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Feminism: Sex and gender discussions

Trans councillor leaves roles after 'threats to life'

375 replies

Bespin · 11/08/2018 05:09

I'm not one for posting threads on here but I feel this is quite a sad position for this person and shows how hard it is to maintain a professional stance on this when you are receiving threats and abuse at the levels that are currently happening on the Internet, in no way am I saying this is gender critical people. But this debate as now got to such a level that it is starting to cost people there livelihoods on both sides of this so called debate.

OP posts:
SturdyEarmuffs · 11/08/2018 07:31

Maybe lead by example bespin, go forth and condemn the targeting of women by TRAs as they continue to flood this website, reporting posters, screenshot posts and create more targets as they do so. It's worse on twitter - go appeal to your cohorts to stop mass reporting women to try and silence them. Maybe condemn the lobbyists pushing against every boundary women have and suggest that time, money and energy would be better spent creating support systems for trans people just like women had to work for (with far less financial clout) before they try and colonise women's spaces. Sort out your own house before coming here with faux concern about lack of debate, and come back once you've shown you are willing to actually stand up and clean up the likes of the absolutely vile behaviour that the trans-councillor still sees as fine when it's aimed at women.

We'll wait.

Bowlofbabelfish · 11/08/2018 07:33

Gregor is not a victim in this. They have used their identifiable public platform linked to their job to send highly inappropriate tweets and comments.

These were not anonymous comments, they were public pronouncements and as such they are unfit to hold the job they did.

Their non-apology afterwards was weaselly, blamed everyone but themselves, and was utterly lacking in remorse. I have absolutely zero sympathy for them. They are not fit to hold office.

LizzieSiddal · 11/08/2018 07:43

at what point are we going to stop attacking and actually start working to solve this 'debate'

Can you please put that question the some TRAs and let us know their answer. Thank you.

Charliethefeminist · 11/08/2018 07:43

This is a very, very serious and brazen example of BBC pro-gender identity, anti-woman bias. It's as bad as the misleading Guardian reporting on Marie Dean, which had to be corrected. I suggest complaints are made until the BBC is obliged to correct the one-sided and misleading nature of this article.

TimeLady · 11/08/2018 07:45

Given Gregor's pinned tweet mentioned above re. misgendering, this is an extraordinary one

I have such boy feet, which is rubbish when it comes to getting nice wellies...

So I've taken matters into my own hands and sprayed these ones glittery haha.

#KeepingTheCampInCamp #ScoutPride #BlairAtholl2018

CuriousaboutSamphire · 11/08/2018 07:53

This is a very, very serious and brazen example of BBC pro-gender identity, anti-woman bias That sent me off to read the article.

I was heartened by the use of quotes 'threats to life' and they actually make no comment at all... just print his own mealy mouthed letter.

What did I miss? Is there another BBC report, Charlie ?

Bowlofbabelfish · 11/08/2018 07:55

at what point are we going to stop attacking and actually start working to solve this 'debate'

The GC feminist position is not based on personal attacks of those who don’t agree with them. It IS working, through direct action, and Democratic means to raise awareness of how the upcoming changes will reduce the safety of women and children. For example by contacting our MPs, producing factual and scientifically correct school education packs, contacting councils to point out that they may be in breach of the equality act.

I’m interested that you are trying to frame this as two sides just slinging abuse at each other/both as bad as each other and calling it a debate. The vocal activists on one side have #nodebate as a base position for goodness sake.

Working to solve the debate? What does that actually mean to you? Because it seems to mean ‘shut up and accept it’ and women are not prepared to.

Stop trying to frame this as ‘everyone just as bad as each other.’ Women want the protection we have IN LAW to be enforced.

LaSquirrel · 11/08/2018 07:57

Yes, given that Murray stresses the "don't use male pronouns" and claims "non-binary" (but looks pretty dudely!) - this is not a female (F2T).

That Murray has given past tirades calling women (lesbians actually) "fucking cunts", not exactly the stuff of 'innocent victim' - but very much the realm of a Master of DARVO, who has run out of options (ie about to face the music of those misogynist/lesbiaphobic attacks, esp being an 'equal opportunities spokesperson').

