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Anyone else with alot of weight to lose?

999 replies

HenriettaPye · 07/08/2013 09:24

Today is a big day for me, a turning point! I've always been 'big' however have just been getting bigger and bigger. I want to lose 6 stone- starting from today.

Anyone else in the same boat who would like to swap inspiration and tips? Today I've planned to eat healthily and go for a nice long walk Grin

OP posts:
whitewineintherain · 07/08/2013 19:43

Sorry My mfp username is whitewine211 not 21, sorry Blush

PigOnStilts · 07/08/2013 20:54

Darlings, I did just eat a McDonald's.... and a huge pile of pasta

I need a kick up the arse. 12.5 stone I am :(

HenriettaPye · 07/08/2013 20:55

HeySoulSisiter- Fantastic-good luck for friday! Im sure the pounds will drop off doing that!

well ive just worked out my BMI- 40.3!! which i think puts me in the morbidly obese category (i think its anything over 40)

Well thats certainly the kick in the arse i needed...

OP posts:
SummerHoliDidi · 07/08/2013 21:08

Isaac - I also took a load of vitamins to help as well. A decent multivitamin, B vitamins and Magnesium iirc. I have a book you can have if you want it, just pm me and I'll send it to you, I followed most of the advice in there, even the stuff I thought was crazy like reflexology, and some combination of everything I did worked brilliantly.

HeySoulSister - good luck on Friday. Are you going to manage to do them all in one day? We did Ben Nevis a few years ago and it took us 12 hours most of the day just to do that, I blame dd1 though as she was only 8 at the time it wasn't me at all, oh no

ChippingInHopHopHop · 07/08/2013 21:35

HP if it makes you feel any better, I've lost 3 stone and my BMI is still higher than yours is now! Still, I'll get there :)

HSS - almonds would be good too. If you like basil there's a good Basil Tofu by Taifun (in the vegetarian section, it's ready to eat, quite solid and tasty) and it keeps well not in the fridge for a couple of days (it's meant to be in the fridge, but hey ho Grin) and I take cheese too - haven't keeled over yet!! Avocados & Food Doctor seeds too... I'm not sure I could low carb without those tbh!! (I'm vegetarian).

CecyHall · 07/08/2013 21:46

I'd like to join the quiche please!

I have 10 stone to lose. Scary seeing it written. Even scarier is I'm watching the Australian Biggest Loser just now and people started on it a good chunk lighter than me.

I started Slimming World on Sunday. Feeling quite positive so far!

I'll weigh in on Saturday.

GwendolineMaryLacey · 07/08/2013 21:49

I bet my bmi is about 199 :(

onetiredmummy · 07/08/2013 22:03

Me too please Smile

I'd like to lose 6 stone, I gave up smoking a year ago and have gained 3 stone since. Also lost my mum to cancer, lost my grandma too and left my husband and moved back to childhood city in the last couple of years so its been hard to lose both the smoking and comfort food Smile tried most things, I start off really well but then just drift off the plan.

Downloaded my fitness pal yesterday, did 45 mins aerobics and stuck to 1200 cals and lost 2 lb. Did 80 mins aerobics today and am within calorie goal so all good. Can't do high impact stuff as I have plantar fasciitis in my feet so excercising can be hard .

I've never been this fat but weirdly I haven't been this happy in years either. It's odd Smile

onetiredmummy · 07/08/2013 22:09

I have the same username on mfp, please add me as I have no friends on there .

< saddo with clear lack of imagination>

GwendolineMaryLacey · 07/08/2013 22:35

I've just sent a friend request but I forgot to write anything on it!

HeySoulSister · 07/08/2013 22:40

We hope 24 hours... Will be climbing in the dark/early hours. But 27 hours due to travelling would be ok.

