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Alevere / Alizonne

999 replies

dm2ooo · 23/03/2015 11:46

For reasons unknown, the name of the Alizonne diet has changed to Alevere. I have only known it as Alevere and wanted to start a new thread so people can find it under the new name.

I am nearing the end of week 1 and have lost 8lbs so far. I don't count this much as I lose 7lbs in the first week of any diet. I'll see how I go over the next few weeks.

It's a lot of work to follow but I'm getting used to it. Would be happy to swap tips with anyone - particularly on recipes.

Also very happy as I won £500 today which covers a lot of the 1st month costs!!! :)

OP posts:
manVfood · 04/05/2015 19:15

FOA mybfw1, I have been on the alizonne program and you really need to think about how much you value your health above your holiday. There is no way you can expect to loose as much weight as you want in such a short space of time to then go and spoil it by going on a holiday and falling off the wagon. The damage in terms of weight gain would be extreme if you reintroduced carbs before going through the stages correctly. By not following this you will also probably fall back into the habits which have led you to be unhappy with your body imagine. Its also an expensive diet, so to gain the weight again is not an option. I followed the program over christmas, Birthdays, evenings out with friends, holidays and even went to two weddings and stuck to the plan. Its important that you consider this before starting such an extreme lifestyle change.

dm2ooo · 04/05/2015 19:47

Wow singy - that's an amazing loss for the 4th week. Do you mind if I ask you a few questions about how you are following the plan?

  1. Do you exercise?

  1. How much veg/fruit do you eat?

  1. How often do you eat fruit?

Any other tips?

OP posts:
singy · 04/05/2015 20:25
  1. No exercise - i obviously do the normal cleaning/gardening etc but i dont really class that as exercise. i take the stairs now whenever i go anywhere and walk up escalators on the tube

  1. No much fruit or veg to be honest - i have the sachets (mainly drinks) 4 times a day with some salad or veg in the evening usually with pizza/nuggets. If i am working away i just get whatever salad can be found in the hotel restuarants - which usually has some dressing on it, but i figure that cant make a huge difference.

  1. i occasionally have some melon at lunch with drink, but only really when i am working from home - rest of the time i am away from home in hotels.

The amount i am losing may be in relation to my size - i am 6ft and still around 19 stone (started at 22.5) perhaps it will slow down as i get closer to target weight.

I know the maintenance calories (at ~21 stone) from my breathing test showed was 2580 which must make a bigger difference to someone with a much lower level, that said the doc said i should have been around 3400 for that weight.
singy · 04/05/2015 20:27

should have added i always have the 5 sachets (even if its just drinks)

dm2ooo · 04/05/2015 21:29

Thanks Singy - that's really useful. I think the main difference might just be our base metabolic rate - main was only 1800 calories so even if we're following the same diet, you would lose a lb or 2 more every week. Ah well - there's nothing I can do about it! But it's good to know I'm not doing anything wrong.

I have a portion of fruit a few days a week - strawberries and choc pud is one of my favourite things! I'm thinking about cutting out fruit for the next week.

Feel like I've lost more this week by not exercising.

Ate out with my son this week. He had an enormous steak. I had some side - the most delicious lettuce and herb salad (nothing bad in it) and some baked field mushrooms. I was completely stuffed. In the theatre, resorted to smelling his malteasers. I hope that didn't ruin my diet! Grin

OP posts:
Mybfw1 · 07/05/2015 09:06

manVFood - thank you very much for your comment and fully understand what you were saying. Since my post I have been back to the clinic, had my questions answered and have started the program. I now know that my clinic can provide me with a letter in order to get my sachets through customs and have agreed on a goal of 3 stone due to the fact I am physically active and the weight of muscle - that in itself is more encouraging, possibly 1 less stone to loose ??. Will discuss this again with Dr when I am at target. Having started the plan I can now see how easy this will fit into holiday in a villa so all should be ok.

Staryeta · 08/05/2015 02:12

Hey everyone. It seems that you are all making good progress. Well done! Mybfw1 have a nice holiday.

