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Anyone else out there with 5 plus stones to lose? Who fancies doing a weekly weigh in with me?

1000 replies

sandramaryb · 08/04/2008 20:06

I have got really overweight in the last couple of years and would love to meet some others who might be trying to cut down but not exactly dieting. Where do you start when there is so much to lose? Any tips on evening snacking? TIA

OP posts:
PinkChick · 14/07/2008 12:56

well done RG..didnt get weighed this morn as nurse app tomorrow at 11..although ahve got a spare min now......

Jr, get your lol to fiddle with the scales the 'right' way....and minde too

PinkChick · 14/07/2008 13:01

2lb off according to minethink i need to step up what i eat now, think bod has got used to the lesser amounts and now needs me to either eat better or excersize more..although like i said have had LOTS of alpen this week, not just that, but was having it about 9pm for 'supper' when i previously hadnt been having think my naughty ways were cfeeping back in..will have to knock that on head and see how i go this week

RGPargy · 14/07/2008 14:25

2lb is a good loss pink! Knock that 9pm Alpen on the head tho. It's deffo all about habit isn't it?!! Good luck!

justRia · 14/07/2008 14:31

just wondering if anyone knows anything about this site. I was trying to find out the calorie content of something and this site came up on a search engine. Too good to be true do you think?

RGPargy · 14/07/2008 14:33

Never heard of them Ria, but you could always give it a try. You might get bombarded with spam emails or something tho but if you can put up with that, then go for it!

PinkChick · 14/07/2008 16:37

yeah Rg is that habit again!..although am on training course tonight so had pasta, toms and grated cheese for lunch to fill me, only small amount did the job, so think im getting back on track as i took tabs first thing!..although tonight i wont be in till after 9pm so WILL have to have something, might swap to alpen for shreded wheat instead? as i dont ever fancy 'much' at that time..

Ags · 14/07/2008 18:04

Well done RG and Pink. You two are doing great!

I had a mixed week. Good during the week, bad on Friday night and Sunday. We shall see what the scales say tomorrow!!! Gulp!

Ria never heard of this site. Have you looked at the diet program? I suppose it will be nothing revolutionary, just eat less, exercise more! But let us know if it is any good for recipes.

justRia · 14/07/2008 20:22

Had a good day here. I am feeling quite in control, and have just altered tonights menu as have been to the beach to play cricket and paddle, so don't feel like making potato and spinach bake. Szechuan pork with rice, noodles and lots of veg instead (though it is more calories than the bake with a chop and veg), and not a glass of wine will pas my lips as blood test tomrrow

RGPargy · 14/07/2008 20:42

Pink - yeah you'll have to eat something. At least with Shredded Wheat it's just purely 100% wheat so you know what you're getting, eh? Not half as much sugar as Alpen either. That stuff is surprisingly full of sugar and quite high in calories!

Ags - Good luck for your weigh in tomorrow. I had a mixed week too - i got absolutely sh1t faced on Saturday night and spent most of Sunday with an almighty hangover which i'm still paying for now. What was worse is that i had to entertain family on Sunday with a BBQ for my son's birthday but thankfully i had just about semi-recovered by the time they all got here at 3pm. It was awful, honestly!

Ria - Sounds like you had a lovely day on the beach! re the wine tho!

I have to say that DP is away again tonight and i really cant be arsed to cook dinner so as it's my "treat day" i'm going to stuff my face with a big fat cream cake instead. Well, in fact it's my second big fat cream cake as they only come in pairs and i've already eaten one of them......

justRia · 14/07/2008 20:46

I'm too. A couple of glasses would be nice to chill out with DH after such a nice evening. But water will be fine - I do not have a drink problem

I will try very hard to stick to it, though if I don't have my Frys turkish delight I could have a small glass...

RGPargy · 14/07/2008 20:49

yeah but if you have a blood test, you really shouldn't have any i suppose. Bummer, but you could have two tomorrow instead.

justRia · 14/07/2008 20:53

Water and turkish delight it is. As the test is at 9.30.
Maybe I won't have one tomorrow either

RGPargy · 14/07/2008 22:45

Wow, now that's willpower!!

justRia · 15/07/2008 09:42

I did it A whole day within my calorie allowance, ples a little exercise, and NO BOOZE!!!

Here's hoping for a repeat performance.

SummatAnNowt · 15/07/2008 10:59

I fit into some jeans that wouldn't zip up a month ago!!

