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Feminism: Sex and gender discussions

Do you watch porn?

551 replies

RadandMad · 18/02/2021 19:22

I've been reading a convo on Twitter where several people are claiming - including a woman - that women watch porn as well as men. My first reaction is, this isn't true. Sure, I've watched it from time to time, usually in the company of men, but it's so boring, so divorced from real sex/real bodies, that I'd almost rather do anything else.

Am I wrong? I realise I'm asking a group of women who are probably going to have a more cynical view of pornography, but I'm having a hard time believing women have a porn habit even remotely comparable to men's.

OP posts:
MysweetAudrina · 18/02/2021 19:42

Sometimes, mostly on my own as dh not really into it. He has watched it on occasion with me when I've asked but he normally just criticises the production or makes comments so it doesn't really add to the occasion. I have pretty tame interests so not viewing anything extreme or damaging to those involved in it. Would normally watch girl on girl or casting couch fantasy if watching by myself.

CosyAcorn · 18/02/2021 19:43


Filmed prostitution is the right word. Porn does so much damage to the people who make it and to many people who watch it.

DuckonaBike · 18/02/2021 19:44

No, never seen any.

Redrose8701 · 18/02/2021 19:44

It’s disgusting.
And I really like sex and quite varied forms

Theredone5 · 18/02/2021 19:46

Yes I have in the past but I don't enjoy it nowadays

Lfinger · 18/02/2021 19:46

No. I did until I learned how exploitative and violent it is. I read erotica now instead.

Significantown · 18/02/2021 19:48

No. I used to with my evil bastard ex husband who expected me to do what was on the screen.

Justcashnosweets · 18/02/2021 19:49

Yes, I do occasionally.

SomersetHamlyn · 18/02/2021 19:50

I used to but I can't any more. Reality intrudes .

Novina · 18/02/2021 19:50

No. Porn use is a red flag for me wrt partners.

HelloDulling · 18/02/2021 19:51


sabrinathemiddleagewitch · 18/02/2021 19:51


UnshakenNeedsStirring · 18/02/2021 19:52

Yes, do and I dont think there is anything wrong with watching it, thank god I dont live in the UAE

AlohaMolly · 18/02/2021 19:52

I used to when I was younger and then I realised how damaging it could be.

Can I ask where people find erotic literature? I think that would be right up my street!

EdgeOfACoin · 18/02/2021 19:53


sleepyhead1980 · 18/02/2021 19:53


Onedropbeat · 18/02/2021 19:53

If the porn can guarantee being ethical then I might consider watching it

No to mainstream porn

TransplantedScouser · 18/02/2021 19:53

Yes and quite often

Sometimes with DH and sometimes without

ApplePie86 · 18/02/2021 19:55

My God, I can't believe how many nos there are!!!

I watch it when I'm on my own and having some "alone time". Prefer all female as despite being straight, so not find the men that much of a turn on!

It's not a regular thing though - maybe once or twice a month.

Martinisarebetterdirty · 18/02/2021 19:58

@AlohaMolly try literotica, although ther is a propensity towards anal if you’re not careful (of course you might like this!)
I’ve watched twice, once when I was 17 to see what it was about and once with DP to see what squirting was. Never again, just not interested.

twoglassesofprosecco · 18/02/2021 20:00

No, I feel too sorry for the girls having to do it to earn money to find it at all titillating.

I reckon empathy is the reason fewer women watch it than men.

AmySosa · 18/02/2021 20:02

I think more people (women included) do than will admit to it.

I do, not obsessively but occasionally. I find it erotic. I also know it’s grim. I flick through (not a pun) until I find something I rationalise as not abusive or coercive.

I’m well aware that I’m deluding myself but then I’m the same about eating KitKats or a cheap chicken, or a dress from BooHoo.

Interestingly the only man I’ve ever been with who was vocally anti porn was also the only abusive partner in my life. All my other male partners have just got on with it occasionally either for a wank or as background to sex.

Might have to name change now. I am an active feminist raising sons and daughters. The proliferation of porn is a scourge but the basis of it, erotic images, writing, whatever, has been a part of human sexuality from the start and I think we should understand that while understanding that the internet has made everything (not just porn) a billion times worse.


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Tal45 · 18/02/2021 20:04

Very rarely, most is made by men for men and a lot of it is just gross IMO. But there are some women making porn for women which is better.

Seventytwo · 18/02/2021 20:05

Filmed prostitution is the right word. Porn does so much damage to the people who make it and to many people who watch it.

This exactly. I don’t watch porn and couldn’t be with a partner who did for precisely this reason.

dayoftheclownfish · 18/02/2021 20:05

Not interested - but I do like sex.

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