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Feminism: Sex and gender discussions

Do you watch porn?

551 replies

RadandMad · 18/02/2021 19:22

I've been reading a convo on Twitter where several people are claiming - including a woman - that women watch porn as well as men. My first reaction is, this isn't true. Sure, I've watched it from time to time, usually in the company of men, but it's so boring, so divorced from real sex/real bodies, that I'd almost rather do anything else.

Am I wrong? I realise I'm asking a group of women who are probably going to have a more cynical view of pornography, but I'm having a hard time believing women have a porn habit even remotely comparable to men's.

OP posts:
thinkingaboutLangCleg · 18/02/2021 21:17

No, find it distressing.

Me too.

DinosaurDiana · 18/02/2021 21:18


PCar20 · 18/02/2021 21:20

I do. Not often but probably every 6 weeks or so.

ammary · 18/02/2021 21:21

I do sometimes, by myself, but mostly gay man porn. I'm not that interested in straight porn at all. 🤷🏼‍♀️

Sophoclesthefox · 18/02/2021 21:22

Nope. Because no matter how ethical you think it is, it’s a near certainty that at some point you’ll see a woman who is being raped for your entertainment. I can’t live with endorsing that.

MissBarbary · 18/02/2021 21:25

No. I've only ever seen about 5 minutes of porn and that was on television in a hotel in either Amsterdam or Tallinn, by mistake, (yes honestly)

It was so ugly. Genitals are ugly and people having sex isn't nice to look at.

NotJust3SmallWords · 18/02/2021 21:26

I don't personally. I just finished a book about statistics which said apparently a relatively large number of searches on Pornhub are by women (hardly 50% but a significant number).
I prefer erotica (not sure if that counts as porn in the same way). I find it makes you engage your own imagination much more...

BattyOrange · 18/02/2021 21:31


Oversize · 18/02/2021 21:32

Never seen a point film unless you count I Clavdivs.

Oversize · 18/02/2021 21:32

Porn not point.

MissBarbary · 18/02/2021 21:34


I think more people (women included) do than will admit to it.

I do, not obsessively but occasionally. I find it erotic. I also know it’s grim. I flick through (not a pun) until I find something I rationalise as not abusive or coercive.

I’m well aware that I’m deluding myself but then I’m the same about eating KitKats or a cheap chicken, or a dress from BooHoo.

Interestingly the only man I’ve ever been with who was vocally anti porn was also the only abusive partner in my life. All my other male partners have just got on with it occasionally either for a wank or as background to sex.

Might have to name change now. I am an active feminist raising sons and daughters. The proliferation of porn is a scourge but the basis of it, erotic images, writing, whatever, has been a part of human sexuality from the start and I think we should understand that while understanding that the internet has made everything (not just porn) a billion times worse.

I find avoiding porn as easy as avoiding KitKats or a cheap chicken, or a dress from BooHoo. It's not a high bar.
Borntohula · 18/02/2021 21:36

I have and I think a lot of women, on here specifically, are really naive thinking that it's just men who do. Women masturbate too, obviously.

Divebar2021 · 18/02/2021 21:39

Yes occasionally. It would have been interesting if you’d posted this away from the feminism board since it is particularly anti porn.

iguanadonna · 18/02/2021 21:39


WannabemoreWeaver · 18/02/2021 21:39

in the past but stuck to stuff made women.

MissBarbary · 18/02/2021 21:40


I have and I think a lot of women, on here specifically, are really naive thinking that it's just men who do. Women masturbate too, obviously.

What an odd comment. Porn isn't necessary for masturbation.
LouJ85 · 18/02/2021 21:41

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Ritasueandbobtoo9 · 18/02/2021 21:42

No, neither does my husband. Exploitative and morally wrong.

InTheShadowOfTheMushroomCloud · 18/02/2021 21:42


It wasn't readily available when I was a young woman and now I am too old for that sort of stuff. I get my kicks from being with DH ...silver sex is rather good!

Ghostlyfeet · 18/02/2021 21:43

I do.

Binga · 18/02/2021 21:43

Yes, but I'm picky as to what I watch. The 'professional' porn with massively enhanced women being extremely vocal does nothing for me. I prefer more of the amateur stuff.

chocatoo · 18/02/2021 21:43

no, but I fancy giving it a go


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BernadetteRostankowskiWolowitz · 18/02/2021 21:43

Not any more. It slowly became less and less enjoyable the more I considered where those women came from and what lead them to this.

I do read a fuck ton of erotic literature.

Borntohula · 18/02/2021 21:46

@missbarbary oh don't be daft, porn is commonly associated with masturbation so get away with your head-tilty 'odd comment' crap. No, it's not necessary but because women do indeed masturbate, some will use porn, just like men.

oakleaffy · 18/02/2021 21:47

I had a look out of curiosity, but so rough! Yuck.


Ironically a book of 18th century erotic drawings were much more appealing.

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