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Anyone else out there with 5 plus stones to lose? Who fancies doing a weekly weigh in with me?

1000 replies

sandramaryb · 08/04/2008 20:06

I have got really overweight in the last couple of years and would love to meet some others who might be trying to cut down but not exactly dieting. Where do you start when there is so much to lose? Any tips on evening snacking? TIA

OP posts:
jaz236 · 16/04/2008 12:29

do u think i should buy the electronic scales?

My problem is portion size, and OH DO I LOVE COOKING!! so the thing is I eat healthly just abit to much really!

So i decided I should just make batches of soup each day as they are free points!

so far today ive had the following:-

6am - 30g branflakes and skimmed milk and bannana

11.00 - weightwatchers crips 1 point
weightwaters chocolate caramel bar - 1 point

2 slice of weightwatchers toast with egg

Its now 12.28 ive hads 2 weightwaters tpast with beans and another caramel bar - help!! see i cant control myself!!

Ags · 16/04/2008 12:55

Ok Jazz, don't panic! Soup is a definately good idea. I made a pot the other day and have had it in the evening as I have had rather over indulgent lunches. Dc's are on holiday and we have been out a lot.

You have not actually eaten that much. I estimated it at 11.5 points? Am I right? If so, that is exactly what I have had so far today. I had 40g Rice Krispies, 2 toast and marmalade for breakfast, 1.5 toast, 1 Laughing cow triangle, beans and egg for lunch and a ww mint cream bar. So I have plenty of points left for the rest of the day and so do you.

It sounds like you are not being satisfied by your eleven o clock food. Perhaps try adding microwaved mushrooms, grilled tomato and having the egg and beans at the same time. That is nicely filling and takes longer to eat which also makes you feel fuller.

What do you plan to have for dinner? And how satisfied do you feel now after what you have eaten? Can you make a soup now and have that mid afternoon if you fancy something?

KelaS · 16/04/2008 12:58

Jaz - I have the electronic scales and love them, are great as just normal kitchen scales too. Looking at what you are eating though, would you be better off eating more filling foods; more points per meal but you should find you don't need to eat more often.

KelaS · 16/04/2008 13:10

Almost forgot - I got weighed this morning, have lost 5 lbs!!!

Riallyclean · 16/04/2008 18:15

well done kelas!

tootiredtothink · 16/04/2008 18:39

Hello all - is it too late to join? And does it matter if i am going to slimming world and not weight watchers?

Some fab weight losses already. I went to docs today with a hernia and was told i would have to lose weight before they could help me. Would also like to have dc#3 but with my PCOS that's extra hard. Gp was fantastic though and has given me Reductil (anyone tried them?) to help me along.

I am 5' 7 and weigh 18st 4lbs!!! So got at least 8 stone to lose.

Have been dieting most of my life but only put on all this weight after 1st dc and been putting it on ever since. I have always thought everyone knew i was slim really (used to be size 12-14) but i had the scary thought yesterday that most people i know now only know me since dc's!!!

KelaS · 16/04/2008 18:55

Hi tootired, welcome!! We are doing a variety of diets here, just happens to be quite a few of us on WW

tootiredtothink · 16/04/2008 19:00

Thanks KelaS - My first weigh in was today so will hopefully have a good loss next week - when do we put loss list on the thread?

bigbellylady · 16/04/2008 19:09

Hi and welcome tootired too !
I am not following a specific diet but doing lots of excersise and cutting down on the calories.
Let us know if the reductil works.

Riallyclean · 16/04/2008 20:19

hi tootired, the more merrie, the lesser we become.

I am not sticking to WW very well actually. Tis pathetic I can't do it properly because I didn't plan my shopping list round my diet. I just can't muster the effort to work out the points in what we're having, but I am eating less crap and more veg and being more active, plus more water, so I'll carry on like this until the next shopping trip at the weekend, then I'll give myself a big fat kick up the very vast behind and get back on track.

I did SW before, I lost about a stone after DS2 but it went back on and I've never really shifted more than that stone (and gained another since DS3). I have a trunk in my room (taking up much needed space) with all my lovely thinner clothes in- you would think that would be enough encouragement really wouldn't you.

I love having this thread to come to though, please don't kick me off for being weak-willed.

RGPargy · 16/04/2008 20:45

Hi Everyone!

Ags - I'm in Chatham, so not too far away.

KelaS - well done on the 5lbs lost! Yay!!

I've got WW electronic weighing scales that measures your BMI, body water content and then makes you a cup of tea too, but as i'm still BF i'm not using that function because it'll be inaccurate. It's still good for using as normal scales tho.

I would love to get some electronic kitchen scales. I hate having to keep trying to set my old things to zero and then it changing all the time!

Oh i went round my friend's house today who is also doing WW and we worked out how many points i will be allowed. I dont want to make anyone jealous but it's a staggering 37!!!!!!!!! I dont know how i'm going to manage that in one day (maybe my problem currently is not eating enough??). Oh well, cant complain!

Tootired - hello and welcome!! I just thought i would say that at 5ft 7ins i think you should be weighing more than 10st 4lbs!! I dont think you have 8 stone to lose, i reckon you could probably get away with losing 7 stone instead. Incidentally, i DO need to lose 8 stone and that should take me to approximately 11st 7lbs, which will be great for me.

Baby steps at the moment tho. My first goal will be to get to 19 stone (currently 19st 10lbs).