So in closing, Bespin, a bit of a note to self when picking out cases of "poor little trans being picked on/threatened", the following:

  1. make sure they are legit trans, not 'non-binary' (particularly one who looks like a straight-out dude)

  2. pick one that has not called a marginalised group of women (lesbians) "fucking cunts", particularly as 'they' are supposed to be an equal opps spokesperson

  3. cite the actual proof of the threats, not the hearsay of the wrongdoer who looks for all the world to be a classic DARVO player

  4. (optional) cite from whom these threats have come (pro-tip: not gender critical feminists)

    Your credibility on this matter Bespin, is quite low.
littlbrowndog · 11/08/2018 07:57

Looked at the person twitter feed

The person wasn’t getting abuse.

The person was getting called out for the abuse the person wrote against women

Lesbians that did the protesrts at pride were terfs

And cunts

And all the person wrote bout was trans things

No apology just oh poor me

Bespin · 11/08/2018 07:58

Can you please put that question the some TRAs and let us know their answer. Thank you.

I have done that and sadly there reply was similar to yours they blamed you.

at some point this as to stop and people have to try to move forwards but we are not there yet. I hope it will not take a tragedy to make people realise that as is often the case in these things but i now fear it might and even then it might only cause a pause.

OP posts:
Juells · 11/08/2018 08:00

Is that person a transwoman or a transman? :( I've read the BBC article and can't figure out which. Looks like a man with a beard, is referred to as 'they', says they're a trans councillor...but surely a trans man wouldn't hate women so much? If 'they' are (is? Hmm ) a transwoman why the beard?

terryleather · 11/08/2018 08:01

Everything that's happened to GM has been brought upon himself due to his unacceptable behaviour in office, so I'm unsure why I should give a shiny about this odious wee nugget.

Bowlofbabelfish · 11/08/2018 08:01

They can blame me all they like.

This is not a case of equal sided squabbling. This is not going to be solved by sad face/let’s all just be nice to each other, women, you start by shutting the fuck up.

It needs extensive, detailed, public debate. One side wants that and the other doesn’t. I wonder why.

littlbrowndog · 11/08/2018 08:01

The person is a non binary guy

Not trans anything

sexnotgender · 11/08/2018 08:03

The guy is a cunt of the highest order, classic DARVO.
He’s not fit to hold public office and if he’s actually playing the victim in this then he’s off the scale delusional.

Bespin · 11/08/2018 08:05

when the news train moves on and the GRA consultation is over and all this is not news anymore or does not sell papers what will we all be left with? these things do end eventually the government will produce a fudge no doubt. I just hope this will not come at to higher cost.

OP posts:
IncrediblySturdyPyjamas · 11/08/2018 08:06

You genuinely dont get it do you?

littlbrowndog · 11/08/2018 08:07

Ooooh sorry the person identifies as a trans person !

nauticant · 11/08/2018 08:08

I'll believe he received death threats when I see them. If they do exist though I will be very surprised if they're coming from gender critical feminists.

Meanwhile there's plenty of evidence of abusive and misogynistic comments he's made towards women.

Juells · 11/08/2018 08:08

I just hope this will not come at to higher cost.

What do you mean? I don't understand.

Bespin · 11/08/2018 08:09


What happens if self id is agreed which I don't think it will as I believe the government will do what it set out to do and streamline the GRC process. they will not relook at this again, or if they agree with you and roll policy back what happens, what are the outcomes from this?

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sexnotgender · 11/08/2018 08:10

I’ve not seen ANY actual evidence of death threats coming from our side of the issue.

Or threats at all for that matter?

I know, I know, words are all literal violence Smile

Bowlofbabelfish · 11/08/2018 08:11

I dont understand the question, bespin can you rephrase a little clearer? No one is rolling back anything to do with trans rights.

Bespin · 11/08/2018 08:13


my biggest concern is that either we have another Lucy meddows or that a TRA causes serious harm to someone with another assault because they feel violence is justified due to how heated the debate as become. this as the pot to ruin lives. I don't want to shut anyone up I want to keep them safe.

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Bespin · 11/08/2018 08:16


if you get the outcome you want what happens then. do you stop do we carry on fighting. when does this end

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