist Germaine Bunbury, to indicate to posters that a thread may in fact constitute an unwelcome social occasion they might want to avoid (courtesy of FermatsTheorem)
Finally, TAAT (thread about a thread) will get the thread removed. Let’s see how long this one lasts.

OP posts:
EmbarrassingAdmissions · 10/06/2021 19:06

I really hope this one stands.

And that MNHQ were a little bit proud of themselves for allowing this board to discuss issues that are defending the rights of women and the safeguarding of children.

highame · 10/06/2021 19:09

There's a lot of heat at the moment, so thought it might be a good idea to put up a reminder. This has been a good week Flowers to all vipers wherever they might be

OP posts:
ErrolTheDragon · 10/06/2021 19:14

I think the others have gone down because someone invariably manages to break the TAAT rule. Please don't! Discuss why threads have been deleted etc elsewhere.

BoreOfWhabylon · 10/06/2021 19:21

Evening all. And what a splendid evening it is!

highame · 10/06/2021 19:24

The sky here is overcast, but somehow there's so much sunlight around

OP posts:
JustcameoutGC · 10/06/2021 19:39

Evening all. Time for a Bunbury temperature check?

1 being TWAW, you can change sex every Tuesday should you so wish, and anyways sex don't matter only gender identity does, and you do have one, even if you dont think you do. YOU DO.

10 being TWANW, now let's have some lovely third spaces and figure out how to rub along together, and smash the patriarchy.

I think we were hovering between a 6 and a 7 last time. Definitely closer to a 7 for me.

What needs to happen next??? Kier Starmer needs to grow a pair, get that fence out of his arse and create a home for women in Labour

Nancy Kelley to go on news night and be interviewed by Emily Maitland (with Ben Cohen just for the laughs)

Marion gets let off and sues for false charges and gets loads of dosh which she uses to buy up all the green white and purple ribbon in the world

EmbarrassingAdmissions · 10/06/2021 19:46

I'm still a 4 (reasons) and I'm open to an upgrade but much will depend on the next few weeks and months.

Quoting from a Twitter comment that I saw:

black woman queuing to vote in S Africa's 1st free election who, on being told by John Humphreys on BBCRadio4 of a bombing in Jo'burg, said "The dying snake always wriggles", which great image Mr H repeated"

Expect the worst and you can never be disappointed.

I'm open for being wrong and nothing could please me more.

But - we're arguing for the restoration of a status quo that should never have needed defending. And we're still in danger, courtesy of practically all of the political parties - and that's without taking account of what's happening worldwide.

BoreOfWhabylon · 10/06/2021 21:22

I'd be very happy with a SexMatters political party.

FindTheTruth · 11/06/2021 09:13

🔆😎 it's going to be splendid all weekend 🔆😎

MishyJDI · 11/06/2021 09:26

After a period of disharmony, seems with the Maya judgement the orchestra is in full swing and belting it out - though there is a tricky section coming up when Maya's case actually hits appeal, and the bass issues are reviewed. A patch of difficult and potentially catastrophic music is on the horizon, which may disrupt the unity of the horn section in particular.

But for now, while the sunshine shines brightly, the cacophony of sound across the parklands of little england is a boon for all in earshot.

Sophoclesthefox · 11/06/2021 09:35

QED Grin

Wrongsideofhistorymyarse · 11/06/2021 09:46

Good morning. It is a pleasure to be reminded of Bunbury during these celebratory times.

Leafstamp · 11/06/2021 09:52


Good morning. It is a pleasure to be reminded of Bunbury during these celebratory times.

Isn’t it just. Good morning to allSmile
MrsOvertonsWindow · 11/06/2021 10:49

Morning all Brew
What a pleasure to see a Bunbury thread again and what an interesting and very productive week it has turned out to be. I'm currently rating at a 5 / 6 - so much progress yet so many mountains still to climb.

This board has been an absolute pleasure recently. So many fascinating threads and an abundance of new posters asking for advice - especially about education.

Hopefully if everyone is careful not to make reference to other threads or posters the Bunbury haven with all the useful advice can remain open.

EmbarrassingAdmissions · 11/06/2021 11:06

As long as the current framing remains all about trans rights rather than this ludicrous and expensive struggle to reclaim women's rights that have been given away - and that is what is being covered in MSM - my 4 is hardening.

All those pretentious books that riff off the Art of War are correct on one matter - don't engage on your opponent's battlefield. So far, the people speaking on this topic are largely being invited onto a battlefield or are having it set out by the interviewers accepting the framing of it all being about trans rights and mean feminists rather than courageous feminists having to establish something that has been obscured and win back something that should never have been ceded.

Just call me joyless.

FindTheTruth · 11/06/2021 11:08

Rays of sunlight breaking through the storm clouds in the NHS today, leaves a warm glow.

ErrolTheDragon · 11/06/2021 11:13


Rays of sunlight breaking through the storm clouds in the NHS today, leaves a warm glow.

I'm sure you could turn that into a lovely haiku with a little editing
highame · 11/06/2021 19:03

The weekend starts here, so maybe a bump as a reminder about community disrupters

OP posts:
DaisiesandButtercups · 11/06/2021 19:08

I was just thinking that FWR was lacking a certain something without Bunbury...

Thank you highame.

Gumbomambo · 11/06/2021 19:31

I have missed Bunbury nice to have you back. Definitely a timely reminder it could be bumpy this weekend.

EmbarrassingAdmissions · 11/06/2021 19:40

Just call me joyless.

My joy has not been enhanced by current dead cats and proposals - very firm 4.

Lots to do this weekend so - maybe a swift round at the Bluestocking when we can?

WhiteFeministWarMachine · 18/06/2021 11:21

I thought of Bunbury when I reported a particularly vicious disrupter this morning - thankfully they've been booted off the premises.


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EmbarrassingAdmissions · 18/06/2021 11:30

It's going to be that sort of a weekend - martinis at the ready and buckle up or perhaps gaze thoughtfully out of the windows at a drenched urban or landscape.

There will still be food - I'll be serving it in a pop-tent outdoors but dress for the weather nonetheless, please.

Olderbadger1 · 18/06/2021 12:15

We're already double-buckled in Wales.

Our new government have committed to devolving the Equality Act in order to bring about self-ID, and are determined to ban conversion therapy in spite of lots of us asking for caution and pointing out the unintended consequences. A mandatory RSE curriculum based on queer theory with various rainbow resources and Welsh Gov in the top 10 Stonewall diversity champions / workplace index scheme. No consideration of the impact on women at all.

I'll be at the bar sobbing in to my pint.

DaisiesandButtercups · 18/06/2021 12:39

Thank the Goddess for Bunbury. I find these threads so helpful for light relief, solidarity and serious information. Just had an email from DD’s school that her year group will be receiving a PSHE programme from Stonewall, something called FIT.

I’ll join you in the Blustocking Olderbadger1 if you’d accept company we can commiserate together. I’ll need something stronger though.

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