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Alevere / Alizonne

999 replies

dm2ooo · 23/03/2015 11:46

For reasons unknown, the name of the Alizonne diet has changed to Alevere. I have only known it as Alevere and wanted to start a new thread so people can find it under the new name.

I am nearing the end of week 1 and have lost 8lbs so far. I don't count this much as I lose 7lbs in the first week of any diet. I'll see how I go over the next few weeks.

It's a lot of work to follow but I'm getting used to it. Would be happy to swap tips with anyone - particularly on recipes.

Also very happy as I won £500 today which covers a lot of the 1st month costs!!! :)

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dm2ooo · 17/04/2015 00:57

I clarified re exercise with the main London clinic - you can do gentle exercise, it's up to you, not required. If you do burn than 300 calories (30 mins of gentle exercise) you need to have another sachet so your body doesn't go into starvation mode.

Anything more than gentle may affect weight loss too as you gain muscle.

So fine to do nothing and fine to do a little. I am enjoying my swimming so I think I'll carry on for a couple of weeks and see if the impact on weight loss is positive or negative.

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Beck813 · 17/04/2015 12:04

Hi All!

It's been two weeks and I have lost 13 pounds which I'm so pleased about!

How is everyone else getting on?

dm2ooo · 17/04/2015 12:34

Hi Beck - Snap! That's what I lost in the 1st two weeks too. It's such a great boost. Congratulations on a successful start!

I'm into week 5 and it's getting easier. I see a loss on the scales every couple of days so it just keeps me going.

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Beck813 · 17/04/2015 13:07

Hi Dm200

Amazing news you must be so proud!!! How much have you lost in total???

Have people started noticing your weight loss? X

dm2ooo · 17/04/2015 13:34

Up to today: 10.5 kg / 1 st 9 lbs. Still got a long way to go but feeling positive. Smile

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Delilahcrose · 18/04/2015 17:43

Hello, Does anyone know the phase 2 foods. As i only had 2 stone to loose and now realise i dont need to keep these fat melting and tightening therapies up. could really do with saving the money! However i have enough sachets to see me til the end (another 1 stone) so id like to know which foods are introduced for the next stage.

dm2ooo · 19/04/2015 01:16

Hi Delilah - I believe in stage 2 you swap one sachet for a piece of protein for a list (e.g chicken, steak etc). I don't know the weight or the list though. I'm sure they will tell you if you ask at your clinic.

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singy · 19/04/2015 06:44

Hi all,
Great news Beck813, I lost 8.1 lb this week, so similar to you 13.8 lb in 2 weeks.

Saw some friends for the first time in a couple of months and they said the change was huge.

39 lb lost so far aiming to lose another 82 lb or I might stop at 68lb depending how I look and feel. That would leave me at 14 or 15 stone which is about right for me I think.


Sa278 · 19/04/2015 12:30

Hi everyone,

Today is my first day of Alevere. I had my treatments yesterday and the ultrasound was fine but I did find the other treatment quite sore but I realise I will have to put up with it!

This morning I had the orange and pineapple drink - it went a bit frothy is this normal or have I done something wrong? Then I had the pancakes about an hour ago which were fine :)

I also have the chocolate desert, chicken curry soup and hot chocolate for later has anyone tried these?

Next week I am gonna definitely try the vanilla desert, pizza and maybe an omelette (not sure on texture though?)

Anyways good luck to everyone who is also on the diet! 5 hours in and I am doing ok but I do find myself clock watching until the next satchet!

dm2ooo · 20/04/2015 00:26

Hi Sa278 - welcome to the thread. I haven't tried the pancakes but I like all the other sachets you have. The orange drinks do go frothy when you first mix them.

Vanilla and pizza are also good. Not sure about omlette yet - only tried it once. Depends what kinds of cheese you like I think.

Eating/drinking 5 times a day does take some getting used to. It gets easier!

Good luck!

