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266 replies

PuffTheMagicDragon · 01/02/2005 10:53

A new thread as number 2 was getting long!

OP posts:
WideWebWitch · 19/02/2005 12:17

Champs am I right in thinking you are now at your target weight? Was it you who was selling loads of fat clothes? Well done if so. Sometimes I feel despair at the amount I've got to lose, other days I feel relieved that I'm finally doing something about it. Please do tell us what you eat, I find it really interesting what works for other people.

champs · 19/02/2005 14:54

wish it were me www!! fat clothes still on my body although not as big a size as once was.

WideWebWitch · 19/02/2005 17:01

Oh, Ok Champs! I wonder who that was then?

bran · 19/02/2005 17:15

DH is leading me astray. We went to bought some delicious turkish delight from Greenwich market this morning to bring to dinner at a friend's house this evening. When we got home dh casually mentioned that the last time he brought chocolates to their place they didn't serve them at dinner. Then he followed up with how full the container was, practically about to explode in fact. Anyway, the upshot is that he and I have had about 3 pieces each even though I was trying to save points for this evening.

www - maybe you're thinking of Woodpops?

WideWebWitch · 19/02/2005 18:12

Ah, it was soapbox I was thinking of, here

WideWebWitch · 19/02/2005 18:12

Oh well bran, enjoy your evening and turkish delight and start again tomorrow!

WideWebWitch · 19/02/2005 18:39


1 piece toast, olive spread, marmite
a bit of pear
1 small glass of apple juice
1 apple
1 small box raisins
large handful of grapes
a few large strawberries
100g prawns
1 pack soya bites (113 cal)
1 poussin with marinade from Fat Girl Slim
lettuce and tomatoes with honey and mustard dressing
Might have 100 cal dairy free chocolate later too, reckon I'll be within 1500 cals even with that. Thanks for listening!

bran · 19/02/2005 18:50

Mmm, I love the Fat Girl Slim recipes.

Dior · 19/02/2005 18:56

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Dior · 19/02/2005 18:59

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WideWebWitch · 19/02/2005 19:24

Thanks Dior! I feel as if I ought to have fantastic skin but I don't atm and I'm not sure why given my healthy diet, plus a reasonable amount of exercise plus no booze. I can only think it's stress and lack of sleep, it just must be. Maye it'll glow a bit more when I've lost some more weight and had some sleep!

Dior · 19/02/2005 19:42

Message withdrawn

bran · 20/02/2005 21:15

You couldn't tell we'd taken some out Dior, it was very loosely packed in a hand-made, bought at a market sort of way. We needn't have worried though as they did serve it with the coffee, thankfully. I think the last time dh was there they must have just forgotten that dh had brought chocolates, they are much too sweet to have been deliberately rude. The whole meal was good fun, considering it was hosted by the vicar and his wife and the other couple were the choir-master and his wife and everyone except dh and me had given up alcohol for lent, but a diet disaster as they started with nachos and had enchiladas for the main course , I haven't even bothered pointing it, I just don't want to know. Of course they are whippet thin and athletic , they did a triathalon together for their first wedding anniversary ffs.

BTW I am notorious for not serving wine brought by guests if I don't think it's good enough , and I'm then left with the problem of how to get rid of it . At least last night we brought an unwanted bottle of Piat D'or with us and then only drank beer, so now it's their problem . If you ever come to dinner at mine Dior I'm warning you now to bring decent wine, or risk my wrath .

champs · 20/02/2005 21:22

www--- one day it will be me!!
lol@bran and dior!!
bran--- a triathilon??!! WHY!! oh well horses for courses and all that. meal sounded delicious.
dior--- thats brilliant! you have done excellently. I cant wait till I start dieting again. All theses losses are motivating me.

essbee · 20/02/2005 21:26

Message withdrawn

WideWebWitch · 20/02/2005 21:26

Sounds like a good night bran! Today
1 piece toast, olive spread, marmite
2 apples
1 small glass apple juice
half an avocado
a few strawberries
1 plain omelette, cooked with no oil
2 handfuls of prawns
1 pack soya bites (100 cal)
1 trout
few cherry tomatoes
2 (oops!) Milky Way muffins, they were gorgeous! @ 75 cal each
100 cal dairy free chocolate

And a 2 mile walk and lots of housework. Thanks for listening!

WideWebWitch · 20/02/2005 21:28

essbee, lowest cal alcohol wise is white wine I think and you could try mixing it with soda to make it last longer? I have only had alcohol on 2 days since Jan 4th, (we really do need a smug emoticon!) since I know I have to just not drink if I am going to lose this weight. But I accept that not everyone will want to be this obsessive about it!

essbee · 20/02/2005 21:34

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Dior · 21/02/2005 15:50

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essbee · 21/02/2005 20:47

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WideWebWitch · 21/02/2005 20:58


1 piece toast olive spread, marmite
1 sesame snap
1 apple
1 box raisins
1 dried fig
2 dried apricots
Sandwich with hummus & lettuce
handful prawns
Couple of small cheddars from a packet ds had
Couple of soya bites, ditto
5 fish fingers
Loads of peas
some of dd?s supper = most of a piece of cheese on toast. Oops
100 cal chocolate

And lots of housework. Not a great day and feeling grumpy so suspect I'm pre-menstrual. Thanks for listening! Won't weigh for a few days as I suspect it'll depress me. Still no booze though.

PuffTheMagicDragon · 22/02/2005 09:39

I lost 5lbs this week . Followed my GI diet strictly rather than loosely (which means I usually lose 1 1/2 to 2 lbs a week). I had stuck a bit over the last few weeks so it's nice to get a good weight loss this week.

Now, I really must get my Angela Griffith's exercise video out and do some of it.

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Evesmama · 22/02/2005 09:48

well done puff, thats a fantastic loss!!!
you must feel great

PuffTheMagicDragon · 22/02/2005 09:52

Thanks Evesmama - I do feel I've got back on track. I'm 1lb off going through another "stone" barrier on the scales - I will be the lightest I've been for about three and a half years - hurrah!

OP posts:
Evesmama · 22/02/2005 09:55

thats wonderful

i really hope you manage it for next week, im sure you will

cant wait till i get my first (of many)stone off
i cant really 'see' the difference so far, but put a pair of 3/4 trousers on other day which were literally skin tight and ready to burst every time i sat down..and i slipped them on, with loads of room to spare

plus, my jeans are falling down all the time now too, even whe theyve just been washed and usually look like theyve been painted on !!!!

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