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266 replies

PuffTheMagicDragon · 01/02/2005 10:53

A new thread as number 2 was getting long!

OP posts:
woodpops · 02/02/2005 16:08

OK, should I wear trakkie bottoms or combats to be weighed at tub club tonight???

FineFigureFio · 02/02/2005 16:13


i COULDNT BE WEIGHED YESTERDAY SO I WILL LET YOU KNOW NEXT TUESDAY. I BOUGHT oops caps, I bought some lindt chocs for 99p from boots though and have eaten one

how many points?

woodpops · 02/02/2005 16:20

You're good to have just eaten one. Lindt chocolate, I'd have intented to eat one but no doubt I'd have eaten them all and then felt very sick!!!!

bran · 02/02/2005 18:19

What kind of Lindt was it FFF? A Lindor truffle ball is 2 points and a Swiss Tradition is 1 point.

I have been very, very bad . I was at my friend's house today and she had a tin of Celebrations and I don't even know how many I ate . She's a mumsnetter too, so if she's reading this SHAME ON YOU!.

It's my weigh-in tonight so I suppose the chocolate won't show up until next week as it's unlikely to even by digested by 7pm.

Good luck with your weigh-in Woodpops

Hi back Champs - how's it all going?

PuffTheMagicDragon · 02/02/2005 18:21

lol at the phrase "tub club" woodpops !

OP posts:
FineFigureFio · 02/02/2005 18:29

thanks bran! it was a truffle ball

2 bloody points

Dior · 02/02/2005 20:21

Message withdrawn

monkeygirl · 02/02/2005 21:08

Evesmama - glad you are eating something and feeling better - less of that talk of battered fish though please!

Champs - I think you are allowed a few sweets in your time of need, especially if you are really craving apples (can't say I've ever craved an apple in my life ).

Bran - Celebrations . Get thee to the naughty step now!

And did I see more mention of choc as well - stop it all now (said she with a glass of wine by her side ).

Mind you I have penguin biscuits in the house cos dd1 had a guest but am not tempted.....yet.

Evesmama · 02/02/2005 21:23

thanks hun
today had..
brekkie - 1/2 muller light yog
lunch - steamed coley, mushy peas and s.w chips
tea - porridge

still not hungry though, but felt woozy this morning as stomach must have thought my throat had been cut!, so had to eat some yog before i went out, couldnt eat a full one though????(she who could previously scoof a full box of choccy fingers!!!)

monkeygirl · 02/02/2005 21:27

Well could be better but not bad (I mean you should be eating more!) Are sw chips something you buy from them or a special method of cooking them?

And how many times have you hopped on them scales today - I've only done it twice .

Evesmama · 02/02/2005 21:31

twice too
s.w chips=slimming world sure ive told you?, mentioned them before?, chips your spuds, bung in microwave to soften and finish off in oven..tada!!, i leave sking on but mam peeled todays and they were like chippy chips...mmmmmmmmmm

monkeygirl · 02/02/2005 21:33

Yum - do you put any oil on them at all before
bunging them in oven?

monkeygirl · 02/02/2005 21:34

ooops - forgot shouldn't really be eating them on GI diet but then again.....

Evesmama · 02/02/2005 21:35

i dont, but when at slimming world, i used to spray tray and spray chips with fry light....they're lovely coverd in salt n viniger and chip shop curry sauce or mushy peas

monkeygirl · 02/02/2005 21:38

Don't like mushy peas but curry sauce or gravy....drool....aaarrrrghhhh my bloody dh is back on the booze and has opened another bottle of wine, the b*gr.

essbee · 02/02/2005 21:40

Message withdrawn

Evesmama · 02/02/2005 21:41

or even s.w chips, beans, poached egg???lots of tomato sauce....
i really feel sick at the thought of all this, so i hope you appreciate it
tell the bugger to go and drink it in the park

monkeygirl · 02/02/2005 21:42

Well I put on an impressive 2lbs this week! Go on, step on and feel the fear anyway (in the words of that American self-help book which I should probably read)

Evesmama · 02/02/2005 21:44

essbee, i bet you dont weight nearly as much as me, so dont worry hun, its these feelings that make us go onto self if youve eat too much, forget it, try and have a healthier day tomorrow, take it a meal at a time and do your best to make the right descision, so if you have a healthy brekkie and dinner, dont beat yourself up about having a norty tea...we're all in the same boat hun

monkeygirl · 02/02/2005 21:44

Trouble is Em, he probably would and I'd have to go and rescue him.

Ok, no more talk of chips, choc, gravy, curry sauce, crisps, choc cake, wine....ok ok I've really really stopped now .

Evesmama · 02/02/2005 21:45

what you been doing hun?, been partying again?

essbee · 02/02/2005 21:45

Message withdrawn


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Evesmama · 02/02/2005 21:45

ok, so are you meant to steer away from carbs?

Evesmama · 02/02/2005 21:46

you're welcome sweetie, we're all the same here

monkeygirl · 02/02/2005 21:49

If you mean me, no, just 'bad' carbs like white bread and rice, and most sorts of potatoes. I'm jsut obsessing about food as usual.

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