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Anyone else out there with 5 plus stones to lose? Who fancies doing a weekly weigh in with me?

1000 replies

sandramaryb · 08/04/2008 20:06

I have got really overweight in the last couple of years and would love to meet some others who might be trying to cut down but not exactly dieting. Where do you start when there is so much to lose? Any tips on evening snacking? TIA

OP posts:
RiaisMaLarkin · 14/04/2008 17:19

Hi new ladies (I am very tired so too confused to mention you all individually, hope you don't mind).

I am a frequent weigher too

I can see this thread being a good one...

Ags · 14/04/2008 20:15

Glad there is another one out there Riais! Hello!

Riallyclean · 14/04/2008 20:32

It is interesting to keep a check I think, and I can't see any harm in it, whatever the guidelines are. I think there is something in what Paul McKenna says about atmospheric pressure etc though. I do only get weighed in the morning though - I think later in the day aswell would be too scary.

I am going to try and get back on WW eating tomorrow, but will have to work with what I've got in the house as too skint to go shopping for diet food" (and I don't need to really as I have loads of veg and salad, chicken breasts and mince so I can come up with something I'm sure, it's just a bit of a diet ritual to do my lists from the books and then go shopping for it iyswim)

I am doing well with the extra water, and although I haven't walked today I've done manic cleaning.

Changed my name BTW -there will usually be a Ria in it somewhere.

sandramaryb · 14/04/2008 20:33

I am having a day off today, I went to out-patients to have a mole-thing and sking-tag think BURNT off my face! Ouch! I popped into the SM (Supermarket - it should be an acronym really shouln't it as our lives revolve so much around them?!) and bought something chocolately to comfort myself, I deserve it after all that pain.

Ags has had a very good idea about the weigh-in list then we will be able to see at a glance how everyone is doing (their thread sounds really professional and it great to have some tips) I only joined MN last week so I really haven't got a clue

samiestresure - we will have to try and think of something you will look nice in for the christening ? we all know what it is like to feel like a beached whale. I think people look more at faces anyway as everyone is used to your size so perhaps just making your hair look nice and some make up if you wear it. Try and concentrate on what you've got. Can you put your hair and wear some danglies?

Welcome big belly lady,chewing20times and fatkatyslim.

Just out of interest have any of you seen the film Thick Madame? It's a rom/com about an African guy falling in love with an big American woman? If you have, did you like it?

OP posts:
Riallyclean · 14/04/2008 20:44

I haven't seen it sandramary. I like Big Fat Greek Wedding, but she's not fat is she? There are lots of tips about on dressing for your shape etc, but I'm not much good at it so I'll leave style tips to those in the know and I'll stick to flippant humour

Your day at the hospital sounds nasty, defo deserving of a treat.

I started a new job as a caravan cleaner on a holiday park, so I'm having pizza and wine! (I'm bloody knackered, I didn't expect it to be easy, but I felt like I'd been in the gym for HOURS, of course now I know I'm not supposed to follow the job sheet to the letter it might not be so strenuous again).

Ags · 14/04/2008 20:51

Sandra, poor you. That does not sound pleasant. Haven't seen the film either. Did you see it?/like it?

Ria, good luck with the new job! It sounds like you will be kept vey physical. Great for the weight loss.

sandramaryb · 14/04/2008 21:22

It was a good film actually, good as in, it had different angle on the romance, though I suppose a bit stereotyp. About a gorgeous, African guy who falls in love with a large American and doesn't understand why big women are at the bottom of the food chain. It isn't really a let-go-on-a-diet kind of film but is more like why-don't-we-all-go-and-live-in-Africa-with-a-hunky -African-man who loves our curves.

BFGW is obviously a much much better film.

Hi Riallyclean, welcome. Ags is right, the exercise is doing you good. In a couple of days you will feel sooooo energetic. I expect when school holidays are over, it will get easier. I have got a bit of a thing going about having enough money to buy a camper van or when I'm in real dream state a mobile home. If I was working where you are I would probably get the sack for asking annoying questions about their caravans and wanting to look inside (or do these caravans abelong the site and are stationary? - and then I'd get a bit bored of looking at them and wouldn't ask any questions .

OP posts:
RGPargy · 14/04/2008 23:16

Evening everyone

I've just eaten a lovely homemade syrup pudding and custard! Yummy!! I'm making the most of my final week of eating crap before i start on WW on Monday.

I'm also a frequent weigher, but i'm more likely to weigh myself in the morning and NEVER in the evening!! I'm not brave enough for that!!

Sandra - Youch!!!!!! You deffo deserve the day off after that!

Ria - good luck with the new job! Certainly beats sitting on your bum in an office like my boring job!

Right well i'm off to make DP's roll for work tomorrow but thought i'd pop in and say hi.