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mystery21 · 21/04/2015 20:31

Sa278 well done on getting started. I was told not to have the pizza, pancakes for the first 2 weeks.
vanilla is lovely as you can add coffee to it so it's like a vanilla latte or you can add raspberries or strawberries as i do for an evening meal

This week ie week 12 has been a real struggle and i dont if it is i should only have 5 weeks left till phase 2 but it has been a very bad week. Tried the chicken nuggets for the first time and they werent too bad.
Anyone hit that wall who has been on this the same time. I would say it is similar to a runners wall they hit. only downside with the program is lack of support from clinic but this is where this forum is a big help

dm2ooo · 21/04/2015 21:15

Mystery, I totally sympathise. Had such a bad day yesterday - never been closer to stuffing my face. Got really angry about something. Normally would be an excuse for a takeaway and a big bag of sweets. Good thing about Alevere - I had 3 sweet sachets in a row including strawberries and choc dessert for dinner! Crisis very narrowly averted.

Plus I was losing well at the start of the week but the scales haven't budged for 4 days. Very confused about exercise etc.

I'm only on week 5 though. We've got about the same number of weeks in stage 1. I hope the second half will be easier!

Keep going - you're on the home stretch!

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Mybfw1 · 21/04/2015 21:52

Such honesty but positivity on here. Great bunch of people, supporting each other and sharing ideas - keep up the good work and you will be goal weight with the help of each other ?? x

Beck813 · 23/04/2015 19:17

Well done Andy! That's great news! I bet the comments are making you feel motivated!

I'm a little de motivated this week! I've lost 16.2 pounds in 3 weeks which I know it's good but I cannot notice the different AT ALL.

Maybe it just takes time?

Hope you're all getting on well!

mystery21 · 24/04/2015 09:31

so after 4 days of giving in I had my weigh in and was surprised I had actually lost .5kg which is not big but considering the weekend and 2 days of eating after was a bonus for me.
My plan with the Doctor is to be in stablisation in 4 weeks time as I have to be off the program by june 3rd as have 5 weekends of socials! so no matter what I have to do my hardest to lost the extra 8 kg in the next 4 weeks. Stabilisation is quicker and it is 1 week per phase so i have the motivation. Aim is to get to target weight of 61kg but if dont make it and am close to it I am happy with that as this program has set a new discipline for me and i know i will be able to lose the rest on my own.

Beck813 dont worry you will see the difference soon. Try on an old pair of trousers with buttons that were tight and you will notice the difference that way. Keep going you will get there.

singy · 26/04/2015 16:14

Hi All,
I had my third weigh in yesterday, lost 3.LB, which ismy lowest so far, that said, i didnt feel i had done well, been in a hotel all week so the restaurant evening meals was difficult, only 2 more week of that then ill be back home more.

17.7LB (8KG) to date since starting Alevere, and 42LB (19.4KG) since February 19th.

Lots of friends who i havent seen for a month or so noticed a huge difference and now have the issue of clothes being a poor fit, especially jeans, ive gone down 1 size which had in the cupboard but need another size down to be honest. I am bit reluctant to buy clothes as i expect they would need replacing pretty quickly.

64LB to target 1- then i will decide if 15 Stone is the right weight or to go for 14 Stone

Beck813 - I am sure people will notice the difference even if you cant see it yourself yet :)


dm2ooo · 26/04/2015 20:30

Hi everyone

I having a difficult couple of weeks - sticking to the diet but weight loss is slower than expected. Less than 1.5kg per week on average (a bit off the pace), but went a whole week without shifting the scale at all. Not giving in - but would love to see a big jump in the scales. Have been a bit constipated so clinic suggested Movicol. I'm hoping that's the main problem!

Sounds likes lots of people are having a bit of a tough time so I'm going to remind you and myself: ANY LOSS IS A LOSS. As long as that scale keeps going down, we'll get there in the end.

Beck - As long as it keeps going down, you will see the difference. So far only people who know I'm on a diet have commented. I am still wearing my biggest clothes - some are really loose but I want to wait to move down a size. I am waiting for people to notice when I'm 4 or 5 stone in! :)

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Staryeta · 27/04/2015 19:44

Hi everyone. Thanks dm2000. I have been feeling low about my weight loss so your comment about 'any loss being a loss' really encouraged me.