I had my weight in again yesterday and it was the biggest loss so far. I lost 2.3kg. I am so happy. This week I managed to lose almost four times as much in comparison to last week (lost 0.6kg last week). Another 4kg and I will be starting P2. So happy

Mybfw1 · 08/05/2015 15:21

Well done staryeta - fantastic loss - look forward to being in the position your in now.
Not going on holiday yet, just responding to manVfood/my previous post, but I'm sure will enjoy when the time comes. Healthier, looking/feeling better = good holiday.

Fertleby · 10/05/2015 19:39

Hi, just joining in! I did Alizonne 4 years ago and lost 5 stone. I was very strict, even sent DH and kids away for Christmas so I didn't cheat. Unexpectedly (probably due to increased fertility due to weight loss!) I fell pregnant so stopped. Now I'm thinking of going back on, yep, put all the weight back on, but I get severe PND and was on medication for a couple of years after the birth so I think that's why I couldn't keep it off. Is it just a basic rebrand? I'm having to gear myself back up for the fight!

Mybfw1 · 11/05/2015 22:49

Hi fertleby - well done for your previous loss, you've done it once I'm sure you can do it again.
As far as your rebranding question - I have only just started but was told at my first consultation that they were in the process of changing over from Alizonne to Alevere. Apparently it was called Alizonne when it was originated (I think in Holland but don't quote me) but as 'we have recently tweeked it over here' the name had to be changed. Good luck with whatever decision you make.

Azzy81 · 13/05/2015 16:08

Hi All

I have just started the Alevere programme (am on day 4!).

Really pleased that there is a forum where I can discuss the programme with others who are going through the same experience :)

I have 5st to lose and have been told that they estimate this will take in total 6 months (which at the moment seems a very long time away... :(

I must admit I am struggling with the sachets so far. I can just about cope with the cold and hot drinks (despite finding these far too sweet for my liking), but have so far not found any of the savoury dishes palatable. Particularly problematic for me as I do not like egg and all of the savoury items contain egg!

As with others before me, would be very helpful if anyone has tips/recipes they can share on dinner suggestions. Anything to mask the eggy smell in the savoury sachets would be much appreciated!

Don't know if this is normal - but I have found that I am having hunger pangs throughout the day (a little surprised as the promotional material from the clinic says that you will not feel hungry). At the moment I feel like I am on a liquid diet as I don't feel like I am eating anything substantial - anyone else feel like this?

I am also confused about snacking. I sort of presumed that you would be able to snack from the unlimited list and limited list throughout the day - but seems that this is not the case. Has anyone spoken to the doctor about this point?

Looking forward to hearing from you!

dm2ooo · 14/05/2015 18:34

Hi Azzy - welcome to the thread.

I'm just starting week 9 (have lost 2.5 stone so far).

I never feel physically hungry but I do get strong mental cravings - I usually have a big bowl of strawberries and choc pud when that happens!

I do eat a lot of veg and salad with my two meals though. If you are mainly having drinks, I would suggest making sure 2-3 meals a day are solid meals with loads of veggies. I know there are no many choices that work with fruit and veg, but the puddings or chicken nuggets on their own can be good.

Snacking between your 5 meals isn't allowed but, if you're struggling, I would think it's better to have some unlimited veg than risk eating something else.

Good luck with it! It can take 3-4 weeks to get in the swing of it.

Hi Fertleby - welcome back to Alevere, and congratulations on the new baby! I hope you are feeling better now.

OP posts:
Azzy81 · 15/05/2015 11:54

Thanks dm2000 and congrats on the 2.5st weight loss (cant wait to say I have reached the same milestone as this will be my half way point!).

Does everyone on this thread have the egg white omelette for breakfast? I don't like egg so I end up only having a drink sachet at breakfast which leaves me feeling really hungry until lunch...

dm2ooo · 15/05/2015 13:36

I never have the omelette - I don't have time. You could have some unlimited veg instead.

I usually have my 1st 2 sachets at 8am and 10am so I'm not hungry through the morning. When I'm at work, I make up an orange drink sachet in a flask and have that at 10am.

Some mint tea with stevia is also a great pick-me-up mid-morning.

OP posts:
singy · 15/05/2015 20:33

Hi Azzy,
I dont find i am ever hungry with the diet - i sometimes crave things, especially when i smell food, but its not down to being hungry.

The drinks i find very filling, so much so i am often not ready for the next.

