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266 replies

PuffTheMagicDragon · 01/02/2005 10:53

A new thread as number 2 was getting long!

OP posts:
Evesmama · 01/02/2005 20:35

woh!!! strong pain killers those!
pain has eased a little good stuff
well today has been much like yesterday..cheese bake (well shared it with dd) in town and bowl of crunchy nut tonight!!!

champs · 01/02/2005 20:48

I have the weirdest craving for wedges... again. Made some yesturday but just HAVE to have some again. arrgggghhhh, I think I'm gonna compromise and not fry them first but just put in oven...... tell me to oven them, please!!

Evesmama · 01/02/2005 20:51

right champs....
get some spuds...chop them into wedge shapes(i assume you mean potato wedges and not shoes??), bung in micro wave for few mins (dependent on size of portion), then put in oven to 'cook' and go wedge like!!, make some garlic dip with a clove and some cottage cheese/v.l.f fromage frais/quark and munch your heart out

champs · 01/02/2005 21:07

lol, yep yep and yep.
I made them yesturday but fried them first before oven
Hopefully they'll taste the same or even better then I can feel virtous while eating them.
No Garlic tho makes me sick!!
funny thing about all this is that chips make me sick after just one bite, but wedges are just so wonderful to me??!!

Evesmama · 01/02/2005 21:09

ok some passata(tom puree but fat free), chop up small onions..maybe peppers and youve got a chilli dip...or maybe dip them in chocolate spread...oops i mean really, maybe low fat dairy lea then?

champs · 01/02/2005 21:16

lol!! but i want mayo mixed with pesto, tom ketchup and chill sauce!!

BethAndHerBrood · 01/02/2005 21:18

Chips dipped in chocolate spread!! What's wrong with that??!!!

Evesmama · 01/02/2005 21:19

well get hellmans very low fat mayo and bung the rest together

eeee, theres no pleaseing some people is there

Evesmama · 01/02/2005 21:19

were not allowed..thats whats wrong

BethAndHerBrood · 01/02/2005 21:22

I had chips 'n' choc pd (pre diet!)But not now, HONEST!!!

Evesmama · 01/02/2005 21:23

REALLY????have to be seperate for me..was it during pg?

BethAndHerBrood · 01/02/2005 21:25

How did you guess!! And also pork pies and strawberry icecream, yes, together!!! No wonder my children are like they are!!!

Evesmama · 01/02/2005 21:28

god!!! worse craving i got was mars bars!!(urghhhhh, cant stand them before pg and cant stand them now), cheese savory salad sarnies and tomato sauce crisps....your weird!!

Evesmama · 01/02/2005 21:45

erm..not offended you have i

BethAndHerBrood · 01/02/2005 21:48

Oh No!!! You haven't offended me, takes more than that!! Was on the phone to DH and he can tell if i'm MNetting!! Likes my undivided attention!!

Evesmama · 01/02/2005 21:55 dared to venture into rl

well im at mams for dinner tomorrw, she's gunna do me steamed fish and veg(bleurgh), not eating as it is, that'll put me off for good!)
she knows im slimming and wants to help(for a change)
well she'll help, ill be hoying up all the way home...can you tell i dont like fish..that is unless its battered and served with greasy chips and lots of salt and viniger...woops sorry...forget i said that...think of ...apples....pints of water....veggies...

Evesmama · 01/02/2005 22:04

night hun..need some sleep now i can shut my eye again
see you soon
have a good day tomorrow

woodpops · 02/02/2005 08:26

Morning all, today is D-day and tonight I will be going to tub club to see what damage I've done with my 'picking' . Hopefully it won't be too bad all my clothes are still fitting fine. I really have no idea as I threw the scales away before I started the diet as I would have become obsessed with weighing myself every 2 seconds. We'll have to see.

Evesmama · 02/02/2005 08:28

good luck woodpops, im sure you'll be fine

woodpops · 02/02/2005 08:37

Already sorted my lightest clothes out to wear

Evesmama · 02/02/2005 08:38

just shave you body and go au naturel

woodpops · 02/02/2005 09:15

I might go and have a couple of inches cut off of my hair!!!!


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PuffTheMagicDragon · 02/02/2005 09:40

Good luck woodpops, even if you have put on weight, it's not irreversible! There's bound to be a "settling down" period for your body now that you are re-introducing solid food.

You have done so well.

OP posts:
woodpops · 02/02/2005 09:58

Thanks everyone. I've now accepted the fact I will have gained. At the end of the day sh*t happens doesn't it. It'll go again. I can see the next few weeks being a bit of a yoyo.

handlemecarefully · 02/02/2005 10:25

Ah - have found you thanks to Woodpops tip off.

Woodpops good luck with you weigh in....

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