I started my Alevere journey on 27 March and so far my average weight loss has been about 1kg per week - I dint lose anything in the first week; I actually gained - but I kept going. When I saw the doctor last week he told me that my metabolism is only 1490; this explains why I find it difficult to lose weight no matter how hard I try. For someone of my age and weight my metabolism should be at least 1700. I have been advised to exercise to try and improve my metabolic rate. Truthfully, I am not a fun of any form of exercise but so far I've managed a couple of sessions in four days.

Beck813. I know it's hard but considering how much you've lost you have done really well - so hang in there.

Well done Singy - 3lbs is a good weight to lose. I know what you mean about wardrobe dilemmas. I too have dropped a dress size and it's getting harder to pick my clothes particularly when am getting ready for work. I wish I could turn up to work in my truck suits. That would be fun.

Mystery21. You are doing well. Keep going. 5kg is a good weight lose. It's taken me four weeks to lose 4kg so I think you are doing great.

I have my next weigh in on Wednesday. Fingers crossed - I hope I've lost more than a kg this week.

Beck813 · 28/04/2015 13:49

Hi All,

Thanks so much for your motivation! It really helps! I think I will loose on target 1kg a week which I suppose is good! I have around 17kg to loose in total so we shall see how that goes!

How has everyone got on this week? It's so motivating to hear people with good loses each week!


mystery21 · 29/04/2015 12:47

Hi All
i had a good week this week lost 1.5kg which means I am 1.5kg off from my target of phase2. Should be there next week but have decided to tick to phase 1 until end of May then phase 2/3..cant wait!

Staryeta - It wasn't 5kg but 0.5kg so still a loss. I.-1.5kg is a steady loss and is really good

Singy . you are doing so well. Keep going

dm2000 - it is hard when scale aren;t shifting so demotivating but think of it as when the drop comes it will be a big one and that was what happened to me. I have only been losing 1-1.5kg a week then stalled then had a big kick of 2.25kg loss in a week. i am also getting mixed messages re snacking I was told by one therapist if i needed to I could snack on unlimited food but yesterday was told NO SNACKING allowed!
Also keep being given the choice of the old sachets at discount price against the new sachets!!!
How did everyone else do?

dm2ooo · 29/04/2015 13:19

Hi Everyone

Unofficially (weigh in is tomorrow this week) I lost 1.4kg this week. OK but still half a pound under target. I get that 1-1.5kg is good - I really do - but feel like the loss is dropping each week. I'm waiting for a big week!

BUT - being positive - I have lost 1st 13 lbs in 6 weeks. Don't feel tempted to stop. Don't feel tempted to cheat. Credit card is groaning. But overall, a good result. Roll on the next 6 weeks!

Mystery - I agree the mixed messages are annoying. I was told not to snack btw. But also that it's best to avoid the fruit and so on. Feel like if I do as I'm told, I should hit target. Also congrats on nearing the end of Phase 1.

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Staryeta · 29/04/2015 20:14

Hey everyone.

Just had my weigh in. Initially I was disappointed with the results - only lost 0.6 kg which is lower than what I was expecting, but I recalled those motivational words - 'a loss is always a win'- so am happy with the results!

I wish you all the best.


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dm2ooo · 01/05/2015 14:17

Thought I'd log in to say that I did have a small improvement in the last couple of days - so I can now confirm I have lost 2 stones in 6 weeks (and 2 days). Grin

Plan to stay positive for the next 4 weeks and then review.

OP posts:
Staryeta · 01/05/2015 19:33

Well done dm2000. That's really good! 2 stone in less than two months is excellent.

Wishing you all the best for the next 4 weeks.

singy · 03/05/2015 18:16

Hi All,
Well done on your loss dm2000.

This weeks weigh in was good again, 5.5lb, i didn't feel like id lost much during the week and i find avoiding the scales till weigh in day is better for me.

23.2lb since starting Alevere 4 weeks ago.

Total loss since 19th february 48lb in only 72 days, i am so pleased with the loss.

59lb to go to first target Smile

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