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266 replies

PuffTheMagicDragon · 01/02/2005 10:53

A new thread as number 2 was getting long!

OP posts:
champs · 08/02/2005 00:15

flossam-- sounds like you've lost inches. why not start measuring.

woodpops · 08/02/2005 08:35

Well done floss, a pound and a half is still a pound and a half off.

I've put 2lbs on but that's in 5 weeks which I didn't think was bad as I'm now re-introducing food which to me is harder than the total abstenance. As of yesterday I'm on abstenance again but that's purely because I had a heavy weekend and I've got alot of things coming up at the end of the month so I thought I'd do a few weeks abstenance. I was really chuffed that I did yesterday. That's one of the hardest bits. But now I've done a whole day I won't be tempted to pick as I'd have to start all over again IYSWIM!!!!

PuffTheMagicDragon · 08/02/2005 09:01

Well done everyone who has lost, and woodpops, only 2lbs is brilliant considering the big change in your diet.

I've lost 1lb this week.

OP posts:
Flossam · 08/02/2005 09:44

Well done puff and woodpops!

I have been measuring actually champs. In about 3 weeks I've lost four inches round my bust (although breastfeeding so not taking that much into account) 3 inches from my waist and 3 inches from my hips. I really wished I had started to measure my thighs (couldn't face it at the time!) and arms, but seems little point now really. So I know I am toning up, but if all those inches have gone, where have they gone? Cause they haven't come off on the scales!!!

woodpops · 08/02/2005 10:12

Wow, in 3 weeks you've lost 10 inches. That's fab.

Flossam · 08/02/2005 10:49

I hadn't thought of it quite like that, thanks woodpops!

woodpops · 08/02/2005 11:10

I don't really go by weight. I go by clothes sizes. It makes you feel so much better flossam. 10 inches is a huge amount to loose in 3 weeks. Well done

FineFigureFio · 08/02/2005 12:14

just to let you know I have lost another 8lb, so 16lb loss so far

bran · 08/02/2005 14:29

Well done Fio - that's a brilliant loss. You too Flossam, it's great to change size. You are the opposite to me in that I'm losing weight but not changing size much, so I have no idea where it's actually going from.

I'm not that keen on Tesco Flossam - ever since Waitrose opened in Canary Wharf it's spoilt me for other supermarkets. The only thing I really like about Tesco is that they have a great spice/ethnic food section. I'm heading out there tomorrow morning in fact, I like the big Boots out there, the one's in Canary Wharf don't stock my shampoo and I'm just about to run out.

champs · 08/02/2005 22:06

well done fio and puff!!
flossam--- that is excellent 10 inches woody is right! Never to late to measure thighs and arms, close your eyes and go for it. in a months time you'll be glad you did when you see all the inches lost. and i think i know exactly where your inches have gone right here on my bum!!!!

woody--- I'm so glad you feel better with you eating, have you thought about doing WW or SW for maintenance.

Flossam · 08/02/2005 22:08

Ohh, champs, sorry! I'll have them back if you like!
Wave at me tomorrow Bran if you go past the Ibis! I'm just the other side of the river from there!

champs · 08/02/2005 22:14

lol, dont be sorry floss, just dont do it again (oh the joys of placing the blame elsewhere, nevermind the fact that I scoffed half a bag of jelly babies at mums!! Right no more sweets, only the odd sugar free one!!)

- Glitter hun how are you? where are you??--

bran · 08/02/2005 22:25

lol Champs - I looked at this thread and thought you were talking about a 10 inch woody , I thought I'd accidently clicked the wrong thread. . But it turned out to by the right thread, just with you making everyone by talking about sweets. I'm not feeling too deprived though as I did make pancakes (fat-free), and had them with lemon and Fruisana. Not too bad on points, but not very GI friendly as I used white flour.

I'll wave Flossam, I pass two Ibis hotels on my way, but I'm not sure either of them are yours, one at the top of the Isle of Dogs and one by Excel.

champs · 08/02/2005 22:54

lololol!! just reread my post now you pointed it out
whispers had some pancakes too!!whispers
How did you make the pancakes fat free? skimmed milk?? or did you fry them with no oil??

Beetroot · 08/02/2005 22:58

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bran · 08/02/2005 22:59

Oooh - forgot the milk! I used skimmed milk for just over half of the liquid and water for the rest (I used the recipe on the pancakes thread). I fried them in a non-stick pan, before the first one I wiped a kitchen towel with a little oil on over the surface, and then again after the 4th one, and none of them stuck.

bran · 08/02/2005 23:00

Tell Glitterfairy to come back here Beety, we miss her.

Beetroot · 08/02/2005 23:00

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champs · 08/02/2005 23:19

did you use eggs??

beety-- please do!!

Flossam · 09/02/2005 10:39

Maybe you won't be going past me then Bran, I live near the Ibis, Etap, Holiday inn and a cheap hotel I can't remember. All in a row, right behind our flats, 5 minute walk. Excellant for the grandparents to come and stay!

Champs LOL.

We had pancakes too. Decided not to worry about it. It is only one day a year after all, mind you then there's birthdays, valentines day, xmas, new year boxing day, and of course not forgetting Easter . Thats actually quite a lot of days to stuff yourself when you think about it!

Am I going to get mauled now for mentioning the dreaded E word!?

bran · 09/02/2005 13:10

Yes, it was the one on the pancake thread - 4 oz flour, 1 egg, 1/2 pint milk (although I used milk and water). I can't remember who posted it, but they turned out very well, if a little bland because of a lack of butter. Also I think that perhaps I should have added the liquid to the flour instead of the other way around, because I had to pick out a few lumps.

Flossam, I take a route by City Airport that stays south of the A13 so I probably don't go by you. Perhaps we'll bump into each other there someday though. I think that for the whole of lent you should wake up every morning and repeat the mantra "Easter eggs are just for kids".

Flossam · 09/02/2005 16:11

ahh, but Bran, DS is only 3 months old and breas fed. So I can't expect him to go without now can I? I eat them on his behalf and all the wonderful nutitious value of the chocolate will go to him through my breast milk! So you see I have it all worked out!


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Flossam · 10/02/2005 08:30

It seems very quiet here? Please don't tell me I've killed a thread?!

bran · 10/02/2005 10:33

Everybody's on Celebdaq buying Prince Charles .

champs · 10/02/2005 18:04

HELLO is this loud enough for ya flossam??

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