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Anyone else out there with 5 plus stones to lose? Who fancies doing a weekly weigh in with me?

1000 replies

sandramaryb · 08/04/2008 20:06

I have got really overweight in the last couple of years and would love to meet some others who might be trying to cut down but not exactly dieting. Where do you start when there is so much to lose? Any tips on evening snacking? TIA

OP posts:
RGPargy · 17/04/2008 11:11

Hi Jaz, and welcome!

Ags · 17/04/2008 15:00

Ags -1.5lbs -39lbs
BananaKnickers -4.5lbs -4.5lbs
Chewing20times -5lbs -21lbs
Ria - 0lb - 6lb?
Kelas -5lb -5lb
Jaz236 -1.5lb -1.5lb

Well done Jaz!

jaz236 · 17/04/2008 18:57

hey tday i went to the trafford centre with bambino -i didnt buy anything, but it was indoors and i walked and walked and walked.

This is my track now an indoor shopping centre - pushing the buggy and going at a certain pace, surely this dammed weight should drop off and encourage me to loose the weight!!

just a tip ladies xxx

sandramaryb · 17/04/2008 21:06

Hi everyone,

Welcome to sussies, tootired and youngbutnotdumb. This isn't a WW list! We are doing different things and swapping the good bits. The thread only started a week ago and most of us have only had one weigh in.

My most positve thing today was I got my bicycle out and pumped up the tyres. Do you reckon I'm brave enough to get on it? Not at the moment but it is there ready when the moment grabs me.

OP posts:
Ags · 17/04/2008 21:25

Well done Sandra! One step towards the Tour de France! We have lots of cyclists coming through our village, which is at the top of a hill. I feel physically sick when I see them pedalling up the very steep hill as I drive by! Dh has a lovely bike, unused! I might take your lead and get the tyres up and running and maybe I will get the urge. I will definately be choosing the least hilly route though!

sandramaryb · 17/04/2008 21:40

Thanks for the encouragement Ags. In my old life, BC (Before Children), I lived in Bristol and cycled everywhere with my boyfriend, now DH. I was really fit about 10 years ago and wonder where has my real body gone? , the one that was only a little bit overweight not 7 and a half stone! Learning to drive definitely changed my routine and then carting the kids around in the car has turned me into a lump. I am going to try and fish out a photo of me on my bike to get me going again.

OP posts:
Riallyclean · 17/04/2008 21:45

I am impressed by all this talk of cycling. Just the thought makes me panic! I had a go (only 5 mins, but its a start to build on) on my new lateral thigh trainer tonight, and I walked nearly 2 miles with the buggy this morning.
I had a better day food wise til this evening, but even with munchies it's a better day than it has been for a day or two.

I think I might stick with my weigh-in being Tuesday though. (Will see what the scales say on Saturday).

angelcake99 · 17/04/2008 22:39

I'd like to join you all please. I had dd 13 weeks ago and put two stone on whilst pregnant and i then somehow managed to pile on another stone...

I am 5'5 and weight 20 stone I have just bought a Davina exercise dvd so hoping that will motivate me! I'm healthy eating at home as I have done ww to a death and can't stand to go again as I am always the biggest there.

I've just been trying to find somthing decent to buy to wear and thoroughly depressed myself, so i'm hoping that this thread will encourage me

Ags · 17/04/2008 22:43

Hello and welcome Angelcake, careful though, we might eat you with a name like that!

We are all doing different things to shed the pounds. I am doing ww and when I started 12 weeks ago I weighed 21 stone 4 pounds. Shame you did not come to my meeting, you would not have been the biggest!! I am now 18 stone 7 pounds and still very motivated. Long may it last.

Congratulations on birth of dd!

angelcake99 · 17/04/2008 22:47

Hello Ags, congratulations on the weight loss, that's brilliant!! Actually in a way I wish I did know someone the same size as me as I'd probably feel more motivated, I forgot to say that i'd like to lose around 3 stone to start with, and if I can get it off before September all the better!

bigbellylady · 18/04/2008 05:32

Hi and welcome.
I had a good day yesterday, had a glass of wine and some crisps in the evening but actually stuck to one glass of wine and a few crisps which is unheard of for me. I usually pig out !
I am going for a curry tonight so what can I eat which is the lowest in calories ??
I will try to be restrained with the wine too as my trainer is coming at 8 am tomorrow so really dont want to be hungover for that.
I have the day off work so am looking forward to a bit of peace and quiet.

KelaS · 18/04/2008 07:57

Anglecake - welcome! When I started WW last week I was over 20 stone too, but lost 5 lbs this week so am now under - but you aren't the only one My DD is about the same age as yours too (11 weeks)!

Bigbellylady - I think if you stick to curry's that don't have a sauce (ie chicken tikka), or tomato based sauces if you don't like that, and avoid the naan and poppadoms, you should be ok. Plain rice is ok, but rice with stuff added is not so ok. Will check the WW book for more advice later if you like?

I had a good day yesterday; DD was being quite good so was able to take some time in the afternoon to make a casserole which was very low in points, although very yummy so DH and I had that for dinner and I still have some left for lunch today!