However, I daren't get weighed! When I've lost some I feel pressure to lose more and the stress makes me eat, and if I haven't I get miserable and I eat.

SummatAnNowt · 15/07/2008 11:00

fit = not just zip up, but sit down and eat!!

PinkChick · 15/07/2008 12:09


well done on getting your head into it yesterday JR

and well done getting into ur jeans feeling like it is there!

Well, although i was slightly about my loss this week, nurse has just confirmed i have lost 3lb, which takes me down to 15st 3lb and a loss of..........1 and a 1/2 am officially over the moon...explained what i had eaten this week(the christening party with choc cake and 2 full fat drinks and that id been having 2 big bowls of original alpen every tea, one being supper, which i never normally have!) and she said straight away *ALPEN has soo much sugar in it! i know all the things ive done wrong, im back taking the tabs every day again now and have been to buy myself a salad from supermarket on way ho home, got a large instead of medium by mistake and havent even eaten a 1/4 of it and am stuffed, so im back and raring to go now..11 weeks to hols..wonder how much more i can get off between now and then???god it will be such a difference going there this year and being slim instead of hot,fat and sweaty last year!

PinkChick · 15/07/2008 12:12

(this list is copied from last monday, hope its the right one?)

Ags -5 lbs -67 lbs
BananaKnickers -4.5lbs -4.5lbs
Chewing20times -5lbs -21lbs
Kelas -5lbs -31.5lbs
Jaz236 -12.lbs!!!!!
Sandramaryb - 7lbs - 14lbs
Michie40 -? -7lbs
Sussies -2lbs -2lbs
RGPargy -6.5lb -17.5lbs
Chocolatespiders - 2.0lbs- 5.0lbs
Ria 00 00
SummatAndNowt -3lbs -3lbs
ChipButty -1.4lbs -9.2lbs
PinkChick -3lbs - 22lbs
Aero - 2lbs - 15lbs

oops and whooooah there! ive actually lost 1 stone and 8lb not a stone and half!!!..very important that extra pound(to me anyway

justRia · 15/07/2008 14:28

well done pink you're right about the extra pound

am summat&nowt.

Doing OK so far today, though am a bit peckish now as only just had my lunch (work and then a meeting got in the way) I can't have anything else now though because I need something in reserve for supper time.

Blood test was a but stressful, it's so hot and I got a bit hot and flustered (so did the nurse!), it took a while.

RGPargy · 15/07/2008 16:52

I didn't update the list from Monday and that all important pound that i lost isn't on it!!

Here's an updated list lol

Ags -5 lbs -67 lbs
BananaKnickers -4.5lbs -4.5lbs
Chewing20times -5lbs -21lbs
Kelas -5lbs -31.5lbs
Jaz236 -12.lbs!!!!!
Sandramaryb - 7lbs - 14lbs
Michie40 -? -7lbs
Sussies -2lbs -2lbs
RGPargy -1lb -18.5lbs
Chocolatespiders - 2.0lbs- 5.0lbs
Ria 00 00
SummatAndNowt -3lbs -3lbs
ChipButty -1.4lbs -9.2lbs
PinkChick -3lbs - 22lbs
Aero - 2lbs - 15lbs

PinkChick · 15/07/2008 20:09

well done RG, 2 1/2 and youve lost you stone and half..go on girl

PinkChick · 15/07/2008 20:10

Thanks JR, how did it go today? did you manage to get something and not be hungry through meeting?


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PinkChick · 15/07/2008 20:10

Thanks JR, how did it go today? did you manage to get something and not be hungry through meeting?

justRia · 15/07/2008 20:35

DH offered me a beer earlier. He was godsmacked when I refused. (Oh, you're sticking to your diet then)

PinkChick · 15/07/2008 21:15

LOL BLOKES!!!..dp actually bought a very large re sealable bag of maltesers last weekend in woolies and when we got in car(me in front with him, dd and dm in back) he opened them, took some out, gave dd and dm some and said to me, hold these while im trying will you!!!!..i just looked and (quietly) said are you taking the piss!?????..and he said well you CAN have some if you want you know, you wont die! thinks someone is unsure of me doing so well/plus he's trying to lose a few pounds and isnt doing a avery good job by eating things like this!!..anyway, i held them arms width away so i couldnt smell them and they were in fridge untouched by me for the next 2 day..ha ha to him!

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