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266 replies

PuffTheMagicDragon · 01/02/2005 10:53

A new thread as number 2 was getting long!

OP posts:
essbee · 04/02/2005 18:00

Message withdrawn

bran · 04/02/2005 18:04

Just remember I know everything (that ought to give you nightmares for a few nights)

Do try though - even a yogurt or half a piece of toast would help.

essbee · 04/02/2005 18:06

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bran · 04/02/2005 18:07

Good . I hope you enjoy your mn meetup, I'm that I'm not going.

essbee · 04/02/2005 18:10

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bran · 04/02/2005 18:15

Docklands - so far enough. I don't know why but it's practically impossible to get to SW London from East London. I have friends in Herne Hill - which isn't far as the crow flys and it takes me at least 1.5 hours to make the journey.

Evesmama · 05/02/2005 14:15

chinese was lovely, how about you essbee??
thoroughly enjoyed it and will treatmyself more oftenwithin reason obviously

Flossam · 05/02/2005 16:51

Bran I don't live too far from you! Used to live in West ham but recently moved to Barking (cause we couldn't afford a decent two bed flat anywhere else!) So not a million miles away.

essbee · 05/02/2005 18:43

Message withdrawn

Evesmama · 05/02/2005 21:11

glad you had good night hun, felt like id had a drink when i got up this should have done!

Evesmama · 05/02/2005 21:25

ho hum..your all out on the pop onight then eh??..hope evryones having a fab time

Evesmama · 06/02/2005 20:48

you still al nursing hangovers??

essbee · 06/02/2005 21:16

Message withdrawn

Evesmama · 06/02/2005 21:19

im fine thanks hun
are you cleansing you body and mind?, chucking out your chintz?...i never get round to doing anything like that..spend too much time here

essbee · 06/02/2005 21:20

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Evesmama · 06/02/2005 21:25

tell him it'll bein the garden till then

essbee · 06/02/2005 21:30

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Evesmama · 06/02/2005 21:33


essbee · 06/02/2005 21:34

Message withdrawn

Evesmama · 06/02/2005 21:41

would burn off some calories too

im off now, was guna have early night(meant about 9ish) but ..yep..still here as usual!!!

bran · 06/02/2005 21:43

Hi there, glad to hear you had a good time Essbee, it sounds delicious. Hi EM .

I've been a bit bad this weekend - we stayed with friends on Saturday night so I couldn't really count my points as I had to eat what they had prepared, including (in fact especially) the apple crumble . There may have been a glass or two of G&T, champagne and wine involved too, I'm a little hazy on exactly how much. I really need to sit myself down and give myself a good talking to .

Flossam, you're not that far from me at all, I'm on the Isle of Dogs. I quite often go out to Gallions Reach shopping centre, which is very close to Barking (I'm a bit that I had to look that up on a map as I had only a very rough idea of where Barking was.) It's a nice quiet place to shop, no queues or anything, must be the refined atmosphere created by the soothing scents of the sewage works.

Evesmama · 07/02/2005 09:34

hi bran

i lost another 1lb when i got weighed this morning..very pleased with myself


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Flossam · 07/02/2005 09:35

Bran, I was on my way there when I had that incident with the bus driver! I love tesco extra, and next had loads of clothes for DS in the sale a few weeks ago, I got him some 3-6 and some 6-9 to make the most of them being cheap. It is a really nice place to go, although I will only go there now when DP is off. Isn't it funny that you may well walk past people on here without ever knowing?

IMO Bran, the weekend is the time to be a little bit naughty. Have a better week this week!

Glad you had a good night evesmama and essbee! Your ex's stuff reminds me of the time when my mum threw loads of stuff out of my bedroom window, she thought I had got back with my ex when I was just clubbing! Go on, chuck it out!!!

Off to weigh myself later. Don't feel like it will be very good news today. I haven't had a bad week as such, just don't feel I have done as much exercise as perhaps I should. Trousers (16's) are feeling looser I think and my target trousers didn't feel quite so tight when I tried them on. Would still be dubious about wearing them in public though! Try and get back to fill you in later!

champs · 07/02/2005 17:12

hi all!!
Bran--- you had fun this w/e sometimes we need to do this while dieting so that we dont feel deprives, apple crumble..mmmmmmmm. (pg hormones are making me a bit soft!!)

lol@assbee and EM!!! how was target practice essbee??!!

flossam--- well done on weight loss, hope you wasn't hurt in accident, missed your thread if there was one.

Flossam · 07/02/2005 23:21

Hi champs, no there was no accident. Just a horrible bus driver! Only lost one and a half pounds this week. Slightly dissapointed as my clothes do feel a lot looser. My trousers are showing off my knickers IYSWIM! I don't have to undo them to get them down . So I was hoping for a bit more. Must work harder this week!

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