Interesting to hear everyone talk about cycling - DH is being given a couple of bikes by someone at work as he wants to start cycling if he gets the new job he has applied for (fingers crossed!), and I would like to get out there too, but a bit difficult as DD is a bit too small to sit on the back! So probably won't be able to get cycling as often as I would like, but once we have the bikes I will try to go at least once a week!

jaz236 · 18/04/2008 09:25

OH my gawd ive just had some quaker oats porridge!

In the ww guide points book u can only have 27g.

the sachets are only 27g, and hardly anything in there just sawdust!

Well im off to aquanatal tday yipeeeeeeee

KelaS · 18/04/2008 10:16

Jaz - the points book gives points for 27g because the sachets are 27g each - if that's not enough for you, and you have enough points, you could always have 2 sachets and just count those points (would like to point out that I don't eat porridge, and so have no idea what a reasonable portion is!!! ). The points book is only to tell you the points for a certain amount, not to tell you what you can and can't eat, that is the beauty of WW!

jaz236 · 18/04/2008 14:14

aww bless you KelaS, thank you - I dont know what Id do without this thread xxx

sandramaryb · 18/04/2008 14:40

Hi Angelcake, welcome to the list. It is hard going clothes shopping. Just try and put it off for a couple of weeks and with a couple of weeks healthy eating plan, you might find it a more positive experience! 3 stone before September is definitely do-able! we'll be here to encourage.

Does anyone have a photo on the fridgeto help motivation?

OP posts:
KelaS · 18/04/2008 15:20

By photo on the fridge do you mean a 'thin' photo? If so then can't - have never been thin

LooptheLoop · 18/04/2008 15:33

Hiya, excellent idea for a group - can I join please?

I have just over 5 stone to lose. I lost three stone last year using a personal trainer and healthy eating plan but put it all back on since !

The exercise made a massive difference - three sessions a week but really hard work, and my metabolic rate must have gone up as I was losing a stone a month.

Sadly gone back to all my bad old ways since and really need some structure to get going again. I was getting down about it - so nice to hear I'm not alone.

KelaS · 18/04/2008 16:14

Hi looptheloop and welcome!! Do you know what sort of eating plan you are going to follow?

LooptheLoop · 18/04/2008 17:15

The one I was given by my personal trainer last year. It was a form of GL diet and I honestly didn't feel hungry or tired - just naughty and wanted to cheat sometimes!

Basically something like a bowl of Oatabix for breakfast (in place of my more normal bacon buttie ) - I found it really fills you up so you don't feel hungry til lunchtime.

Then lunch and dinner are reasonable portion of white meat or fish, with veg or salad. Reasonable portion of carbs are allowed for breakfast and lunch but none with dinner. Allowed to snack on fruit within reason. And very sadly for me - no wine.

Why can't a pasta, cheese, chocolate and wine diet be good for you - I'd be thin as a rake!!

sandramaryb · 18/04/2008 17:20

Hi KelaS, OK maybe we should stick our faces over the top of someone else's body then!

Hi LooptheLoop and welcome. You sound like you had the perfect formula. Maybe you could do the same thing without the PTrainer. We are all doing our own thing (!) on this thread and then logging it weekly on a list which I think Ags has.

Good luck, you did it once so you can def do it agian.

OP posts:
LooptheLoop · 18/04/2008 17:27

Thanks. This post has stopped me ringing DH and suggesting he pick up a take away and a nice bottle of white on the way home.

Just need the will power to get through the weekend (grits teeth manically and looks grim)!


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sandramaryb · 18/04/2008 21:14

Loop, I feel the same way about weekends. It is lovely to be all home together until we are about 3 hours into the w/e on a Friday night! My worst eating day is on a Sunday when I am at the end of my tether. I think my problem is I look forward to the weekend but set too many goals I want to do and inevitably don't manage half of them and get really frustrated by the end of it all and then think "I'll start eating healthily again tomorrow" meaning Monday and then it just starts over again. I hoping if I weigh myself on Sat mornings it will give me a boost to get me through till school starts on Monday.

Happy Friday night everyone. Hope you are having a more exciting evening than me!

OP posts:
Ags · 18/04/2008 21:34

I am eating a Crunchie!! Dh is out and kiddies are long asleep, have just had a lovely bath and now chilling out with a Crunchie and a coffee. I am feeling fairly blissful!

Welcome LooptheLoop. Well done on avoiding the take away!

I am posting the list underneath so you can see it but when you weigh in just copy the latest list on the thread, paste it on your message and add your weigh in result and the total loss. Easy Peasy.

By the way, we have a lot to live up to on the 'Lulu.....' thread I am on, the weight loss has been an incredible 22 stones! And most of that is since January. Inspirational I think!

Ags -1.5lbs -39lbs
BananaKnickers -4.5lbs -4.5lbs
Chewing20times -5lbs -21lbs
Ria - 0lb - 6lb?
Kelas -5lb -5lb
Jaz236 -1.5lb -1.5lb

Riallyclean · 18/04/2008 22:26

Hi angelcake and looptheloop (LOL at your ideal diet - I would too be super-thin if that was the way to go, though Iwouldn't like to be so thin I could slip down a drain and no-one would notice)

welcome to the thread that will work!

I am feeling smug - I have had a good food day (at last). No exercise other than work and supermarket shopping though.

Good luck for the weekend everyone.

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