It's 26 miles ... So 13 up and 13 down. It's a marathon and I wish I hadn't signed up for it now! Can't back out now tho

You lit can all do it next year when you've list the weight!Grin

onetiredmummy · 07/08/2013 22:44

Thanks gwen, have accepted and will change my pic to a photo tomorrow as I'm on my phone at the min Smile

SummerHoliDidi · 07/08/2013 22:49

HSS - I have a goal for next year already. We took all our year 8s on a 'walk' (we climbed Barrow) in the Lake District a month ago and I was so unfit that I was with the first group to set off and we were amongst the last to arrive at the top. Some of the girls in my group needed plenty of rest stops and I was sooooooo glad they did because I couldn't have done it any quicker. We do the same walk every year, although this is the first year I've done it, and my aim is to be able to do it easily next year rather than puffing my way up with the slowest and least fit kids.

whitewineintherain · 07/08/2013 23:04

Have sent you a friend request onetiredmummy

HeySoulSister · 07/08/2013 23:06

summer great goal to have, at least you have some idea of what to expect

signet · 07/08/2013 23:12

I still have 6st to lose. I started off with 9st to lose in April with a goal of losing 3st before the end of August. Ideally I'd like to lose another 2 stone before Christmas. I've been careful about what I eat and have been walking 3 miles or more each day. Still a long way to go but I've never kept it up this long before!

TiredNursey · 08/08/2013 07:58

My BMI is 38.4
Which even if BMI is not exactly accurate, its still a good guide to how unhealthy I am. I am 5.9 so I suppose it could be worse.
Long way to go...

postmanpatscat · 08/08/2013 08:03

Just snooping Grin and stopped by to cheer you all on! I didn't have the same journey you are all on, but I'm a regular on MFP, a gym user and a 5:2 success story (now maintaining), and happy to be MFP pals with anyone who fancies being cheered on and a virtual kick up the backside when needed! Good luck Flowers

postmanpatscat · 08/08/2013 08:03

PS I'm snailrunner on MFP Blush

IsaacCox · 08/08/2013 08:09

That is so lovely of you Summer, but I'm afraid I can't use PayPal (reached my upper spending limit or something Confused) so wouldn't be able to pay for it. Thanks though, I really appreciate it Flowers

Good luck tomorrow HSS You can do it!


(^ that's me waving my Pom poms Grin)

I know today is not the official thread weigh in day but it's the day I've been weighing on and I've lost 2lb today :)

When I started my bmi was 42.1, now it's 39.4. A goal was to get under 40, yay! :) I'm going to measure myself in a bit too, to see how much I've changed.

Safyre · 08/08/2013 08:27

Downloaded MFP last night - am Safyre84, and weighed myself this morning, and I'm 3lbs down since Sunday. I have a horrible habit of weighing myself every morning - but I find that if I don't, I cheat.

My BMI is currently sitting at 37.1.

IsaacCox · 08/08/2013 08:46

Well done Safyre, 3lb is amazing!

I've just measured myself and since I started, I've lost 26 inches all over. Hope no one minds me putting my embarrassing Blush measurements up

Bust 46-44.5
Stomach 52-48
Hips 49-45
Waist 42-40
Left bicep 15-13.5
Right bicep 15-13
Left thigh 29-27.5
Right thigh 29-27.5
Left calf 18-17.5
Right calf 18-17.5
Bum 51-48
Neck 15.5-15
Left ankle 11-10
Right ankle 11-10
Left wrist 8-7
Right wrist 7.5-7


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HenriettaPye · 08/08/2013 09:26

Morning everyone- well done on weight losses so far! You have made me more determined- I'm not going to be the one who puts on weight come Wednesday when you are all doing so well!

So what's everyone's plans today? I don't think I will get out for my walk today as I have a poorly DD, but hopefully DH will be home early enough for me to go then.

OP posts:
HenriettaPye · 08/08/2013 09:27

Isaac that's fantastic. Big well done to you- I'm going to get a tape measure and do this too

OP posts:
SummerHoliDidi · 08/08/2013 09:38

I'm taking the dds to the beach today. I've got a lovely healthy lunch packed, and we'll spend a lot of time playing in the sea, so that'll be my exercise. If I can just keep away from the nice ice cream shop I'll be fine.

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