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Anyone else with alot of weight to lose?

999 replies

HenriettaPye · 07/08/2013 09:24

Today is a big day for me, a turning point! I've always been 'big' however have just been getting bigger and bigger. I want to lose 6 stone- starting from today.

Anyone else in the same boat who would like to swap inspiration and tips? Today I've planned to eat healthily and go for a nice long walk Grin

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EnglishGirlApproximately · 07/08/2013 13:32

Agree about being big not being better health wise than processed food, but in my head I feel that its swapping one unhealthy relationship with food with another iyswim? I know what I need to do, its just doing it! Still eat proper food but less carbs, more protein and veg, cut out the home baking Blush and watch my portion sizes. Agree too that money plays a part. At the moment we're having to stick to a really tight budget so we bulk meals out with cheap carbs. When I'm back at work full time we'll be loads better off so I'm hoping it'll be easier then.

EnglishGirlApproximately · 07/08/2013 13:34

If anyone wants to add me on MFP my name there is LaCienega 1974. I've neglected it since last week as I've been off work but this thread is motivating me to get back on it. I always lose a few pounds when I see in black and white just how much I'm eating!

GwendolineMaryLacey · 07/08/2013 13:37

Yes I know what you mean :) and you are right. My diet definitely needs improving, quite apart from the weight issues. I love my home baking too :(

My MFP is Rockbird86 for anyone who wants to add me. I found it a great resource when I've used it before.

stopthenoise · 07/08/2013 13:37

Wow this thread is really building up! With us all aiming to lose similar amounts I think we will all do really well and keep each other going. Reading everyones tips and ideas is giving me more motivation already. And good to see lots of you digging out your Wii Fits Smile

LegoAcupuncture · 07/08/2013 13:38

You don't need to buy WW stuff to do WW. I never really bother, except for their chilli and rice, easy and yummy.

A good tip, if you're having something with rice, make cauliflower rice instead. Grate half a had of cauliflower, put in a microwave proof bowl, cover with a lid/cling film and microwave for 5 minutes. Serve as you would rice. It's very nice and just as filling but with 95% less calories.

GwendolineMaryLacey · 07/08/2013 13:40

Love the Avoid the Quiche Quiche :o

stopthenoise · 07/08/2013 13:40

Oooh like the sound of cauliflower rice. Might a way to trick DS into veg too, he loves rice, hates cauliflower Grin

HenriettaPye · 07/08/2013 13:42

Welcome teenagetantrums Smile

Can I ask what is MFP?

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HenriettaPye · 07/08/2013 13:43

My biggest vice is chocolate. I can take or leave anything else but i really crave chocolate

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EnglishGirlApproximately · 07/08/2013 13:43

Love the caulflower rice tip - I don't really like rice but have it because its what goes with curry iyswim so will definitely be trying that.

GwendolineMaryLacey · 07/08/2013 13:44

My Fitness Pal You input your weight and food eaten, it has all the brands and various things. There's also a touch of social media.

GwendolineMaryLacey · 07/08/2013 13:44

Mine is toast. I love love hot buttered toast.

whitewineintherain · 07/08/2013 13:48

Love the cauliflower rice tip, will try that next time.
Chocolate is mine too, i could quite easily eat a bar everyday. And pasta, I have pasta a lot as it's a cheap and easy thing to cook.

whitewineintherain · 07/08/2013 13:53

I've just joined MFP, my username is whitewine21 if anyone wants to add me. Smile

EnglishGirlApproximately · 07/08/2013 13:53

My vice is bread - it just isn't a meal in my house unless its served with some kind of bread. Focaccia, Baguette, Pitta, Flatbreads, Bloomer, white buttered bread with chips. ANY bread at all!

HenriettaPye · 07/08/2013 13:53

Oh will try MFP!

I could easily eat a bar every day too (and have been!!)

OP posts:
LegoAcupuncture · 07/08/2013 13:59

You can fry the rice once its cooked as well in some low calorie spay oil and add some herbs/spices.

StainlessSteelCat · 07/08/2013 14:01

Hello. I need to lose 5 stone. Ouch, Just writing it out makes me realise how much I need to lose it - denial is a lovely comfy place, full of cake isn't it?

this thread is great timing for me. I dusted off the wii fit board last night, might actually keep it up if I post on here once in a while.

I'll be using MyFitnessPal as well. It's the only thing that's ever helped me, I think the act of writing down how much I've eaten makes me pause before putting it in my mouth. and the satisfaction I get when I do stick to my calorie goal is instant feedback which is great. I just need to go and resurrect my zombie account.

I need to do 2 things: eat normal size portions, and not eat a bar of chocolate in the evenings. My biggest problems are baking (I love it. Almost as much as I love eating the results) and comfort eating. Working on some other stress issues at the moment, being this over weight is also causing me distress, so I need to confront it.

filee777 · 07/08/2013 14:06

I just ate a bloody slice of pizza and a donut for lunch. Need to sort myself out. What the fuck is wrong with me!

cq · 07/08/2013 14:06

Room for another? I've been a serial yo-yo dieter all my adult life, have tried WW, Cambridge, SW etc etc all to varying degrees of success.

Basically I am now trying to have smaller portions, less sugar and less processed foods. I eat fairly healthily but just too damned much of it. And being a SAHM means I graze constantly.

I have been fairly fit in the past but then got injured, relocated to the UK and moved house 3 times all in the last year so my self-control, routine and motivation has been rock bottom.

I think I was quite depressed over the long cold winter too, so that didn't help.

But now trying to turn over a new leaf, walking more and more, running a bit, and have a shiny new Shred DVD to start.

Some company on the long hard journey would be great.

I need to lose 4 stone, but am more interested in the inches, so will go and measure myself right now.

imustbepatient · 07/08/2013 14:07

If it's not too late to join, I would love to, as your posts are all sounding so familiar to me!

I have about 5 stone to lose and have lost one so far, but that has taken since January. Whilst I keep telling myself that this isn't a race, it's more important to get there and keep the weight off etc, I have to confess I really would like to lose it a little more quickly! I am also struggling a bit to find the best way for me to diet now.

Previously I lost a lot of weight with WW and kept it off. Until having children! Now I want to find a way of eating which keeps me full, fits into the family meals, and doesn't cost the earth. I love cooking but can't always spend as much time on it as I used to.

Exercise is the biggy for me. I just struggle to find the time to do it, with a 2.5 year old, a 9 month old, working part time and a husband who travels 3-4 days a week most weeks.

Having tried 5:2 and then full-on low carbing, I am restarting this week with no sugar and no 'starchy' carbs, no snacks and lots of water. Will start on reducing wine next week!

I just hate being this size and long to be my old size 12 again. Quite frankly I would settle for being a size 14 at this point! Grin

HenriettaPye · 07/08/2013 14:19

Filee!!! Tut tut!! ;) could be worse- you could have ate a whole pizza. Put a line under it and move on, think of the slimmer healthier body you want!

Welcome newbies! Glad we are all looking to lose around the same- I find it quite disheartening when people are talking about the '1/2 a stone' they need to lose, makes me feel like a great big heffer needing to lose 6 stone!

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GwendolineMaryLacey · 07/08/2013 14:20

You're alright, I'm the piggiest in the group so far :o Blush

Hey ho, onwards Quiche-Avoiders! :o

teenagetantrums · 07/08/2013 14:20

are we going to post starting weights and weight lose? or just weight lose? just checking im happy to do both but bit scared to get on my scales

HenriettaPye · 07/08/2013 14:28

Up to individual members- I've said my weight but I understand if some people don't want to disclose!

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