Am psyching myself up for Monday morning and joining WW. I'm looking forward to having bags of encouragement and losing lots of weight!

Ags · 16/04/2008 21:17

KelaS Well done! I have added your weight loss to the bottom of the list. I was not sure if this was your first week or not so have put the second figure, the running total as -5lb too. You can change this if it is wrong.

Everyone can add a weight loss dependent on their own weigh in day.

And for those not weighing in but going by fitness/clothes change, you could add dress size losses if you like. It is really important that you don't feel excluded if you choose not to weigh yourself and I hope that this list does not do that to you. Everyone's method of measuring their success is very valid.

Good luck everyone.

Ags -1.5lbs -39lbs
BananaKnickers -4.5lbs -4.5lbs
Chewing20times -5lbs -21lbs
Ria - 0lb - 6lb?
Kelas -5lb -5lb

sussies · 16/04/2008 21:37

Can I join in? At my heaviest I was 17 stone and I am down (since Christmas) to 15st 7lb so that is 21lb. Actually I would like to be 9st 2 but I think 11 stone is probably be more appropriate.

youngbutnotdumb · 16/04/2008 21:46

Hey can I jon can't meet up I'm afraid as am in scotand but could use the motivation!

RGPargy · 16/04/2008 21:51

Hi Sussies - well done on your weight loss so far!! Brilliant!

Hi Youngbutnotdumb - support is what we are here for, so anyone can join in! Welcome!

Ags · 16/04/2008 22:04

Well done and welcome Sussies.

Young, none of us are planning to meet up as yet so it doesn't matter where you live. But post often!

chocolatespiders · 16/04/2008 22:08

well done on the loss

i have had another good day...
cereal- breakfast
cereal, yoghurt and fruit for lunch
sandwich and crisps for tea

going to drayton manor tomorrow so may not be that good a day diet wise.....

youngbutnotdumb · 16/04/2008 22:09

Oops I just thought coz I seen oe posts sayin blah de blah not far away I thought therewas maybe a mention. Yeah main problem is motivation with me I will post as often as I nee to buy scales 1st Hve been usig my mums when visiting. Too scared to use them LOL.

KelaS · 17/04/2008 07:19

RGPargy - I win!! I am on 38 points (was on 39 last week before my loss!!). My problem was eating chocolate; anytime I was in a shop that sold it, I would buy some. Now that I am counting points, I don't, and am also watching how much oil I use when cooking, which is where I think my weight loss has come from. Be aware, WW also says that as we are bf we need 8 portions of fruit and veg, 3 servings of calcium, 8 glasses of water (up from 6-8) and 3 teaspoons of healthy oils (ie olive oil). I have signed up for the monthly pass and am tracking my food online, which is brilliant, I really recommend it.

Welcome to Sussies and Young - this is getting to be a huge group

Ags, yes this was my first week, forgot to do the list, sorry

Tootired - I think RGPargy is right - according to the WW book, a BMI of 25 for you would be 11 stone 6, so maybe not as much to lose as you think. I am initially aiming for the top end of the healthy range (BMI of 25, which for me is 10 stone 10), and then will see how I feel about my weight once I get there.

Chocolate spiders - just avoid chips etc and you should be fine - one meal of slightly unhealthy food shouldn't cause too much of a problem as long as you make up for it - everyone needs a treat once in a while!

Ags · 17/04/2008 07:35

Chocolate, am at your diet yesterday. That sounds like such a little unless the sandwich was incredibly calorific. Hope you are not starving yourself! Enjoy Drayton Manor today. X

chocolatespiders · 17/04/2008 07:43

thanks ags... just getting myself into gear to make picnic and get ready to go there.....

I did cut back yesterday because i knew that i will be eating more today.... as i am convinced this is what thin people do...!!!!
A girl at work seems to love her food, and often go's out to eat at weekends or has takeaways and so she eats very heathy during the week so that she doesnt put on any weight... and it seems to work for her..

We are having a picnic at lunch time. but stopping for dinner on the way home....

have a great healthy eating day everyone...

Riallyclean · 17/04/2008 09:27

Have a good time chocolate.

I'm off to do the ironing before trekking round with DS3 in his pram for half an hour as I have an appointment I would like him to sleep through - wish me luck!

(I think I ws on 39 points when BF too - I actually struggled to eat them all )


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KelaS · 17/04/2008 09:43

I don't struggle to eat the points at all (although I don't eat them all every day!) - but I think that is because I don't worry too much (yet) about 'diet' foods and meals - I think it will really help that I can gradually change what I eat rather than make a drastic change all at once - I know I would really struggle on the 18 points that my sister gets.

RGPargy · 17/04/2008 10:30

Choc - your menu is verging on starvation!!!!! You could have had loads of veg to fill up on as most of it's zero so you could have had, say cauli-broc cheese, using a low fat cheese or just using a few points up. Filling AND fabulous!

jaz236 · 17/04/2008 11:01

Ags please add mine, ive only been on fatfighters for a week now and i lost 1 and half pounds on tuesday! im only a wee 5 footer in height and im 12st 4.

thing is when i was pregnant, there was another girl pregnant aswell, as i was about 9 before i got pregnant. Anyway i was eating throughout my pregnancy and couldnt stop, and the other girl was she was constantly sick!!

Suffice to say we now both have our gorgeous babies, and she looks amazing - ud never guessed she'd just had a baby. I look like ive eaten a house ha!! im so ashamed. so please keep me in the loop. im feeling this loop is helping me xxx

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