Night everyone!


KelaS · 15/04/2008 03:04

Hi all. DD is awake, so thought I would post some rambling notes as an update, am typing onhanded whilst bf at 3am so excuse typos!

First off, welcome to all the new people - lets hope we can keep this thread going till we are all skinny!!

I haven't done too well on my fruit goal this week - been out and about a lot, and stayed overnight at my parents so a bit difficult, but have stuck to my points fairly well I think.

Interesting to see so many frequent weighers - I am definately the opposite when I am on a diet - find I get encouraged more by big chunks of weight coming off at once rather than half a pound at a time. In fact, although we are posting weights on Sat, I will only be weighing at my meeting on Wed, but will post that result on Sat.

Well, DD looks like she might be drifting off, so will leave this here - wish me sleep!!

chewing20times · 15/04/2008 06:36

Well - hello all. We are up early as usual and I am off to be weighed this morning, so I thought I would come on and ramble a bit too.
I sat down yesterday and worked out if I loose 2 and a half pounds a week I will be at target weight summer next year - whihc was a bit depressing but also good because I kind of know where I am heading. It's like an big credit card bill I am paying off at £10 a month! But I have a bit of a problem in that I can't remeber being that slim!! am having problems visualising it at the moment. Will have to dig out some photos from school.
I am going to Sureslim as a friend of my mums had great success with it, and so I thought I would give it a go. The problem is that you have to pay up front - but the good thing is that the amount is the same whether you have 1stone to loose of 10 - so because I am going for what feels like the rest of my life it works out apprx the same as WW. IT is quite strict though but am finding it ok on the whole. I have tried everything (Rosemary Connley, WW, even got the Paul McKenna CDs which I do listen to as quite motivational) but I find this good because you get weighed one to one so I think that helps. Although I do miss the chatty element of the WW meetings! The best advice I ever got from WW - we were discussing what to do with wedding food and how to avoid any pitfalls such as volavents (?sp) and the leader turned to us with such a beaming smile and said "Just eat the garnish - no one will mind." My mm and me nearly POSL!

bigbellylady · 15/04/2008 07:16

Hi, I am off to work today and my trainer is coming this evening so I will be good today.
I had a good day yesterday - ate too much to lose any weight but kept in control and did not go mad.I had a day off work so dh took me to lunch in the hotel we had our wedding reception.
Is Sat weigh in day here? I would like to join in so will weigh myself tomorrow morning (eek).

chocolatespiders · 15/04/2008 09:47

morning all
welcome to the new joiners....

I had a really good yesterday

cereal for brekkie and lunch with some fruit

then small dinner in evening... with some fruit..

I am trying the cereal diet for a few weeks...>> did you notice!!!!

what kind of foods do you eat on the sureslim diet or is it milkshakes? > good luck for the weigh in ...

I did weigh myslef this morning and i am still 15.10 which i am so happy about, as i was worried about a gain after not eating last week....

Me and dd's are going to outdoor plaything soon... then home for lunch (more cereal)

hope you all have a fantastic day...

Riallyclean · 15/04/2008 10:02

Hi everyone.

I got weighed this morning (theory being the pizza takeaway isn't open on Monday nights), no loss but no gain, but I did have chinese takeaway twice (leftovers) and DS1s party tea this week.

I've had beans on toast for breakfast and done approx 20 mins walking. Today has started well

Got to go attack my housework now before I put my other work hat on and go to be a school dinner lady

Good luck everyone.

RGPargy · 15/04/2008 13:47

KelaS - i think you've got the right idea about not weighing very often. I'm joining WW on Monday tho so i wont have much choice about how often i'm weighed!

Chewing - It does sound like a long time doesn't it!! Just take one month at a time tho and i'm sure it wont sound so bad.

Choc/Ria - Well done on not gaining. Onwards and downwards!!

Off to take DD round to MIL's soon! Have a nice afternoon everyone!

KelaS · 15/04/2008 16:12

Well I am doing better today on my goal - eating a bowl of strawberries as I type

Chewing - I am not going to even attempt to work out how long it will take me to lose the lot - probably until I am ready to ttc DC2!!!

chewing20times · 15/04/2008 16:36

Wow Lost 5 lbs (10days since last weigh in) so now have a total of 21lbs since I started 2 months ago. Onwards and upwards...

RGPargy - Sureslim isn't shakes. They do blodd tests initally to check cholesterol etc and then come up with an eating plan (not diet, and lists of what you can and can't eat. There is some reason to do with insulin and fasting and the breakdown of your own fat that is the basis of the diet but I got a bit confused there. It sounded a bit Atkins or the India Knight and Nerys ? but you can't have all of the high fat stuff!

