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Feminism: Sex and gender discussions

Trans councillor leaves roles after 'threats to life'

375 replies

Bespin · 11/08/2018 05:09

I'm not one for posting threads on here but I feel this is quite a sad position for this person and shows how hard it is to maintain a professional stance on this when you are receiving threats and abuse at the levels that are currently happening on the Internet, in no way am I saying this is gender critical people. But this debate as now got to such a level that it is starting to cost people there livelihoods on both sides of this so called debate.

OP posts:
RJnomore1 · 11/08/2018 09:40

I read this earlier abd thought Gregor was FTM although preferring gender neutral pronouns.

I'm struggling to ask what they actually are without being deleted here. I'll try this...was Gregor his assigned name at birth????

WomanInBoots · 11/08/2018 09:45

Not that and it may have moved on but from the waffling quote from this person in one of the articles my guess is that they were told to step down or be fired... due to their own behaviour. However they have chosen to blame others for their behaviour.

R0wantrees · 11/08/2018 09:46

The Scottish Sun:

"The councillor is gender non-binary and prefers the “they” pronoun."

WomanInBoots · 11/08/2018 09:46

**Not rtft

Alicethroughtheblackmirror · 11/08/2018 09:51

To clear things up. I believe that Gregor is a white individual with XY chromosomes who, no doubt misguided, doctors assigned male at birth and who dresses and outwardly conforms to masculine stereotypes (beard, suit etc), Gregor does not take hormones and has not had surgery. Gregor does have sparkly wellies, however, and wishes to be addressed as them/ their. This makes Gregor one of the most oppressed people on planet ever. Especially by women - specifically feminist or lesbian types - who have wickedly highlighted his abusive messages and made the poor darling resign for being forced to be horrid about witches women.

BertrandRussell · 11/08/2018 09:53

He has identified his own feet as “boy’s feet” though.......

IncrediblySturdyPyjamas · 11/08/2018 09:54

However they have chosen to blame others for their behaviour.

Strange that this does appear to be quite a male trait.

And strange that a non-binary person is even wanting to call women cunts.

Again, quite a male trait.

I do wonder what is non-binary about this person, apart from the wanting to appear to be in a 'cool group that allows women to be treated like shit' club.

Or 'running that hot bath and leaping straight in' club.

R0wantrees · 11/08/2018 09:54

Scotland's only openly-trans councillor quits frontline politics after 'abuse'

TimeLady · 11/08/2018 09:54

This might help clarify things (from 2009)

Parents, and their friends. Thankfully I wasn't a girl..


Popchyk · 11/08/2018 09:58

Gregor is a man (who was born male) who identifies as non-binary.

Non-binary is a special golden ticket to all the benefits of the transgender narrative without any of the inconvenience whatsoever.

He has taken the struggle of genuine people with gender dysphoria and appropriated it in order to harass women.

Now he's been brought to account for his behaviour, it is the fault of women. Clearly.

IncrediblySturdyPyjamas · 11/08/2018 10:01

So currently the only thing marking hi - them as 'non-binary' are sparkly wellies?

And Bespin thinks their conduct was professional?

Throwing what we might call 'genuine' trans people under a bus for sparkly wellies?

Calling women 'cunts' because they had sparkly wellies and this is enough to assign them 'non-binary' status and thus giving them the authority to call women, in particular lesbians 'cunts'?

Yes indeed a spectacular own goal there.

Alicethroughtheblackmirror · 11/08/2018 10:06

I think you're underestimating the transformative power of sparky wellies.

Yes, This non binary nonsense really is a golden ticket for abusive misogynists to say whatever they like and not only get away with it but damage the very communities they claim to care so much about.

TimeLady · 11/08/2018 10:07

Interesting that on Murray's FB page, on the cover photo an alternative name is given in brackets (Gregor Fisher)

R0wantrees · 11/08/2018 10:07

re preferred pronouns & non-binary male-born people in recent news:

Jess Bradley (NUS trans officer currently suspended pending investigation) identifies as a non-binary transwoman:

"The first time I changed the world was when I told my mates to call me she rather than he. I literally constructed a new world where its possible to understand myself as a genderqueer woman, despite being asigned male at birth simply by changing the language to describe myself. This is why language and pronouns are so important. Its about creating a world in which trans people are allowed to exist"

Jess Bradley 'To My Trans Sisters'
edited by Charlie Craggs (publ Oct 2017)

current thread (1 of 3):

LangCleg · 11/08/2018 10:08

And there was me thinking the SWERF pejorative was about sex workers when it's been about sparkly wellies exclusion all along.

BoreOfWhabylon · 11/08/2018 10:09

This all reads to me as Fisher being given the opportunity to tender their resignation or be sacked, so they have couched it as being harrassed out by bullying and threats.

They are yet another man who has leaped onto the trans bandwagon/gravy train by declaring themself to be non-binary. Looks like a calculated career move to me.

I hope it's the last we hear of this individual. I see from their Twitter profile that they are a scout leader, I hope the Scouting Association are reviewing this.

Not sure, Bespin, whether you were unaware of the background to this or are being deliberately disingenuous, but this is the wrong story to try to make your point.

BoreOfWhabylon · 11/08/2018 10:10

*Fisher Murray, I should have said

Charliethefeminist · 11/08/2018 10:13

Curious I have bumped the other threads

TimeLady · 11/08/2018 10:13

Companies House info:

Gregor Patrick MURRAY

Total number of appointments 2
Date of birth
May 1987

Correspondence address
Dundee City Chambers, 21 City Square, Dundee, Scotland, DD1 3BY

Occupation: councillor

Not sure where the Fisher bit comes in.

Alicethroughtheblackmirror · 11/08/2018 10:14


There's a great comment when GM talks about how tough it was 'coming out' to the parents. Presumably while wearing his polo shirt and chinos. I can envisage them scanning Gregor in horror until they realise that they are wearing the sparkly wellies and their boy as they knew him is gone for ever...

Ginmakesitallok · 11/08/2018 10:14

Exactly what is non binary about gregor? Born biologically male, presents as male, revels in his male privilege?

UpstartCrow · 11/08/2018 10:19

...was thankful he wasn't born a girl. Don't forget that one, its a pretty huge flapping red flag...

IncrediblySturdyPyjamas · 11/08/2018 10:19

I wonder if Gregor's business the Dundee Science Centre are teaching bad science?

Like Sparkely Wellies are what makes you a girl [unfortunately]. In the old days, it was just a plain old vagina.

Anyone in Dundee would of course be entitled to go and check on what they are teaching young kids.

BoreOfWhabylon · 11/08/2018 10:21

Non-binary is a special golden ticket to all the benefits of the transgender narrative without any of the inconvenience whatsoever.

Popchyck nails it again.

seafret · 11/08/2018 10:21

bespin you said my biggest concern is that either we have another Lucy meddows or that a TRA causes serious harm to someone with another assault because they feel violence is justified due to how heated the debate as become

I don't think any women would be at all surprised if a TRA/anti female activist attacked a woman - it is why we are concerned in the first place.

They will always attempt to position it as our fault as having provoked them though but we see through that too. Just another violent hateful male seeking a female target.

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