Breakfast - i have a drink sometime between 6am-8am depending on where i am working, dont feel the need to have anything else, i wouldnt eat an egg white omelette anyway - egg without the yolk....eugh.

Second sachet around between 9-11 depending on first one. Drink around lunch and mid afternoon and for the evening meal i tend to have pizza and salad. Pizza has always been my favorite food and i have grown to love salads. The important thing for me is the salad dressing - easy to make with daily allocation of olive oil, lemon, white wine vinegar or natural fat free yogurt. herbs, seasoning and any spice you like to add. Also falvouring olive oil puts a nice twist on this - chili oil is my favourite.

Tomorrow is my 6th weigh in - last week was my lowest weight loss so far at 3LB but total then was ~26LB - hoping for 4LB this week leaving me 52LB to target.

I had my first review with the Doc today, he was happy with the progress as i am i.


Azzy81 · 18/05/2015 10:28

Thanks for the tips dm2000 and Singy.

I had my first weigh-in this weekend - lost 4lb.

I am very pleased, but had secretly hoped for a larger weightloss amount for week 1 as I heard that some people lose up to 6-8lbs in their first week. Did anyone lose more than this in their first week? If so - be interested to hear how you did it!

dm2ooo · 18/05/2015 11:36

Hi Azzy

Well done on your first week!

We've had a range of 1st week losses on here - can depend on whether you were dieting before starting the plan and how quickly you go into ketosis. My 1st week loss was bigger (7lbs) but I was not dieting at all before I started and I think I went into ketosis within 24 hours (based on when my headache happened).

My weight-loss dropped after that and I am losing about 3lbs a week.

OP posts:
Azzy81 · 18/05/2015 15:45

Thanks dm2000.

Am hoping I can keep the 4lb weight loss consistent for each week - will keep you updated.

I am finding the sachets more bearable now and have found a routine that seems to be working for me (fingers crossed that I can stick to it!).

Tip for anyone who finds all the cold drinks a bit too sweet for their liking - squeeze a lemon in with the drink and it will mask the overly sweet taste. Also, dropping in a single/double espresso with the hot chocolate sachet makes a nice Mocha :)

Keep up the good work fellow Alevere weight-losers - looking forward to hearing your regular loss updates!

chrissy59 · 21/05/2015 18:04

Yes I am now on the new sachets and the peach and melon one is really awful, had to change it and they all are not as smooth and some I find when drinking them have bits that are not pleasant - what are your thoughts on the new sachets

dm2ooo · 21/05/2015 21:04

Hi chrissy - I can't compare with the old sachets but I don't like the bits in some of the sachets (like Beef and onion soup and Strawberry Milkshake). But I'm the same with orange juice with bits too! Smile

OP posts:
pamela64 · 22/05/2015 18:17

Hi I tried the programme but it didn't agree with me - I have splement sachets to sell and other stuff contact me if u r interest am Mansfield area

Beck813 · 23/05/2015 13:48

Hey Everyone!

Just thought I would post something about my progress.

Today I have been on the diet 7 weeks and my total weight loss has been 13.5kg which is around 30 pounds. I am now 76.5.

My target is 65kg so I have a little while to go but pleased with the result!

Any one who is struggling - please do not give up! I have days where I just feel like going back to my old ways, but this diet is a life style change for the future.

Would love to hear about how everyone else is getting on.


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Azzy81 · 26/05/2015 12:46

Hi Beck813

Congrats on the weight loss! Well done.

I had my week 2 weigh-in this weekend. Total loss so far is 3.6kg (just under 8lbs).

Am pleased with progress, but would love to lose a little more each week. I am going to try and introduce some more exercise this week - so fingers crossed this helps with the losing process.

I have been feeling dizzy and light-headed recently - has anyone experienced this? Any tips on how to combat this?

chrissy59 · 26/05/2015 16:45

pamela64 are the sachets the old Alizone ones or the new Alevere - because the new peach and mango and the pizza are totally different to the old one, the old ones were really tasty considering. The new pizza mix does not form a dough like ball it is more like a yorkshire batter mix and when you put the tomato top on it all merges and not good

chrissy59 · 26/05/2015 16:47

Hi Beck813
well done, keep up the good work,

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