SO it is basically low carbohydrates and low fat. You do have to weigh the amounts intially but I now know what I am allowed and don't bother so much. There are some main rules - 5 hours between eating meals, 2l of water a day, 3 pieces of fruit and there are some supplements to take, but other wise it has been fine. No bread, pasta or potatoes. So I have three choices of options for breakfast (porridge and fruit, plain yog and fruit or 2 eggs and veg) three choices for lunch (eg160g fish and 205g veg)and then three choices for supper.

I thought I would hate the prescriptive nature of it but it has worked out well and I can go out and eat fine, picking the right things. And yes, you can have alcohol (spirits better than wine). And I don't feel hungry between meals, and if I do I drink a pint of water! And I have cheated and then done the starving thing before weigh in but it works loads better when I do eat all I am allowed to. It is hard ploughing through all of those veg sometimes. And, oh, you are supposed to eat seeds, but they made me gag and came out looking the same as when they went in! SO i stopped.

Good luck everyone getting weighed today...look forward to hearing all about it.

Ags · 15/04/2008 17:00

Well done to Chewing, Chocolate and Ria! I also have a good year of weight loss ahead of me but I really can't think about that and am just taking it one week at a time.

I had my weigh in today and lost 1.5lbs which I was pleased with.

I will start the list.

Ags -1.5lbs -39lbs
BananaKnickers -4.5lbs -4.5lbs
Chewing20times -5lbs -21lbs

Copy and paste it into your own post adding your name, weeks loss and total loss to the list.

Best of luck to everyone.

RGPargy · 15/04/2008 17:32

KelaS - Mmmmm strawberries!

Chewing - Sureslim sounds far too disciplined for my liking! My willpower is far too lacking for it to work for me, i'm sure. I have low carbed in the past so can understand the princples but low carbing AND low fat?? Where do you get energy from if you're reducing carbs AND fat? The principle with Atkins is that it uses fat as energy, including your own fat. Oh well, i'm sure there's science behind it somewhere lol. Doesn't sound like my type of eating plan, but all the very best of luck to you.

Ags - well done on the weight loss! Still going down!

No weigh ins for me until i get weighed on Monday at WW.

Lovely weather here in Kent!!

Have a good evening everyone

chocolatespiders · 15/04/2008 18:30

well done for the people that have lost weight.... the rest of us will be on the list soon enough.....

thanks for the start of the list ags.....

I think a year is a good realistic plan.... and the years go by so quickly.. so it will soon go by....

Riallyclean · 15/04/2008 20:09

Ags -1.5lbs -39lbs
BananaKnickers -4.5lbs -4.5lbs
Chewing20times -5lbs -21lbs
Ria - 0lb - 6lb?

I might change my weigh in day to Saturday if that's when we are going to update on here. Everyone onthe WW thread has different days so it won't matter on there.

Have been naughty and had scone and yorkshire pudding today

bigbellylady · 15/04/2008 20:20

well done everyone for the weight losses . I cant decide if I will weigh myself or not.
I am tempted to leave it until my next fitness test in 9 weeks.
I have had a good diet day today - and I am sooo glad I have a trainer as I really did not want to exercise tonight but was forced to !
I think a year is a good target too but just seems a long time

jaz236 · 15/04/2008 21:35

Has anyboy bought one of those points calculators, arte they any good? I joined ww last wek, ive lost one and half pound, but the thing is i keep forgetting to write what ive eaten down - and i love my food, and my hubbie makes big portions- aaaargh HELP!!


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sandramaryb · 15/04/2008 22:29

Hi BBL, I don't reckon you should you should do the weight in as you were convinced of doing it every 10 weeks and said the other day you want to change your tactics a bit. You could always keep a running total of all your "good" days when we do the wiegh in on Saturday and then after the 10 weeks have fantastic surprise.

Hi Jaz236, welcome to the list. When I was doing WW I was a cheapskate and used a normal calculator with the WW formula. If you want to know the formula here is the link to a page I found it on. hers+Points+Equation

Well done to everyone on the wieght-loss list. Welcome to Bananaknickers.

Do any of you know anything about juicing, can it help you lose weight?

OP posts:
bigbellylady · 16/04/2008 06:30

I chickened out of weighing myself today. I am going back to my plan of every 10 weeks.

You are right sandramb - I will stick to my original plan.

I am feeling the after effect of my exercise session last night. I certianly get pushed to more than I would on my own.

Hope you all have a good day and hope I do too.

Ags · 16/04/2008 08:43

Jazz, I had one of the points calculators a few years ago and it is handy but currently, I am just using the free paper one they give you.

Sorry Sandra, not a juicing fan so can't give you any advice there.

BBL, definately think it is wise to stick to the original plan. If you feel you need a weight check somewhere along the way you can always change that plan but currently you are doing great.

RG, I am in Kent too! Near Sevenoaks.

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