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Feminism: Sex and gender discussions

Do you watch porn?

551 replies

RadandMad · 18/02/2021 19:22

I've been reading a convo on Twitter where several people are claiming - including a woman - that women watch porn as well as men. My first reaction is, this isn't true. Sure, I've watched it from time to time, usually in the company of men, but it's so boring, so divorced from real sex/real bodies, that I'd almost rather do anything else.

Am I wrong? I realise I'm asking a group of women who are probably going to have a more cynical view of pornography, but I'm having a hard time believing women have a porn habit even remotely comparable to men's.

OP posts:
mayjaye · 23/02/2021 21:23

I read erotica which some people think is exactly the same thing.

Agreed, this is ridiculous. There's one or two differences between performances that visibly exploit and objectify real women versus writing/reading a story… Hmm

Erotica can be problematic, but it's on a totally different level to female porn actors being degraded for male audiences on camera—and how that normalises unhealthy expectations of women.

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